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15 thoughts on “FREE PAGE —- the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. She needs therapy. Also, maybe getting her into some kind of self defence/martial art course.

    She feels victimized but that's a mixture of environment AND her own mindset. As much as people might want to disagree, this is not about victim shaming. Empowerment starts within. It's not her fault some men are commenting her, but it's her responsibility how she reacts to it.

  2. Break up with her. You can't fix her, and you can't trust her. She will always put using before everything else.

    There's no “technically.” She cheated. Everyone who cheats has a reason. They're drunk. They're horny. They're angry at you. Doesn't make it okay.

    I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs. But she needs to want to get better, and it isn't your place—or within your ability—to convince her that it's worth it. Trust me.

  3. You know what to do you jsut don't want to. Leave him, stay single and get a good therapist unless you want to be a doormat for the rest of your life because you will continue to attract unhealthy partner if you don't fix yourself. Not judging, been there done that. But a good therapist can help you

  4. Transphobia is useless not only to this struggling OP but literally in every other situation. Grow up.

  5. Maybe you should ask her if she has any reasons why she doesn't want to have sex ?

    Maybe it's because she wants to wait for marriage, or maybe she's scared about it ? Maybe she doesn't have libido and is asexual : No matter the reason, it's understandable that you are frustrated and hurt if she doesn't give you one.

    If she still refuse to give you a reason, or if her reason doesn't fit your vision of what you're looking for in a relationship, i recommend you to simply break up and hopefully find someone who want to have sex as much as you do.

  6. As a restaurant owner I never mind if people ask to alter things, it’s a good way to show that your food is made to order and ultimately we want customers to enjoy their meals. Nothing you’ve described sounds particularly embarrassing to me. As long as he isn’t rude to staff or disrespectful he can enjoy his food however he wants!

  7. We spent my dad's 39 and 49 years respectively threatening him with large displays to sus out what kind of shindig he'd prefer. Your husband is being a giant asshole and I would want to know why he's making you feel like shit about spending money right now.

  8. Are you paying rent for that place (or your parents)? Does it feel like he's moving in to your place permanently? Does he have his own place? Do you sometimes visit him in his place?

  9. Parents are absolutely AHs. Husband as well. I will say that the sister should have at least told you in advance. Maybe had you as a support person while she told them. She put her gf in a very awkward and unpleasant situation. It could have ended violently.

  10. Is she jealous because she wasn't your first, or because you had sex with more people than she has?

    Is she mad because you “didn't wait” for her to be your first, or because you “slept around”?

    Does she compare herself to your past lovers (both sexually and non sexually), or does she compare herself to you?

    Is she attributing all faults to the fact that you had sex first, or because you had sex with others?

    Have you ever asked her, if you both ended up divorced, will she see herself the same as you?

  11. It does suck, but you're 23, man. You will grieve, and you will move on. You have plenty of time left to carve out a place in this world ONLY full of people that love and respect you.

  12. After back-to-back pregnancies and single-handedly caring for three needy babies, it could have been valuable for her to be reminded that she’s still an actual human being with her own body, life and needs. Very few healthy relationships start from cheating so I doubt there’s a future with the ex, but maybe this will help wake her up to how awful her life is with her husband and give her the strength to strike out on her own.

    (Obviously she should have just left in the first place, but desperate people do desperate things)

  13. I will say that he did get the number from me, I’m really sorry for the confusing wording! Though he did ask me in a weird way (In my opinion) He held his phone up, the back facing me and i was like huh? And he then flipped to face me and it had the contacts page pulled up. I was like oh ok..? and put my number in because I THOUGHT it was just for a friendly exchange, because he had befriended others in the class. But then he just continued to get really weird. Thankfully that class has ended- however I have seen him outside of class because our campus is not huge. I thought he’d back off since class was over but he hasn’t. I really appreciate your advice and I will definitely implement it into how I move forward with this Thank you so much


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