Mario Leo and alex the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Mario Leo and alex, 25 y.o.


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Mario Leo and alex on-line sex chat

18 thoughts on “Mario Leo and alex the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Does your husband plan to sue for custody and take this child away from her mother, the only parent she knows, so that he and you, complete strangers, can take her into your home? You can’t have kids so he’s going to force her mother to give her to him? You should not be dealing with this because your husband should leave this young woman alone. The age difference alone is reason enough for him to go away.

  2. Date your own age, not some fuck that could be your dad.

    You're 23, go have fun before you try to settle down.

  3. It sounds like she's depressed, not getting help, and you're just enabling her. Talk about these things with her. Yes, she is depressed, but that doesn't mean that you have to have a bad life as well. She needs mental help. Stop just giving her everything she asks for for free. She's never gonna get better if all she does in a day is stay at home, watching TV or whatever she does all day.

  4. I'm not defending it and I don't know if i could be with someone who ever had those thoughts…..It's still way better to write it down than to rape someone and fuck your sister.

  5. You’ve been together for a year… I think youse should be a bit more serious than just seeing eachother but either way he shut em down.. I think you just need to talk about how seriously he sees this relationship at this point in time.. I don’t mean in like an accusatory way, more so just a deep conversation about where youse see this going and if he’s taking it seriously

  6. You say you can’t imagine doing it all on your own, but based on everything you’ve said, it sounds like you’re already doing it all on your own. It sounds more like you’re afraid to be alone.

    What does your husband actually do for your child? How does he pull his own weight around the house?

  7. This would have been the conversation that mentioning he has children would have been pertinent.

    I too would feel like he wasn't being honest after that. This kind of behaviour would be a dealbreaker for me tbh.

  8. Not on this thread, but everytime someone aged 18-25 has a relationship with a much older partner, the judgment from reddit is unanimously grooming and manipulation.

  9. What do I mean when I say yes to everything she says, she asked for a cruise we went she’s asked for Disney we went she asked for a chameleon I got one she asked for a new game I got it

  10. It’s just weird ya know? It’s not that I don’t trust my gf I don’t trust her friend. She has painted a super weird “environment “ around her that makes me overthink Everytime they go to bars together you know? I don’t want to be that toxic bf who says she can’t hang out with people and I can’t change her past or who she’s Hooked up with, and I’m not perfect either. I also have a hot time expressing how I feel about things because I am so worried about how the other person is going to feel and I know o can’t control that and I need to be able to be honest about my own feelings with myself and how other people respond to it, is up to them

  11. Gf! He put a fake name to hide he’s talking to her! That’s straight up deceit! Wake up and smell the cheater. Even if he hasn’t fucked her, he’s a liar and womanizer. What don’t you get!?

  12. INFO: How often does he see this friend?

    I have two ways of viewing this. One is that he rarely sees her. He used to talk about her a lot because they hung out a lot, but years have passed, they've grown older, he is with his girlfriend most of the time, and doesn't really have time to hang out. So she texts him when she needs a last minute “date” and doesn't really put a lot of thought into the girlfriend she does not know at all. Just like he puts little thought into her offer once he realized he already had plans with you. Honestly, she might have been trying to arrange meetups for a while, and he has been blowing them off because he would rather just stay in with you. Maybe she's interested. Maybe not. I like that she knew to say friend date, and that asking him on a date would be weird. Either way, HE is not interested.

    But if he sees her regularly – I would also not be comfortable, and would need to address it. It is strange that he has a close friend that you have only met once. That this close friend, who knows he is with you, thinks nothing of flippantly telling him to cancel on you. Male or female, if he is close with them, they should be aware of his relationship and respect it. And this kind of indicates that he has allowed a lowering of boundaries.

    Not the end of the world. But worth the discussion.

    I don't think you should worry or even be insecure. Nothing about those texts indicate cheating, and nothing about his behavior (because he could have made up an excuse and lied and cancelled on you) indicates he has any interest in being with her instead of you. I don't think your past conversation is a sign of anything other than young people aware of potential dates. Sure, she was someone he would have been fine considering dating. I'm sure there were plenty of guys when you were in your early 20s that you would have maybe said yes if they asked you out. But you never pursued relationships with those guys, and he never pursued one with her. Whatever that extra hump is that makes people take the leap beyond the observation of reasonably compatible person into the person they want to pursue – he didn't have that with her.


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