Leslie the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Leslie, 18 y.o.


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14 thoughts on “Leslie the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Focus on the transition for now my friend.

    Don’t know about you but regardless of whether you know her etc, this is your child. It’s the greatest gift you’ll ever get and your heart is gonna be hers in a minute.

    Might not seem like it at first, the transition could be rough for you too, lots of changes and upending and adapting. Your SO is gonna have to get on board too. And I say this with respect, you’re gonna put your child first. But be patient.

    Lean into the love. Lean into the woah. Lean into life’s freakin’ curveball. What’s that old joke… how do you make the gods laugh? Tell them you have a plan.

  2. That friend was high, the incident under 30 seconds, the friend kissed OP as well and GF came to him immediately after.

    Being borderline assaulted does not make that poor girl a hoe.

  3. No girl is gonna ghost after good sex, let’s not be delusional unless there is a very special reason. If you go to a new restaurant and the food is bussin, odds are you aren’t gonna just never go there again.

  4. I certainly think having another ex pass away recently is behind this.

    In regards to it being inappropriate etc, I would have an honest and open conversation with your partner and say that you really want to have some closure and ensure things are cordial between you and your ex because you now have this sense of needing that since your other ex passed away.

    I think once death becomes involved it can really make us want peace with people we have uneasy relationships with. Whether that be a catch up and never speak again or not, getting that peace and feeling that peace really does help us as people.

    I think the BBC adaptation of War & Peace really shows this, and I would highly recommend watching. It stars Paul Dano and James Norton if you do look for it. I don't mean to promote a show in response to your post but after seeing it, as a very emotional person (which also means negative and hateful emotions) I really do seek a form of peace with people I used to hate, whether that's just an internal thing and I don't involve them or if it is reaching out.

  5. It might be me being selfish at this point because I want things to work. I feel like it boils down to communicating better in little disagreements that somehow morph into monsters.

  6. My good friend in high schools parents were hoarders and she was and is one of the most beautiful, smartest and neatest people people I know. If you like her, hang on to that and don’t comment on the parents. It’s probably just the way they are unfortunately.

  7. I guess thats a good way of thinking about it. I don't think that of him because he is an amazing partner and I love him so he probably isnt either. I guess after thinking about it after posting this, Ive realized some of this may be coming from being a bit insecure in the beginning knowing he was experienced and I wasn't. So when he cant finish I start thinking maybe I am not experienced enough to get him there. This is less about me finishing and more about me being worried he isnt satisfied by me. Which is my own problem to get over and not a him problem.

  8. Yeah this. I tend to think the divorce is more a threat aimed at manipulating OP into being more what he expects (ie a maid) and he probably was hoping for begging and promises to do more to jump thru his hoops

    OP call his bluff and divorce and get out now. Someone who can’t handle adult life and needs to punch walls about it is not a keeper.

  9. France makes a lot more sense now, and I hope you have a wonderful time (my cousins who are in the UK have all done trips there and enjoyed themselves)

    While a little more communication might have helped, given his response I’m not sure.

    It does seem weird.

    Maybe it’s a bit of FOMO on his part, or jealously/insecurities coming to the forefront of his behaviour.

    Either way the only way you might find out why he’s being an idiot is to force a conversation.(I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think he’s actually going to tell you why he is acting like an idiot over this)

    But don’t let him stop you from doing this trip. You deserve to be able to enjoy yourself, and if travel is something you want to do, then go for it (I also love travel, and traveling by myself is something I still enjoy)

  10. right now the root of his anger/disappointment is a feeling that you do not care about him. Fixing that requires an apology and action

    The apology: You want to show him you care? You initiate the talk, even if he’s still hesitant to talk. Give him a bit of time, but YOU INITIATE. Acknowledge your fuck up, explain it for what it was (a careless brain lapse which you did not want to admit to and thus kept your silence hoping it was not actually the case that his dad forgot him), and be frank about how careless and unacceptable it was, do not justify, promise you will always err on the side of caution when family is involved.

    The action: You must show him you care about him. Do thoughtful things, take inspiration from him and what he normally does to show you he cares. Protip: Men like affection and intimacy, men like to feel VALUED. Show appreciation in your actions and behaviour. There’s never a bad time to zoom out and tell your partner what you’re grateful for: the live you have, where you get to live, your children, the way he parents or contributes to the building and maintenance of your household/family. Tell him about the things you wouldn’t have without him or with another man, show him why you’re lucky.

  11. Do you have a job? You're 18? I'd move out on my own or room mates as quick as possible. If she won't seek help it's not up to you to suffer for it.


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