♡ JUDY ♡ the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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♡ JUDY ♡, 18 y.o.


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28 thoughts on “♡ JUDY ♡ the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I open my husband's mail and he opens mine, but we never hide the evidence or neglect to tell each other… she's being sketchy af man.

    No, you're not an AH for being upset.

  2. Actually, privacy screen isn't about cheating or not. My phone has it, to avoid people looking everything that I'm doing (like buying things, credit card numbers, this sort of thing), but when I'm dating someone, that person can look my phone without any worries. To be honest, I've added that, after one meeting, that I've looked at my phone and the guy at my side did an very inappropriate comment, about an picture that was just showing the face of an friend of mine. With that, this sort of people, no longer bother me at all.

  3. NO, I don't ever psycho analyze women for having rape fantasies. Wtf kind of person does that? Plz, stop. Is it really that hard not to shit on people and make up backstories about them just because they have certain fantasies?

    God, I couldn't ever imagine trying to diagnose a woman's past because she liked CNC play. wtf

  4. Just be honest with him, and with yourself. If this is a deal-breaker for you you need to 1st, realize that before its too late and 2nd, tell him. If it's that important to you and he really loves you then he will put in the effort, if not then you guys need to have a conversation. It may sound like a trivial thing right now but it's a trivial thing every time you want to be kissed and all of those trivial things can add up to a big problem. Overtime you will start resenting him and you might not even realize why. You will start finding more things that bother you about him, you might even start looking for things to complain about, all because of this one trivial thing that went unresolved. If you aren't feeling affection from him then he isn't your boyfriend, he's your roommate.

  5. That was not embarrassing at all. I’m sure it felt that way, but it’s not like she told you she wouldn’t date you in a million years.

    Don’t bring it up, let it go. You took your shot and was let down nicely

  6. Is he asexual but tries for your sake but can’t perform? Ask him. If he is then you two aren’t compatible and your whole relationship will be a cycle of disappointment and rejection.

  7. Unless she has a boyfriend get in there you dawg! She likes you and if you are as close as you say, she's thinking it too. Friends come and go, actual commitments can last a lifetime. You sound like you want her around for the long term, being friends won't make that happen.

  8. Thats what I thought but he hasn't been acting differently at all recently, however the person who allegedly started the rumor said she didn't even say anything about either of them is what I've heard from Oliver as he confronted her about it.

  9. Tell your “so-called” counselor that you are going to record the session. Then when he asks why, tell them you are uncomfortable with the direction the counseling is going and would like to consult a neutral third party. See if the conversation changes.

    I am curious which of you found the counselor. I highly suspect hubby did.

  10. “In the past he has accidentally hit me a few times from me being in the way of the object, or it is thrown right next to me, which is kind of scary”

    He didn’t accidentally hit you. He threw something at you and it hit you. You weren’t in the way of the object. He threw it at you. The way you’re describing these behaviors is textbook DV. He’s trained you to make excuses for him. It accidentally hit you. You were in the way of the object he was throwing. He has gotten better. It can’t be kind of scary.

    It only happens a few times a year? Yeah that was what I told myself too, but that was before he gave me a concussion, beat a door in, and then chased me out of the house while he was blackout drunk and in a rage. I wondered often if I was in an abusive relationship because I was in a seriously toxic and abusive relationship.

    You need to leave him. There is no excuse. It will escalate. This is no fucking joke. If you’re having to ask for help with his violent outbursts then you know deep down this isn’t acceptable behavior. He will eventually physically harm you, make no mistake. Trust your gut here. You know this isn’t ok.

  11. He DOES pressure people.

    If he makes you uncomfortable just tell him you don’t want to continue communicating

  12. Holy shit. Why is everyone just giving his wife a pass for refusing to actually get a job? Lmfao. She is PERFECTLY CAPABLE of working. This is the problem. She is capable and opts not to. Where is her consideration for OP in this?

  13. You leave him. That is the ONLY option. He ruined the relationship and he won’t stop doing it now

  14. Out of interest, how would you suggest handling someone like #1? My gf does this occasionally, at first I brushed it off but it's just getting obnoxious. I've tried being sensitive to her insecurities, I've tried just pointing out when she's being obnoxious, but every so often it bubbles back up and the cycle starts anew.

  15. He may be smart on paper, but in real life he’s a goddamn moron. Dump him and find someone who respects you for who you are. Don’t look back, don’t hesitate, and make sure he knows why.

  16. I totally agree, I only told her the first reason (about conversations) in order not to hurt her unnecessarily! And you are right, there is nothing wrong in being submissive in nature. Just not sure if its aligned with my expectations I guess.

  17. i’m concerned with the amount of time that you spend on reddit??my advice to you is to get a life. how old are you anyway?


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