MarryAnna online sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “MarryAnna online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Is ask her if she’s getting as much sex as she wants, and (this is important dude) if it is satisfying sex for her. Does she feel like anything is missing from the sexual equation for HER?

    If she is happy with both the quality and the quantity of sex you are having, then I would say she has no reason to bug you about your own solo sex life above and beyond that.

    If, however, she says that she ain’t happy and satisfied with your sex life, then you need to be open to the possibility that your solo sex life might be affecting your shared sex life in some way. How? Well, death grip is a common issue. Losing desire for your spouse is a common issue, but even if the issue is all on her side – Insecurity – it’s worth listening and being open to changes to improve your shared sex life.

  2. This isn't the right relationship for you. You're both on different paths. He's ready to settle down and you're ready to start living. So leave him, and go enjoy your life.

  3. But absolutely nobody cheats in a vacuum or for no reason.

    I highly question that. Plenty of people cheat because they are selfish, poor at controlling their impulses, or self indulgent.

    Also, you are telling OP to be sexy when the whole problem is, between her meds and hormones, she doesn't feel sexy. So are you saying that she should fake it more?

  4. Yeah but I’m seeing someone we all know it’s when you are at the beginning of a relationship and not when you have been 1+ years together and you on-line together as well lol at this point I will expect OP saying “he said I have a GF, but I was expecting Fiancé” lol

  5. I'm trying my best to just try understanding how and why he's doing this But he doesn't even take time out of games , or sleep at his 11th hour of sleep currently after all he did and saying he needs “rest” and muting me leaving me alone with what he has done to deal with it

  6. This is wild. If you have time and emotional capacity, I'd on-line an update.

    Sending you good wishes, my dear.

  7. He doesn’t see this as cheating? Ask him how he would feel if you did everything he did.

    That is cheating. He wants the nudes. If his friend wanted them so badly he could do it. That is just him trying to gaslight you.


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