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Enjoy guys of all ages, if you are not on cam please dont ask for requests if i dont respond dont think im ignoring you, i, 61 y.o.

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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Enjoy guys of all ages, if you are not on cam please dont ask for requests if i dont respond dont think im ignoring you, i

Enjoy guys of all ages, if you are not on cam please dont ask for requests if i dont respond dont think im ignoring you, i live! sex chat

28 thoughts on “Enjoy guys of all ages, if you are not on cam please dont ask for requests if i dont respond dont think im ignoring you, i the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I don't need your pity lol we'll see what'll happen but there's a very good chance you'll get what you want, thanks!

  2. Relationships involve 2 people. College age WOMEN are adults and can choose to date who they please. All they have to do is tell the older men “No.” But some choose to say “Yes.” This isn't a concern, this isn't grooming. Concent and the age of concent is a line to respect is it not? Why do we suddenly care what 2 consenting adults are doing with their lives. Not too long ago society judged 2 consenting adults of the same gender from having a relationship…what about 2 consenting adults from different races?

  3. Honestly, I think it could also just be plain jealousy. When I was younger, some of the cruelest people towards me were older women/men who disliked anyone who was young and appears happy. I've worked for a man who had a vendetta against me and another young woman and tried to get us fired. None of the men or older women experienced this.

  4. I was married to a partner like this.

    We are divorced now.

    I didn’t expect him to be at everything, but I did expect him to value what I considered important.

    He disagreed (despite me supporting him with pretty much anything he valued).

    So now we are divorced.

  5. He didn’t cheat but he went after your friend and they both crossed a line. Dump him and she ain’t a friend.

  6. Cheating is a choice. Every. Single. Time.

    There are a lot of loyal men out there who would never cheat on you. And there are a lot of low-loyalty men out there who would cheat on you. Your boyfriend is in the latter group.

  7. I just blocked the account and they know the situation already so they wouldn’t talk to him if he came in

  8. No, not at all, I don't mind people enjoying things that I don't. Same goes for OPs girlfriend really, I doubt what she enjoys would be up my street and I wouldn't denigrate her either. But that does seem to be what she's doing to OP.

  9. Is there any way for me to help him find that? I've said this to him so often lately, and even try telling him that I completely understand that he can't see it himself and I just want to help. His mind is so set in his ways that the idea that what I'm saying could be true is too foreign, and his brain is going to keep convincing him that I'm just being an asshole because if what I'm saying is true, it means he's wrong, and if he's wrong, he's worthless. But it's not wrong! It's dysfunctional, it has negative effects on his life, and there's help for it. But I know you can't help someone who doesn't want to help himself. I wish I could talk to his therapist, but I'm 99% positive he has told his therapist that I'm an evil bitch who insults him and puts him down and he's getting help for that instead of the things he actually needs.

    I care so much, but it's damn hard to care for someone who doesn't seem to care for themselves.

  10. Call the police and report your car stolen. She’s assaulted you, gaslit you, and refused to take accountability. There’s objectively no reason to stay with this obviously troubled woman.

  11. Its gonna drive him nuts not knowing why or not being able to explain himself. For max pettiness I'd just leave and block him lol

  12. Ask him about kids, a house, love. Does he expect you to hang around for him to turn around and leave you someday? Does he expect you to help pay a mortgage and bills for him to retain the home and you end up with nothing because you're not married? Sounds pretty crappy. You've been together this long and he doesn't trust you, that says everything you need to know. He has a very skewed vision for his future, and yours if you stay. That would make me question his current feelings.

  13. Just make sure any and all kids you have aren’t expected to sleep over. Make sure you are on the same page on such things before even getting married.

  14. You need to consider ending the relationship. It seems clear that you aren’t satisfied, you feel controlled, your needs aren’t being met, and your boyfriend doesn’t care about any of it. That’s not a healthy relationship. Frankly, you sound much too fun, intelligent and bright spirited to settle for what you’re currently a part of.

  15. He might be depressed. Sometimes you gain a few and get depressed which only leads to more eating and more weight.

    He may feel bad about himself too.

    Try getting him into some healthy activities.

  16. Yeah a lot of people are saying this post is missing parts of the story but literally aren't seeing how the wife was in need of mental health, so much that they got taken from their home and given a treatment that seems pretty severe. If it was nothing then I could understand but this seems quite odd behavior from someone out of the blue. What was the husband supposed to do if not seek help? He was unsure of what to do and the system as well.

  17. At 19 the chances are he will probably be reassessing his life as he becomes an adult.

    As a teenager he still growing and learning about himself and what he wants to do with his life.

  18. Is he the one that would have to carry it for nine months with severe symptoms and possible risks? No? Okay.

  19. Go tell her you’re sorry you failed her and you hate seeing her upset.

    It’s not ok for her to treat you like that, but forget about that for now.

    Tell her you’re sorry you failed her and that you love her and that you hope you can make it up to her.

    And tell that woman to the bed and you will sleep on the couch


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