AlysaDawn on-line webcams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “AlysaDawn on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. This is both horrifying and hilarious. Horrifying to think that there are actually people with their heads that far up their ass, but hilarious that he will probably be single soon.

  2. Does she know the program decides where to place you, ie. is she picturing living out her anime dream in Akihabara only to be placed in the-middle-of-nowhere-inaka Japan?

  3. I’m a 20F. Have a career going already, living on my own, my own car. And I’ve had to come to terms that my ideal partner that will have my same mindset in life is most likely going to older. So yes, it can definitely work. The only thing you guys may differ from is general experience, but maturity can go far beyond that.

  4. You two had broken up before you started seeing the other guy, right? You can't cheat on someone you aren't in a relationship with anymore.

  5. Your username should be “seeker_of_karma”

    Your creative writing skills are about as bad as your ability to cover your post history.

  6. Yea, I wouldn't say anything if he's going to have your dog and all your stuff for two weeks. Just bite your tongue til then, and ghost one day while he's at work. If you want to be catty, leave a note that says “I'm sure whatshername will help you sort this out.”

  7. Please talk to a therapist. I think you're so traumatized it makes you unable to appreciate how abusive his behavior is. You're not alone and this is common for a lot of people in abusive relationships. He cannot give you the closure you need and telling him will not change him or his perspective. Getting married or having children with him would just trap you in a cycle that never ends. It's great to remain friends when people break up but in this situation he's been so bad to you there's no way he can be a healthier productive part of your life. It's easier said than done and you're going to grieve this relationship if you do leave but if I were you I would start a new chapter pack up my s*** and leave and start a happier chapter in your life. You're so young! Enjoy life my grandma once told my mom that dating is supposed to be the easiest part of a relationship so if things aren't working out then it wasn't meant to be.

  8. Let's also not lose track of the fact that a wife flailing at her husband is unlikely to do a lot of damage and could likely be overpowered by him at any point. Whereas the opposite is not true. No, I don't condone physical violence in any form from any gender, but I also get why OP isn't running for a divorce lawyer because his wife had a mental breakdown that got slightly physical.

  9. If she doesn’t see you as more of a friend why would she care if you get mad. Just as you’re not dating so it shouldn’t bother you a lot. Have you told her how you feel?

  10. Only you can decide which route is easier for you but from the outside looking in I’d rather walk that stage then meet them up for the dinner/after party (you know, assuming they full on won’t be barring you from going towards the end of the night)

  11. No I'm not? I've said in multiple comments along the way, and my own individual one that he did the right thing breaking up with her. He just should have done it way earlier.

  12. Grown women being allowed to hang out with a male friend only if there is a chaperone present to make sure they don't slip and fall on a dick is an odd worldview to me.

    If your partner wants to cheat, they will cheat regardless of whatever “boundaries” you set down. Let's all be realistic here.

  13. Haven't thought about that possibly being a suggestion. I'll have to bring it up as a possible compromise that's available

  14. Look, he has a hope for the best but plan for the worst outlook on things, he’s a lawyer, what did you expect?

  15. Dating is all about the chemistry and attraction.

    Relationships are about the much less exciting things like what does your day to day life look like. Where do you online, when do you wake up, are you a spender or a saver? Do you like to do clean up chores before bedtime or before work?

    The problem is its nude to see these things as important when you are dating and just finding out if you genuinely like the person, because often you don't get passed the dating phase.

    As things continue, however, relationship incompatibilities really creep up and become problems.

    Honestly, it just sounds like she doesn't want what you want. As you said, It's a lost cause with respect to you having found your forever person.

  16. Even my relationship with the person at the drive through window at my coffee shop is healthier. We exchange pleasantries equitably, per the unspoken terms of our relationship – “Goodmorning!” And then I order a latte. She probably wants to snap back “yeah well you haven’t made me one. I need caffeine to deal with your RBF and fumbling your credit card, lady.” But she doesn’t because the equitability/trade isn’t: we both get lattes. It’s: I get my latte, in exchange for money, and she gets paid to make me said latte. Probably not enough, but one issue at a time. Is it equitable? Taking wage-issues out of it; yes. Tender for goods. Equity in relationships isn’t always a latte for a latte. Sometimes it’s meeting or anticipating needs for a partner even when they haven’t met that immediate need for you in recent memory, or millions of other examples. Your bf is exhausting. Throw the whole man out.

  17. She didn't shit on him him. She didn't call him a name, or tell his business, mock him. She made a stupid joke related to recent events to cheer up her friend.

    She's not going up to the friend and saying, “You got divorced, but MY family is going great! We've got kids doing well and our marriage is thriving.”

    Instead of feeling bad for themselves, OP could've talked to the wife or tried to empathize with wife's friend.

  18. You make sure you have your ducks in order and then you jump ship. Why are you even wasting your time? You’re losing sleep, you’re neurotically checking his phone and location. No amount of reassurance from him will help you at this point, because you will always suspect him of contacting or being with Laura. I wouldn’t waste another second of sanity on this relationship.

  19. She's 20, you're 23. She just got out of a toxic relationship. You've been with her for 4 months. “we have never been in such a great relationship before.” Compared to what? High school? Freshman year of university? And that might sound snarky, and I apologize if it does. But it was the easiest way to point out the lack of comparative points you probably are missing.

    She was only out of a 'very abusive relationship' for 3 months before you? Thats a concern. And right after that, she cheats? Red flags all around. You CAN accept her excuse, just don't be surprised if it keeps happening…

  20. I know you would like op to answer but I think once you throw the accusation of cheating, there is a huge chance that the relationship will be over even if the person is innocent.

    If I was op gf and he asked me about the condom and I was not cheating, I would say calmly that someone else used the room and joke about it. I expect that once I answered his questions in a correct manner, he would believe me because I never gave him reasons to not trust me. but, if after that he didn't believe me, I would be pissed. I would show my phone, call the roomate/sister on the spot, share everything he asked for. After that, once he saw I didn't cheat on him, I would break up with him because is clear my word is not enough and that is a deal breaker to me.

    However, there is the thing: op didn't accuse the gf of cheating. He asked about a condom. If she replied on a nice manner and he believed her, all good. Ask questions about weird scenarios is not accusing of cheating. Is just asking questions. He accused her later once she started shaking and crying by simply being asked questions. That is not normal on my book and her behavior after that shows that she did something wrong. The relationship was doomed on that moment.

  21. It is who you are. It’s not like it happened decades ago. Maybe you’ve matured since then, but it’s unlikely. Unless you know specifically how you’d act differently now if in a similar situation, then you should take a beat and work on yourself instead of lurching from relationship to relationship.

  22. it's probably going to feel weird for a while, and you might even feel selfish for focusing on yourself, but you deserve to put yourself first. the other stuff is your brain lying to you. give yourself the love and attention you were giving these dudes who didn't deserve it.

  23. Please tell me what’s stopping you from leaving? Like, let’s be for real. Is she holding you hostage? Making you pay all the bills? She wants to move on without taking blames? She’s literally using you as a puppet and pulling your strings. You won’t do anything except for laying as a doormat while she steps all over you.


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