ScarlettBenz on-line sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “ScarlettBenz on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. She was completely inappropriate to ask you to do that. Like, she never should have broached the subject, much less gotten upset when you said no! It's rude, disrespectfu, and manipulative of her to call you selfish. They are NOT your family. Also, make sure she understands that no is the final answer. If she brings it up again, tell her she already has the answer and you're not open to discussion. You have to shut it down nude. If she tries to push the subject leave the room, house, whatever you have to do to drive it home that you're serious and aren't going to give in. You need to do this now or she will take advantage of you over and over again.

  2. Just saw your wife's post from her perspective. She said something very telling.

    She says she is not a Lesbian, but got caught up in feeling so attractive and had a great time because she felt so attractive.

    Great news! You now know how to unlock that sex kitten you have always wanted to meet!

    Make her feel so attractive. It's all there in her post.

    You say you have always wanted a more open and adventurous love life. Well your wife has found a turn on for her.

    You can either double down on the hurt and shock and shame her for it, or lean into this new adventure and reap the rewards together.

  3. My dad isn’t the best man. I want my mom to be happy and healthy. I want the best for her. So I don’t know. :((

  4. This makes me so sad. Im afraid it might damage my relationship with my bf too, we’ve been together for 3 years and im scared suddenly putting a bit more space between us and not allowing his dog to be around mine may upset him and get him to resent me. I feel ive tried everything with his dog but he turns around and allows her, encourages, and rewards her poor behavior KNOWING im about to have this puppy around.

  5. This is similar to my situation. We eloped during COVID but my fiancé wanted the big wedding and I didn’t.

    We are having a very expensive wedding at a luxury resort. $1000+/night type of resort.

    In the end I’m glad we are doing it because so many of her friends and family want to be there to see her get married. We are fortunate enough that the cost isn’t burdensome though I’d rather have bought a GT3 all cash.

    We have informed all guests that their presence is present enough. A lot of the people who can’t come want to give gifts. We set up a few Zola cash funds for charities of our choosing and these individuals who wish to give money (it’s a norm in our culture) will be giving it to worthy causes.

    You need to recognize this is for your spouse. This should be a time filled with great memories..:not being salty.

    Suck it up a bit and enjoy the ride.

  6. That theory makes a lot of sense. And reaffirms that it is his issue he may need therapy for. Not your problem to fix for him.

  7. You lash out at your boyfriend. Wait until later that night to send an apology TEXT. If you’re going to wait to apologize, at least have the maturity to TALK to him and not do it over text. Then you text him again in the middle of the night. Then you’re upset because he’s not calling you for your “4 hour phone calls.” Here’s your advice. Act like an adult. Stress is a part of life – learn to deal with it. When you screw up, apologize in a timely fashion, preferably in person, or at least via phone conversation. Don’t text people in the middle of the night.


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