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33 thoughts on “BiancaLov8 live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Well, you can't force her. One day, if she can't overcome her fear of a future with a baby, you need to make a decision if your dream of raising a child is more important than your future with her. Those futures don't seem to be compatible.

  2. You need to send your gf for therapy. She needs help to sort out her past life experiences and apparent insecurities.

  3. This is completely a you issue and other than therapy I've no advice. I will say, as a woman even when I'm in a relationship I watch porn, sometimes I literally just want some me time and watch something that gets me off but I don't particularly want to experience or do with a partner.

    Masturbating helps with my anxiety, helps destress and helps with sleep and porn is a good source not everyone can get off with just their imagination.

  4. And now she is free to actually work on her attraction towards him, hopefully his wife agrees too. And my wife will not have to feel guilty about it anymore, she could go out and hook up with her married colleague. Who knows, maybe they are each others true love and me and his wife are just obstacles in their way?

  5. I’m going to put this as simply as I can, in a way that I hope will resonate with you.

    If this were happening to someone you care about, and you were the one giving advice, would you not be mortified for them? Would you want them to be in that situation? Wouldn’t you say they deserve better?

    Now apply that to yourself. Why do you want to continue down this path?

  6. No, like someone whose whole family have been abused traumatised manipulated & slandered for decades by a Narcissistic Personality Disordered sibling. How is recounting what OPs actions were ‘belittling’? Oh, is it because those actions were abhorrent behaviour? My bad, not. That’s on the OP. The parents also exhibit horrendous behaviour but that doesn’t give OP excuse to behave badly also and boohoo try make themselves out to be an iT wAs aCCidenT I diDn’T meAn iT victim. I’ve been seeing these type of narc manipulations for decades. Claiming they’d do anYthiNg for their sister – bullshit. Actions speak louder than words. OP made sure it was nasty & uncomfortable through dinner and when that didn’t work to ruin it enough, made sure to make a bigger nastier scene later, OUTING the siblings partner to homophobic toxic parents ffs. If y’all are falling for this crap and want to jump the bandwagon & be flying monkeys for this either toxic or troll OP, go ahead.

  7. Why should you reward him for bad behavior? Cheating and attempted suicide isn't exactly a shining example.

    Once he cheated he ended the relationship. You owe him nothing.

  8. Don’t put it in the baby maker unless you’re ready for a baby with this woman. Hope you both like anal.

  9. Once she realizes what dating is like in your 30s she will go crawling back once it dawns on her the gravity of her mistake.

  10. ? I was going to say the exact same thing. Dairy, onions, garlic, acidic foods, spices along with the environment (humid or nude) can be issues too. Also, her nerves or adrenaline rush can affect her sweat and hormones. So many variables.

  11. These things are rarely that simple. I'm positive he would say I'm playing dumb.

    Would you have any suggestions to call him out on playing dumb? Any way to show he does, in fact, understand that it's a nasty question?

  12. Yes, I definitely got deja vu vibes from this scenario. Thinking “this has got to be a generic template troll post”.

    Seriously, who can possibly be so dense to think “we've got a wonderful relationship, he's my soulmate and I think he's planning to propose to me! But, by the way, I had a 3 day conference out of town and told my hunny bunny that I wanted to fuck some random guys while there but, hey, it's okay because I gave him permission to do the same. Now he's gone and I can't imagine WHY.”

  13. Relationships are a learning experience, it may not have even occurred to his girlfriend that there was a disparity. That is why communication is important, and you have to learn from your mistakes. Relationships are never going to be perfect. How you learn, grow, and communicate throughout the life of that relationship is how you create a foundation for it to be happy and fulfilling.

    If OP went and did exactly what his girlfriend did to him, it would be even worse because it would be done with malicious intent to “get back and her” or to “teach her a lesson”. All it would do is create strife and animosity. I am not saying his girlfriend will respond positively if he communicates his feelings, but that would be 100% her shortcoming, and would hopefully give OP a reason to reconsider such a relationship.

  14. Thank you so much for your kind words. I guess I am going to try to talk to him once again. It’s nude to give someone up you deeply care for

  15. since I've been staying at a friend's house, he has made every attempt to salvage our marriage

    He wants to be able to fuck you both. Stay away.

  16. How much do you like this guy? Seems like you’re selling yourself short. You don’t have to give romantic partners the benefit of every doubt. I think you should advocate for yourself a bit more. Don’t ask to be dealt a shitty hand.

  17. Don’t blame anyone else except those in the relationship. You are both old enough to have this conversation together.

  18. I would just get a new gmail account at this point, yes it's some effort moving everything over and notifying all your friends/family, but it's better than always worrying about when you're going to get another email from him.

