Scarlett on-line webcams for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “Scarlett on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I think the only possible way for you to get over it and stay together is some serious couples counseling. But I think you are well within reason to divorce him and cut all offending people off except your possible ex because you will have a baby together. I really hope you aren’t financially dependent on him because if you are it would be time to change that and the power dynamic.

  2. She said “looking and commenting” which to me means she's talking about the stuff he's publicly following.

    I agree that plenty of people look at hard pics/porn.

  3. It is but they haven't been exposed to most of those disease to build up any immunity to them so a vaccine is the only way you can be like the flu you can get a shot but we have all be exposed to the flu even though it changes we have immunity already so what even a flu shot doesn't mean you can't get it

  4. I’d think about how it would be if you didn’t disclose it and then it somehow came out. I was in a somewhat similar position to the one your girlfriend is in, and when I eventually found out, even though I wasn’t thrilled about the information itself, it was the fact that it had been deliberately kept from me that I was most upset about. It felt like my boyfriend and the other people all had one up on me, and I felt manipulated. You should be open and give your girlfriend the chance to make a decision about whether to continue the relationship when she has all the facts. You don’t need to go into explicit details.

  5. There’s a lot of complicated feelings here none of them are wrong. He was a kid for most of this and just like your husband manipulated you, your son was probably manipulated as well. Go in with an open mind not just for the happy emotions but the hard ones too. The in-laws are proof you’ve always cared. Don’t focus on the guilt, focus on the fact that you are getting a second chance to rebuild

  6. Wanting someone else is not cheating.

    Saying to your partner “I want to fuck this guy” in advance is not cheating.

    Suggesting open marriage after 10 years of monogamy is not cheating.

    If OP is not ready for open marriage, then it simply means their interests don't match anymore, the marriage is over. There is no need to blame or judge anyone here, noone cheated.

  7. I think the fuck not. He is abusive and controlling. It is a massive red flag that you moved in after only 3 months!! You need to Google love bombing, I am certain this is what he did to you.

    Get out now before he escalates.

  8. Get out of that “relationship” if you want to call it that he doesn’t view you as anything more then a way to get his nut off.

  9. It depends on the stories and situations I reckon – having simply slept together in the past doesn’t necessarily have mean much or give you a valid reason to not let him still see them. If it was messily emotional maybe or if there is still stuff going on between them potentially. If it’s been a short period you’ve been broken up and he quickly slept with all these other girls maybe not. I reckon there’s no real exact advice. I’d say your overstepping if you wanted apply this as a blanket. No people you’ve slept with. I think you guys should just talk more and see how you feel because it could be completely fine

  10. I dont think she is literally unhappy… This sounds to me that 15 years of marriage with no spice from both parts can literally bore anyone. Have you tried surprising her with things? Such as giving her flowers (a eternal or a fake rose maybe?) Or bringing her home a food you know she likes a lot after coming back from work?

    I do this from time to time (not only for my partner) as a surprise and it never fails to put a smile on everyone and I really appreciate when someone surprises me with my favourite 1$ sandwich!

    Also how old are the children? Do they have after school activities? Maybe you can take a special day off to bring her to a really nice date if you have the money to afford!

    In any case I dont think she is not happy, she is just a bit bored of the lack of surprises in the relationship which could happen to anyone!

  11. Thank you. I really appreciate your comment.

    My oldest's father is a different person and still completely involved but my partner has definitely been in his life more than he hasn't so I know the change will be hard on him too. I agree though, they're be better off seeing us both happy and succeeding rather than in one unhappy situation.

    The problem is that I'm just done. I just feel drained and like I can't keep fighting. He not a bad partner and he's a great dad for the most part, but I'm done personally. We can't grow from there.

    Thank you so much again!

  12. Never accept being stuck in a friendship of relationship that hurts you. I get the impulse, trust me, but in the long run learning to pull away isn’t a bad skill to have

  13. A kiss could possibly be forgiven, sex (in my opinion) is a definite no, it doesn’t just happen. (Also if they had sex in the car it’s unlikely they used protection)

    trust me there are good people it there who won’t cheat on you

  14. Let me tell you as someone who has been there and has done that. He will not change, and the longer you stay the more likely he is to kill you. The number one cause of death of pregnant women is homicide by their partner. Also I have worked in family law and courts will give him at least some access to the child because he is the father even if they have severely abused the mother. I have seen men like this use the courts to try and bury the mother in debt from countless suits and custody battles that never end. Get an abortion. Don’t let this man make you miserable for the next 18 years because he will.

