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26 thoughts on “Melissa the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. So just because he got you off this morning means he doesn't have to try now? Pretty sure he also got off this morning. He's selfish and if he can't do the bare minimum to minimize your discomfort during sex I would be reevaluating this whole thing. You are likely in totally different stages in life as well which can lead to incompatibilities in other areas.

  2. Yeah sorry, this is on your bf. I know you find it cute that they made a nervous sex joke to your dad, but it really is bad manners. You’re both very young so this will be a funny joke to reminisce on in later years, but try to help your bf get a handle on that, because it will eventually backfire (and who wants that?).

  3. Please talk to your therapist about this. You are really insecure. I couldn’t deal with someone who behaved the way you are but you’re young and haven’t had the benefit of a lot of life experience and therapy.

    You’re way out of line here though from a “mature and healthy adult” standpoint.

  4. Oh f off, the surrogate does it willingly for money. I'm not an advocate for surrogacy at all, but let's not pretend like the women in question are forced to it by people like OP.

  5. Don‘t coerce someone into impregnating you. He will resent you and the child. Either accept it or leave and find a partner who wants to impregnate you or go the donor route.

  6. A lot of the younger generations don’t even use top sheets so I wonder how popular mattress pads are among the teen set these days.

  7. That's controlling, creepy, and none if your damn business.

    This girl did nothing to you. She didn't betray you, she didn't break your trust. You're just mad she didn't want you

  8. Bf says she tracks him for safety, right?

    How did she manage when he was in school in another country, did she call and text so much then? If not it’s ridiculous that she does it now. The 9 pm curfew is absolutely ridiculous. He’s almost 30.

    I agree sit him down away from her, have a serious discussion about your issues, set boundaries about her, let him know what your thoughts, feelings, and dealbreakers are. Be firm about those dealbreakers.

  9. All these OP replies remind me that romcoms have poisoned people’s perception of what is and isn’t creepy.

    “Need to try harder” nah, you’ve tried. She placed a boundary. Please respect that. Or else GUARANTEE any connection with her is destroyed by being creepy.

  10. Hi Honey, hi Friend. I’m not feeling well, so I’m really glad you’re here, Friend. Could you please keep my wife company for me for a while? I’ve got this terrible headache and I need to lie down. Please make yourself at home and stay as long as you like, and maybe check on me in an hour to make sure I’m still alive? I probably just need some ibuprofen. Thank you so much!

  11. Get mental help asap — rape is a very serious thing and no one would blame you if you can’t come back from that.

  12. I’m a retired LEO and as many have said they raped you. 1. You were intoxicated 2. Unable to give consent 3. Took your consent to have sex w his twin away 4. Sex w o consent is rape. You did not consent to sex w his twin brother. So the brother is a rapist and your husband conspired to commit rape on an intoxicated woman.

    So they have also raped other women the same way. This makes them serial rapist. They knowingly had sex w women w o their consent by deceit.

    There is no saving this marriage. Because even if yo undo you’ll wonder exactly how many times it happened. Would they do it now? I know they’re slightly different looking now but if he got you drunk would you be able to notice? Would he drug you to make you unaware it’s happening and then make you believe you were just too tired and you had sex w your husband stop worrying. Etc.

    You now know they are capable of deceiving you & others so they can have sex w unknowing women.

    Not only did his brother rape you, you now have to ask how many of your BILs GF has your husband done this to? Nothing is unbelievable at this point. You need to leave and file for divorce stating rape as the reason. Don’t hold back. Be if you hide the fact they did this to you (and others) you’re helping them hide the fact they are rapist and have raped other women as well. Don’t let them get away w no one knowing.

  13. I appreciate that people understand the OP and her friends contributed to this. Hopefully he can snap out of this and avoid getting any worse, and hopefully the OP grows up and takes more accountability for her actions.

  14. Seriously have you ever thought he is respecting you? My husband and I when we first start dating didn't hold hands or kiss until 3 months in. I asked him why and he said he was courting me. He took that time to get to get to know me and our first kiss was on a Ferris Wheel at the beach under a full moon.


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