Helen big ass on-line webcams for YOU!

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Hey!!! guys I am a new girl and I would love that this is my best experience. [694 tokens remaining]

32 thoughts on “Helen big ass on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah, that or on the dick when using other sex toys to make clean-up easy. But considering OP said he doesn't masturbate at all, i think we're quite a bit away from the most “obvious and simple” answer now.

  2. It sounds like you made a mistake and are now feeling guilty about it. It's important to be honest with your boyfriend about what happened, even though it may be difficult. It's also important to remember that you are not a terrible person for making a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and the important thing is to learn from them and try to do better in the future.

  3. Good day I'm not here to judge your relationship just to share my one cent wisdom . first there is nothing wrong in masturbation. Its healthy . . now I don't think u need to apologize to him for anything .: leg skraching . elbow scratching vagina rubbing or anything else. If u feel bad in this partnership leave if not then not . U should trust your own “guts” I wish I good luck and happy holidays

  4. It sounds like you two need to have a serious talk, because it sounds like she's trying to manipulate you into breaking up with your boyfriend.

  5. Let’s use facts. She cheated on you six months into the relationship. Never told you. And is more then happy to never tell you and let you pay for an expensive trip. That’s unforgivable to me. How are you ever supposed to trust her about anything ever again?

  6. OP I’m a bit confused. You both already discussed family planning and she said she didn’t want to have bio kids but would adopt at 2yo or older. Did you think she’d change her mind? Do you have a habit of not believing what she says? You not using condoms is a big reason I’m sure she’s going this route. I have a feeling you were hoping to get her pregnant. Granted, most couples discuss (but you already did in reality) but you guys don’t seem very suited to each other.

  7. I don’t usually say this, but I agree with your boyfriend. It’s one thing to just randomly get sick, it’s another to do something that you know will make you sick. I’m allergic to mustard, I made deviled eggs and ate them, my partner didn’t stop me (I just get itchy mouth, hives, and stomach aches), but I also didn’t complain because I knew what I was signing up for. Why would I expect my partner to comfort me when I knowingly ate something I’m allergic to? It makes 0 sense to me.

  8. Adopt her so that in the event you divorce, she has the legal choice to remain with you. She’s old enough to choose which legal guardian she lived with.

  9. If your husband was not successful, trust me, she wouldn’t have this jealousy and resentment. She is bitter because you have a successful marriage and been well taken care of. Your friend isn’t really your friend if she is keeping a text that long. And your husband, he is a lose. Only you know if all these years are genuine love from him. Maybe he finally woke up after you got married and he fall in love with you as the person you are. 13 years of marriage is not easy. But you guys did it and you did it all together. His success has a lot to do with you too. Remember, every successful man has a supportive woman behind him. You are that person. Good luck and I hope there is a good ending to this. Cut your friend off.

  10. Yeah after reading what I typed, I’m not even sure. This entire thing has just went so far south over time. I honestly thought she was kidding about the phone thing but no, she was dead serious.

  11. What I meant by my comment was more wondering his reasons for not telling you where he lives. My thinking is maybe he doesn't trust you, does he have any reason not to trust you?

  12. If I let him get away with it, he will only think it's okay to do it again.

    You better not let him get away with it, then.

    I don't think you're overreacting for getting upset when he calls you names.

    It's 6 months in and he's showing his true colors. He's probably just sorry because he's staying at your place right now, so if you do throw him out, he's got to sleep at someone's couch, instead of your warm bed.

  13. Dude it’s 100% almost standard protocol to outright not ask your interviewer to call your current boss for a reference unless they plan to offer you a position. I promise you the interviewer will 100% understand almost all of the time and if they don’t then that’s a toxic place and gtfo.

  14. What exactly is she expecting for a proposal, and why? Is this so she can live! out a fairy tale life? Would she expect to be treated like a princess throughout your marriage life, and would get upset if she's disappointed? About the ring – shouldn't that be communicated with your girlfriend/ future “wife”? It looks like a day she wants, and it's a show for her – she should know what it should be. What would you do with the old ring? It's worth $2,000. Do you have that much money?