    I got an abortion when my abusive ex held me down and forced it. There has never been a single moment in my life that I have regretted it and my life has been infinitely better for it. Please you can have kids later with a partner who is right for you that will treat you respect, and you are so young the world should be your oyster.

  15. I'm the product of an abusive marriage. My father then decided to abuse my brother and I. Don't stay with this man

  16. Not a mom but a fellow survivor. Big hugs to you. I was too ashamed to tell anyone until after it was over, because he didn't hit me and I frankly thought I deserved the verbal abuse at the very least.

    OP, we're all here for you. When you leave, your life will get better. It's incredibly scary, but you can do this. Please run before he hurts you further.

  17. Sometimes people grow apart over time, especially formative friendships from formative years. It seems like she is accustomed to taking advantage of you, to the point that she feels entitled to your time and your good will. Look at how she's reacting to being told 'no' about anything at all.

    She knows it's a hassle. She's always known. She just doesn't like being told no.

    Maybe the best way to deal with the situation is to let HER go.

  18. Why are you acting like sex is the only problem here? Title is so clickbait lol

    Anyways – you guys just aren’t compatible at ALL.

    Also – you are responsible for having safe sex too. It isn’t all on her. Wear a condom EVERYTIME dude.

  19. we had a deep romance (No sex) she enjoyed it and even tell me not to stop then.

    She even accused me of sexual harassment

    I get the feeling this is only the first accusation you'll be getting from her.

    Pls help out

    Don't date people who freely accuse you of sexual harassment for the cardinal sin of wanting sex with your one year partner. The future of this relationship is not good.

  20. Regardless of whether she actually needs full time care or not, what stuck out to me was:

    OP was “forced” to take time off work and had to use PTO to accommodate the roommate.

    This is OP’s house. Not the roommates. And op pays for more.

    Op asked the roommate if her bf could come over and the roommate said no. Op doesn’t need to ask if her own partner can come to the house she owns.

    Op’s roommate is now mad and sulking because OP wasn’t willing to devote her time 24/7 which is completely ridiculous.

    OP, going to be a bit harsh here, but stop being a doormat for your roommate. Stop asking her for permission when it’s not needed. And when roommate makes unreasonable demands learn to say NO.

  21. You're a side chick… Or he just doesn't want to end up with you. So so sorry to say it but there is no other reason it would be this way

  22. Respectfully, I disagree. You don’t know the situation any better than I do. My life experiences have taught me if you don’t know something as fundamental as views on marriage after 5 years together, there is something seriously wrong with your relationship communication. I honestly cannot think of a situation where this lack of awareness would be accepted as normal or healthy. But sadly lots of people stay in relationships way past their expiration date – afraid to be alone, unable to support themselves, low self esteem, these can all lead someone to stay.

  23. And what does she bring to the table? She sounds like a spoiled brat threatening to break up with you and throwing tantrums when she doesn’t get her way. If she’s threatening to break up and doesn’t feel like she’s your girlfriend, then give her what she wants and you breakup with her. This is not healthy.

  24. So you were 18 when he was 32, and who knows how long y’all have been chatting before the relationship.

    Tell him you’re done with being groomed and you’re going to start your own life now, he had no business being with you in the first place. He should’ve thought about his living arrangements before dating a teenager.

    Take care of yourself!

  25. Help her get professional help. It’s sporadic and yes you’re both young but that’s a lot of stuff going on at once. But remember, you can’t make her.

    There’s nothing wrong with keeping yourself healthy, even if it means having to space yourself from others. If she declines needing help and you guys continue to hang out, tell her calmly you’re not okay with how she just — to that person because —. And point out how one SHOULD treat others. She may just realize she needs help. OR she may be completely happy with herself, decline anything and everything and continue to be how she is.

    You can bring a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.


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