Brock Thunderlink the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Brock Thunderlink, 41 y.o.

Location: Nevada, United States

Room subject: just hanging with Camrod and the babbysitter

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28 thoughts on “Brock Thunderlink the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. i only read the title. my boyfriend used to do that to i just had to physically force him to be on top and put in work hes an idiot he will work up too much of a sweat like hes dying lol too bad get used to it thats the way sex is supposed to be

  2. Wait it out. When Christmas is over and he hasn’t given you or anyone you know of the glasses ask him what he got for his boss and others. If the glasses don’t come up ask him about the -350 dollars. If he lies about what he spent it on, confront him with the glasses in the car.

    In that order.

  3. I think you need to let go of the idea of being together with this woman. She's turned you down because she thinks you're not the right person for her, accept it and move on

  4. Chose what makes you happy. If you like the way things are going right now, why change it just to make someone else happy? That's just going to make you miserable.

  5. Done, done and done. I've mentioned a few times that I “don't go for sex” unless she initates it. But she also knows I'm way more interested in sex, so she must be assuming I'm silently screaming it at her.

    Two of her complaints what that I either just gave her a short kiss (peck) and I'm always on my phone. So I made a point of more passionates kisses and then just leaving it there. And I never turned on my phone at bed time for about 10 days event though she usually was on her phone and/or watching tv. I'm not sure she even noticed the change.

  6. Thank you, everyone’s comments have been helpful (if not a little mean) but this one really has helped me, I know what I should do, it’s my feelings that are blocking it out right now. I’m hoping some time will help me heal. Thank you.

  7. The fact that she goes 5 years without an issue…and now that her friend gets out of a bad relationship….she demands you get a background check and go to therapy? Being somewhat scared after seeing that is one thing but she knows you and has been with you for years already.

  8. Unpopular opinion probably, but she’s going through enough right now with the loss of her husband. Her old boyfriend who dumped her, digging up wounds because he thinks he can get her back, may be too much. Don’t use a vulnerable time in her life to try and weasel your way back in

  9. I wouldn't throw the word about.lightly and am fairly well versed in cluster b personality disorders. They are often comorbid and even get mistaken for femal autism but nevertheless from what you describe, to me, it's rhe hallmark of narcissistic behaviour. I am however no doctor.

  10. I did exactly what you are considering. Boyfriend blindsided me with this discussion, but actually had her with him. For a variety of people pleasing and mental health reasons, I agreed. What followed were some truly awful years, mostly marked by her jealousy and resentment.

    He doesn't love you. He mopes about missing her to you. He mopes about missing his old friend group to you. He wants you to be okay with him dating and having sex with someone who has said some pretty awful things to you. The honest truth is that he wants her, but wants to manipulate you into remaining his backup plan when things fall through with her again. And maybe they will, when she cheats again. Or maybe they won't and you'll be left as roadside trash when he tells you that he's marrying her or knocked her up.

    Also, don't forget the reason they broke up. She cheated. So if you agree to this, you are basically having sex with him, with her, and with whoever else she is having sex with which is a risk to your health that you don't get a say in other than shutting this shit down right now by having self respect and telling him if he misses the cheating asshole so much, he can fucking have her and to lose your number.

  11. Im pretty sure she tried to end it while we were cake testing, but she didn't.

    Could you elaborate on that a bit? If you two are both on the same page but both unwilling to make the first move to end things then this might be easier to handle.

  12. Well, if it would have been one my exes they would have describe me as abusive and they as saints. Everyone except the one who didn’t make me puke, yet EVERYONE else describe them as abusive towards me, even their own friends. But not at first, at first they put it like OP that I was abusive and “crazy”, until they saw by themselves how twisted the truth was.

    I’m not saying OP is lying, but she might just not be aware on her part in what’s going on.

    Please check yourself too, maybe you’ll find a depth to your surprise 🙂

  13. I mean, if it's a dealbreaker for him, it means it was more important for him that all of you together, so is it really a loss in the long term ?

    I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt at first, but you need to be with someone who loves you as you are, and doesn't impose his view on you.

  14. Thank you! I appreciate this response. I do believe she would bring them to see me. Her work headquarters are located in our current city as well as many of her friends. Our children will be schooled privately from home (we have already vetted a private tutor). She has no plans on moving until everything is finalized and has rented an Airbnb nearby so that she can online there until we reach an agreement we are both satisfied with. She would move after. It almost makes it harder that she is being so amicable. It would be easier for me to be “in gear” so to speak if she wasn’t. As stupid as it is to say, it really feels like she wants what is best for our kids and me so I feel like there is hope when there probably isn’t any.

  15. im glad they had a good head on their shoulders, unlike OP's husband and brother in law. i swear, some men are so unbelievably evil and dont even realize it?? like what the actual fuck is wrong with them? i feel so bad for OP and all the ex girls involved with these scumbags ?

  16. As I said, nothing is excessive.

    Yeah, but does he know that? Most pictures of women identified as having lip fillers are those crazy looking inflated balloon lips. As a guy, I’m pretty sure that’s the only example he has of this. Because women with natural looking lips due to lip fillers are never identified by definition. Have you showed him examples of normal enhancement? And how you envision your own enhancement?

  17. >>knew I would be hooking up with that guy (I’m single and dating, whatever) the entire time I was in Vegas all I could think about was this guy. But I did hook up with Vegas guy and told this other guy

    So you're that kind of person. Be glad he's sweet and understsanding, enjoy him while you can, and expect that he'll dump you eventually for being inherently duplicitious.

  18. I appreciate your feedback, I’ll try and answer your questions as best as I can. 1: For the first 11 1/2 months, she may have applied to a job here and there on indeed, but nothing concrete and no interviews. For the past week or two there has been more effort towards this but mostly just applying to jobs on indeed and so far no results. 2. Other than taking our dog for a walk she doesn’t really do anything else. She likes staying inside and watching anime and movies and I think this is a main activity for her. I’ve encouraged her to hit the gym as a hobby but she does not seem interested. I also suggested taking up cooking and this has not come to fruition either (I still do the majority of cooking). 3. I will criticize myself here and say there is definitely more I could do to help her. I have suggested activities and ways for her to gain some motivation and happiness, but I will admit I could do better at planning group activities. I am very tired when I come home from work and I often find myself not doing much more than eating dinner, going to the gym, and spending a hour or two with her watching tv or playing video games.

  19. She’s not being abusive, you’re projecting and completely invalidating the trauma that her spouse caused.

    She gets to mention divorce if that’s how she’s feeling, as can OP. They have some heavy shit to work through.

  20. He isn’t, to the best of my knowledge, but he also would likely balk at being asked if he had ever considered that he was autistic.

    On the other hand, I have been asked many times my entire like if I am autistic – I am neurodivergent, but not autistic that I am aware of.


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