  19. I asked if he went there specifically with that intent, and he said yes.

    He somehow thought that I would react to this by wanting to support him.

    … support the fact that he intentionally went to a place and was pleasured by women? He may be a bit unhinged and delusional

    He thinks we can work through it,

    Of course he does

    and he was/is depressed, and that caused him to make this “mistake”.

    Getting your sword polished is not a ‘mistake’. Burning your dinner or taking the wrong exit on a highway is a mistake. Also if he’s so depressed he needs a therapist and/or his mom. You’re neither of those things.

    He wants to go to couples therapy, but only after realizing I am serious about ending it.

    Spend that time, money and energy in healing and finding a new partner. Maybe travel a little bit.

    He said he has never cheated on anyone in the past, and he doesn’t know why he did it.

    Well, there’s always the first time. He did it because he wanted to. Getting a happy ending is a long process, like time wise. Someone was diddling him for a while before he finished, and at no point he thought he should stop it.

    What do you all think? Is something like this a “mistake”? Or is this telling of deeper issues?

    Yes it’s telling a deeper issue, and the issue is that he’s a cheater and an opportunist. Also comically delusional apparently. You should thank him for telling you the truth, and then put your energy into moving on

  20. My husband was in a frat in college. One of his frat brothers married a nice girl who had slept with 5 or 6 of the other frat brothers. He knew all this before he started seeing her. It has been over 15ish years and unfortunately it still comes up in weddings, gatherings, and such and basically everyone knows. I guess after he slept with her he didn’t see it going anywhere and they all compared “notes”(she knows about this bc he told her when they actually started dating). She has mentioned they have fought over his insecurities and he has outright asked why she had to sleep with so many of the brothers, but he knew it BEFORE they got together. One time at a wedding we were sitting across from them and she said “oh is that x?” And he responded with “why did you sleep with him too?”. Ouch…made for an awkward evening, one of the guys had to take him aside to tell him to cool it and she was dejected. Nobody actually gives him or has ever given him shit about it but he knows everyone knows.

    In a perfect world I would say go for it, it does not matter if you happy, but in reality my advice to you is if you want it to work you have to be very secure in your relationship and in yourself, especially if you plan to have your brothers in your life later. Probably be easier if they are not.

  21. Just say it out loud. Mel is a bully. The fact that she's your sister doesn't excuse it or mean that any of you have to tolerate it. Mel hates Alexa for two reasons; the first is because she won't be bullied by Mel or allow her to bully Anna in her presence. The second is because Mel's (allegedly) new found zeal for her faith is now an excuse for some good old fashioned religious homophobia.

    Stop worrying about Mel's “big day” being ruined by this. If there's any gaps in the wedding party and seating plans, if there are any awkward questions about why you or Anna and Alexa aren't there then that's Mel's problem to deal with, not yours. She's done all the work to bring this situation about so let her enjoy the fruits of her labors. It's time to stop rugsweeping and enabling her behaviour and force her to accept the consequences of being a shitty person and a shitty sister.

  22. It was more than he could bear. Good for you because now you can find someone who won't dip in your moments of need. Count your blessings.

  23. Interesting she didn't ask you to come over to her place after your work shift ended unless you were working overnight.

  24. You're nuts if you still want anything to do with this man. You're apparently pretty low priority for him and what is so special about this guy that after 2 months of “dating seriously” you're willing to be one of several women that you know of just to have a piece of him? Girl.. what?? Couldn't be me..

  25. So tbh I don’t really know why I’m on here maybe just to vent or whatever just to get this off my chest as I don’t really have anyone else to speak with on the situation.

    you aren't asking for is some though. Don't shit where you eat.

  26. None of those examples are gaslighting. And it's unfair to weaponize abuse terms against her for speaking her opinion of the matter, even if it it doesn't align with your view of things. You still have not explained how she feels emotionally and verbally abused by you and it's concerning that you've skirted around it twice. ?

    If what you are saying is an accurate representation and she refuses to acknowledge that then I don't really know what more you can do aside from give it a last shot at therapy and having a 'come to jesus' moment. It's possible that all of this came “too little, too late” and honestly, it seems like she is beginning to move on.

    This relationship has all the ingredients to rot itself (resentment, abuse, cheating, control, and money issues) and personally, I can't see any point in moving forward with it. It may be too late for therapy and it may be best for the sake of the children to move forward into happier and healthier relationships.

  27. Be direct and use your words.

    I’m a fan of very blunt (“wanna fuck?”), but that’s rather unmusical for most.

    “I’ve enjoyed our dates, next time let’s go back to mine afterwards?” As direct without being explicit as you can get.


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