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Jessica 18yo it, ‘s my first day >////<, 18 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Jessica 18yo it, ‘s my first day >////<

Jessica 18yo it, 's my first day >////< live! sex chat

24 thoughts on “Jessica 18yo it, ‘s my first day >////< the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Now that you know what your wife is capable of, you need to make all of your future moves very carefully.

    When you decide to file for divorce (I think it’s an inevitability since you have a deeper understanding of your wife’s character), you’ll need to be prepared for your own next steps and for what you think hers will be.

    A lawyer will detail what you need to do far better than I could. Please go speak with a really good divorce attorney. You need it for this narcissist you’re attached too.

  2. Oh FFS sake, tell him to do a damn DNA test. If it's not his problem solved. If it is, tell him to get an attorney.

    Knowledge is power. Waffling around in ignorance is stupid, especially when you don't have to.

  3. First, drop one of your jobs. You have too much going on to try and keep two jobs.

    Second, never mind supporting him while he is in school. Make him either go to Grandma for financial support, or take out student loans.

    There, we just made your life a WHOLE LOT EASIER.

    Now I won't touch on your mother's care here, but you can get some good support for being a family caregiver at r/CaregiverSupport. The people there are really kind and will offer both advice and emotional support for the task of caring for your mother.

  4. If there’s a weirdo getting his rocks off to this it would honestly be a lot more normal than getting mad about peeing in a shower. Thank you, you restored my faith in humanity. ??

  5. Ask stupid questions, win stupid prizes…

    But on a more serious note, she'd rather have you alive in her life than preserve her own dignity. I think its noble in it's own way, for her to be willing to submit part of herself to save you.

    That being said I understand your point of view too. She's looking at the problem from the immediate moment and you are looking at it from the aftermath perspective.

    Both valid, and you are allowed to disagree, but don't ask hypothetical what if questions if you can't take the truthful responses.

  6. Please leave this man and get somewhere safe and away from him when you do. Do not let him find you. This is scary.

  7. And if you think I'm being extreme, early on in the relationship one day, she talked to me for 6 hours straight about jewelry. I don't know anything about jewelry but I sat there patiently and listened the best I could for 6 hours. I'm not exaggerating or lying. (I posted about it many years ago and could probably find it if you don't believe me).

    I got up to eat something and came back. She was understanding but when I got up to use the bathroom about 20 minutes later, this was “too much” and she yelled at me for over an hour because I was being “inconsiderate” because I was getting up “all the time” and “not listening to her”.

  8. u don’t need his admition at this point. u need to gtfo of there! jesus christ girl get it together he very clearly knows ur just gonna stay as long as he doesn’t admit to being a shit human

  9. Yeah, you guys should do activities that don't involve life Drama. Stay away from religion and politics as talking points. I'm sure there is lot's of other things you guys can do besides drinking. You shouldn't go on vacation with these people. Maybe just do things that are more neutral that everyone can enjoy.

    Bowling, Going Snowboarding for the day, going to a concert, going to a comedy show, Go to an art museum, meet for lunch but keep it under 2 hours, Go for a hike, play video games, Watch a movie. Make some good memories you guys can talk about that not stressful.

    I think anyone would be stressed and uncomfortable spending more than a couple hours with people you either don't enjoy being around or put off by.

    You do it because it makes your Woman happy but it's time to meet in the middle instead of it being an issue you need to work on. Food for thought, i've met many people in my life that were good people that I didn't like. Not all personalities mesh and it has nothing to do with anything else.

  10. I don’t have a problem with it but if he’s going to call me dad and I have to be okay with it then I should be allowed to adopt him. It can’t just be my wife’s child when it benefits her and she makes all the decisions. I want all the same rights and responsibilities for me to feel comfortable

  11. Then you should block him, and delete the second Instagram. You have nothing to gain from checking up on him. Something I learned the hard way is if he wanted you, it would be a relationship, not a situationship.

  12. He's a little short, I got bored, Around the same time I started flirting.

    You are no coming off good so far.

    It was around then I realized that I was polyamorous. (…)Me hook up with him.

    Yet you are not polyamorous. Not at all. You have no idea what that looks like or the emotional responsibility that goes into polyamory. You just wanted to fuck someone else and have an excuse for it.

    I met up with David a month later and he was still pretty upset, saying that I'd broken up with him to sleep with Jason. I reminded him that that was untrue, and that our relationship had ended because I felt bored and unsatisfied

    But it IS true. YOU ended the relationship because YOU were bored and unsatisfied and banging Jason was your solution, couched in Oh but I'm poly! But you weren't, and aren't, and it was an excuse to be selfish and lazy with your relationships. Own what you do, OP.

    Your friends are not toxic – YOU are. Leave David alone. Leave everyone alone until you figure out the concept of personal integrity.

    And for reference, this is from someone who is poly and is not cool with folks who manipulate others emotionally or slap labels on themselves to justify shitty actions.

  13. If your state is a one party consent I’d record audio of the conversation. My husband got truly effed by his ex wife who had some issues. I do wish her the best but she really did some effed up stuff (she’d hit herself w the door to try to frame him for abuse – it wasn’t until my husband got it on tape that her family believed him) have actual agreements about this

  14. He’s too good to toss away but meh in everyday life, you want more passion and he’s giving you his full but sweet Sunday best. Hard choice don’t settle

  15. Yep this. Get a divorce, get an agreement about custody for your son but leave this absolute dumpster fire of a relationship. She could betray u that fucking badly and I'm very sorry OP. Really. That shit sucks so much!

    But you need to focus on whats important here. Your kid and getting away from this marriage.

    Get a lawyer. Tell her you don't want to hear from her unless it's about your son and she needs to go through a lawyer herself.

    Your son probably just misses his dad. He shouldn't suffer because his mom fucking sucks!

    Dnt get tricked into her schemes. She's trying to make u a new baby daddy to her affair partners kid.

  16. So what happened was my ex called the cops and said I was trying to unalive myself. At the time I was taking a nap in my dorm. He didn’t sign anything but he did make a statement on the phone. The cops in the area I was in get discretion as to if they should pick someone up for mental health reasons or not (they have to be a danger to themselves or others but they don’t require actual evidence).

    When the cops came they asked me to step out of my dorm and I said “can I get dressed first?” And they said no. Then they asked me to step out again and me being half hard said “please can I get dressed”. Then they started screaming at me saying I’m being a smart ass and I started to cry and I stepped out without any pants on only wearing a tank top in front of everyone. They then handcuffed me and took me to a hospital half naked. At the hospital they kept me for 10 hours but released me because they said I don’t meet the requirements to be committed.

    So here the cops can take you but they can’t technically commit you.


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