Selena-vidal live webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Selena-vidal live webcams for YOU!

  1. Okay, but stop explaining it and justifying it. This is what he’s going to do. He wants to live with his mom and he wants you, at 23 years old, to support his mom and him. Remember, easier to leave a momma’s boy than divorce one. He’s a momma’s boy. You aren’t going to change that. He isn’t ever going to pick you over her. This is the reality. Instead of wasting all of your energy justifying, explaining and defending what you know, spend your energy figuring out what you actually want to do. Is this a life you want? You’re on Reddit looking for advice, so clearly some part of you is fed up. I would be honest with yourself if you really think this dude is worth a lifetime of being second place. You got together at 15-17. I’ll let you in on a little secret— the guys you’ll find now, as a fully independent woman with the world at her feet, will be a million times better than the guy you found when limited to your math and English lit classroom. You’re in the prime of your life at the ideal age to find a way better partner, both on paper and in how he treats you. Know your worth.

  2. I agree completely. You can even see it in the language he uses. “I compromised…” Compromise isn’t something one person does, it is something two people do together, and yet he sees only his side.

  3. I don’t know how any of this works and I don’t have any useful advice to offer, but I do have a hope. I hope that this goes well for you and that in the process of reaching a resolution that absolves you of plagiarism that you get the opportunity to flip a table upside down in a show of outrage. Wishing you the best.

  4. I agree with returning the gift but I also think you need to have a conversation with your bf about boundaries and expectations re: sex.

    Start with asking him why he would “gift” you a dildo? Like, what exactly was going through his mind? (Try to come across as curious rather than accusatory if you want him to answer honestly rather than get defensive)

    I'm dumbfounded as to why he thought this would be an appropriate gift for you. And yeah, it does seem like boundary-pushing to me. Not cool.

  5. Maybe therapy is the play here, then see what your therapist thinks you should do about all this. I feel like there is potential for you to feel worse after dropping that bomb

  6. Found it: The daily “my boyfriend doesn't keep up basic hygiene”- Post.

    You talked to him twice, he doesn't understand that he should wash his ass. Where his poop comes from.

    Cut your losses.

    Also: Does he think you don't have to clean toilets, showers, sinks, etc., because water runs over it? Because you don't want to open that can of neverending reminders to keep your house clean.

  7. If you knew him fairly well but you two are at odds, I wouldn't go beyond a nice card and maybe an orchid delivered by not you. Offer your condolences but don't use the “If you need anything” platitude. She'll reach out if she wants a shoulder to cry on.

  8. You can say “I am aware I can't tell you what your boundaries are, but boundaries is a word with a definition and I CAN tell you that that's not what a boundary is.”

    He is using the excuse that you can't tell him his boundaries to get around the fact that this is simply NOT what boundaries are. He doesn't get to redefine the word boundaries.


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