ThePsyche live! webcams for YOU!

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Let’s start the weekend right together:P OIL BOOTY at @remain! #hairy #pussyspank #spitplay #lush #tattoed [108 tokens remaining]

11 thoughts on “ThePsyche live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Once clothes go into the basket/hamper/”dirty-clothes chair” they should be machine-ready.

    It's the wearer's responsibility to check pockets, not the washer.

  2. When a woman suggests that they open the marriage, it is usually because she is already cheating. There is a dead bedroom because she is getting it somewhere else and it will make it easier for her to have sex with her lover or lovers.

  3. I actually stuck around for 3 months! Just took about 1.5 months for me to start getting annoyed- stuck around mostly due to apathy.

    I think one day I just realised that a lot of the time, these men make up their mind about you and they don't change it often, no matter how hot you try. So you just end up pouring all your energy into something hollow. Not saying it's pointless, it does teach you a lot about what you can and can't handle in relationships, but eventually you do have to be honest with yourself about what you need. Forcing yourself to ignore your needs just to be convenient to someone else will only leave us where we have been many times before. Burnt out, exhausted and questioning our worth.

  4. How are you 22 but stuck in the mindset of a 12 year old.

    “i never try to make out with them” lmao who tf says that

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    We first started dating almost 8 years ago. I own my house and he rented an apartment. Right off the bat he started wanting to be together pretty regularly. Initially I thought it was just the honeymoon phase. I attempted to set boundaries and started by trying to let me have one set day a week to myself. On that day he would call me with plans and ideas but then say something like “oh but it’s your day to yourself. I guess we can’t do anything.” So I changed it up to a floating day that way if something was going on he wouldn’t feel like it’s off limits. Eventually he would call me crying that I didn’t want to see him on those days and I would cave and let him come over because I would feel horrible.

    About three months in I invited him to stay over one night and he essentially never left. He was over all the time and my ability to have alone time disappeared. When I would ask him to give me space he would say he doesn’t understand why I would need alone time or vaguely accuse me of cheating because I wanted time away from him. He would tell me that on my car ride to work I am alone so that counts as alone time. If I wanted to go out with friends without him he would get upset because he didn’t understand why I would want space away from him. I would come home and he would give me the silent treatment for a while.

    I would take the small times when he was at work and I had a day off for my alone time. I’ve worked full time so it was a rare occasion but I needed them. But about 3 years ago he completely quit his job. He said he wanted to be a twitch streamer and if he pursued that I don’t know because he wouldn’t speak to me about it. This meant he was home all the time. He schedules time with his friends while I’m working and will only do things while I’m at work. If I get home and he’s playing video games with his friends he will quit. About two months ago he got a new job but made sure to find something he could work from home to do. Although now he’s complaining and I think he will be quitting soon.

    I’m at my wits end. I feel like I’ve completely lost myself and don’t trust myself at all. I’ve felt like this isn’t healthy but he’s so adamant I’m wrong i don’t know what to think anymore.

    Edit: Thank you to everyone so much for the advice. This is a little overwhelming. Several people have asked if this is what I want my life to be like and the answer is it’s not. But I don’t even know where to begin to get out. If I’m completely honest I am a little scared of him. He has never been physical with me but has always been very quick to anger with strangers and have confrontations with them. I have animals and take care of my elderly mom now because my dad recently passed that are factors in this story. If anyone has any suggestions on what my next steps are please let me know.

  6. Who cares? Everyone has different interests, the fact you know what hers are and gave her a gift that allows her to go should be more than enough. You don't have to like it too. You can enjoy different things and still have a good relationship. If she's thinking of breaking up just because you don't have an interest in TS is a red flag to me

  7. Yikes, he has totally abused and brainwashed her. She potentially will have these fears for the rest of her life thanks to this asshole.

  8. I don't think you're relationship is doomed to fail. I think you're worrying too much about the social media aspect. They may not be that active with social media in general. If you and your bf have a strong relationship that's the key. The strength of that relationship is what determines success or failure. It can be difficult to improve relationships though when dealing with social anxiety, however I think if you relaxed about it and just let things happen naturally you'll find things will work out.


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