    Different people propose differently. I talked to my (now ex) wife about marrying her when she was 6 months pregnant with my son. Here's the conversation we had:

    Me: I think it's a good idea we should get married because of [XYZ].

    Her: Makes sense, when should we get married?

    Me: How about tomorrow?

    Her: Sounds good! Let's get the paperwork together.

    It worked for us.

  15. He does feel like this but it feels very manipulative that I have to play by his rules so he can get what he wants. It doesn’t make sense to cut off communication which is key to a relationship to try to make me do something. If anything it feels less motivating because it feels like this matters more than our relationship.

  16. It's just me, I get it, just me.

    I am the biggest cynical asshole in the world.

    I wish everyone to have a wonderful life and I do not believe I have a hateful bone in my body towards people and who they are and what thew want to be but come on…

    Does no one else see the proliferation of these posts as agenda based? Not a single person who is in this kind of surprise genitals has any problem or issue with it at all and just wants to know how to bump uglies and be “kind”? No one questions how these amazing young adults who are so in touch with their feelings and emotions and are able to expertly navigate the otherwise harsh reality of young adulthood even with people who aren't lying to them?

    No one seems to care that every post has the same theme?

    Young, in love, didn't have sex, waited a year, op not concerned about deception in the slightest when they find out and instead sharing a low stress, not really a need to ask for advice on this sub post? Conveniently didn't want kids anyway… yadda yadda.

    Then the cascade of positive posts of people “so proud of you”??

    Just me right? Gotcha.

    That said, on the off case that this is true, which it isn't I think it's also important for people who go into this thinking everything is exactly the same with a transitioning person. it's not. This kind of fairy tale can lead someone down the wrong path and ultimately to a dark place. These threads are giving young people who are already dealing with a lot false hope that they can date someone, ask them to marry or whatever and then the day before the not is tied, the “deed” is planned spring it on their partner and they'll be totally ok with it. (and they are!) You know instead of the other 99 times out of 100 where it turns out badly?

    Also, just for the record, bottom surgery doesn't gain you a penis, nor a vagina that can pass for either, your partner will know and it's never a good idea to hide anything from anyone for any reason. it is NOT something you can just take lightly, at all. But here you all are, checking this stuff on and the only other person to say something not rose and positive is downvoted into oblivion.

    I fear for society in 20 years and it has nothing to do with anyone's identity… it's how we are sweeping things under the rug and spraying rose scents above it. it's almost as bad as the bullying.

    I'll slink away into my hateful hole now… I'll probably be dead of natural causes in 20 years anyway.

  17. It reads to me like a single conversation where she said she needed more and he decided that she didn't understand because she didn't agree with him. I don't see why you've decided that she's continually starting fights about it.

  18. She says that i need to make her feel safe before anything but mentions that might tale a year until we live! together

    Good God, do NOT move in with this person. You think she's controlling now, just wait til you're under the same roof.

    This entire relationship is trash.

  19. He definitely does have PTSD and has trauma from his NPD mother. I’m aware of this and I’ve been trying to assist. I have a NPD father, hence why my ptsd is triggered at his house.

    I’m sorry that happened to you and your father wasn’t nice to your partner.

    My ex-bf and I have decided to meet up tomorrow to exchange stuff and have a chat about realistically how things would be if we stayed together and get a very clear picture.

  20. He just showed you who he really is, a lying cheating abusive gaslighting piece of sh1t. Believe him.

  21. I had this problem, GF was a server and loved the vampire life (so do I tbh). We finished school and I got an office job and she kept on being a vampire, got her masters and kept on. At some point her showing up at 5am, loaded on coke and alcohol, wanting to screw when my alarm was going to go off at 6 got really, really old.

  22. I mean if this is real.

    He got with you when he was near 30 and you were 18. You have been manipulated 🙁

    Run like the wind. He was never good for you.


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