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30 thoughts on “Lullu the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Well, damn. He lucked out then. However, you're both still idiots because regardless of whether he got charged or not, you both still broke the law. Yes, it's unfair that only you have to suffer the consequences, but that's the way the cookie crumbled. You both very easily could've called an uber and avoided all this. This is a giant mess, and I hope you've both learned your lessons.

  2. Yeah…I can accept that there isn’t anything there. It’s fine. It’s just so confusing given her initial comment about falling for me. It seems things only went south when I pursued. It just feels like some weird game to me. But it is what it is I guess.

  3. If those kids are like all the kids i know out there, they'll be up way before your bf could EVER realistically wake up safely, drive over and be in the house before. My nephews used to get up at 5am prepared to capture Santa after staying up til 10/11 the night before solely preparing. I think it's not shady/unexpected to want to still be there for his kids especially if this is his first Christmas like so but I think this is also him trying to compensate for what he and his ex are doing to the kids by not being together.

    Instead, if the kids wake up early they are going to find their dad sleeping on the couch (assuming that is where he actually sleeps), highlighting the fact the family isn't together any more. The dude can drive over at 5:30 – 6:00 and still maintain an early morning presence without spending the night.

  4. I can't understand a reason anyone would propose this. Especially because 1. He only met him once 2. HE ALREADY HAS PARENTS. I would talk ASAP. This is a red flag the size of the statuebof liberty. Maybe he has an innocent reason but I can't think of one. Taking a kid away from his parents at that age would be a huge shock to the child and he would probably be miserable for an amount of time. It's not like he has the best interest of the kid…he only met him once.

  5. It's been a week, of course it's nude. But she will survive and so will you.

    You did something unforgivable and don't really see it as a bad thing, you are judt willing to stop because it hurt her. But she is telling you she can't be with someone that doesn't believe it is inherently bad to use that language. So you clearly are not the type of person she wants to be with.

    She feels so bad because she thought you were different. Just because she feels bad doesn't mean she should come back. You are not a person she wants to be in a relationship with

  6. Yes it's the same. If both partners agree they don't want children then no one is required to disclose any inability to conceive. You may want to simply to remove barriers, but that's a completely personal decision and deciding to disclose it is completely personal. If a woman is with a man she agrees with that she does not want kids, yet gets mad when she later finds out he has either taken measures to prevent or just is already infertile then she wasn't truthful and she's the problem. In this case since the woman didn't disclose her infertility in a relationship between 2 individuals who agreed they didn't want kids, he changed his mind she did not change hers and he's mad at her for not disclosing infertility he is the sole issue. Add the fact many US states considering tampering with condoms as sexual assault no matter what genders does it, yes its literally the same.

  7. Yikes this sounds like a car crash waiting to happen, just let him propose. + don’t be so sure the proposal is just round the corner, you’re both still v young and a lot of guys string women along for years, when deep down they never wanna get married because it doesn’t actually benefit them + financially hurts them

  8. You do realize that this fucking guy has KILLED ALL OF YOUR DOGS, right? This is so sick, I just….can’t.

    Please, get out. You, not your pup, are safe around him.

  9. How low are your standards that you accept this absolutely disgusting behaviour?

    Don’t waste any more of your time trying to save this clueless goofball

  10. Sorry that you feel that way. I only speak the truth. Sex = possibly if pregnancy, with or without birth control.

  11. You sound super fun. “No, baby, I could buy a PS5 game with that!” Why did you go to the strip club if you were gonna be butthurt that SHE had a good time?

  12. Unfortunately, he’s shown his true colors that he is not and will not be there to support you at your lows. Love is about sticking with somebody through highs and lows, through thick and thin, no matter what. At least he’s shown you now who he truly is, and how little he cares about you.

    That being said, it’s important that if you haven’t you seek professional help. I think now that you’re single you need to focus on your mental health before you run into a relationship. You can’t expect a healthy relationship if you’re not healthy going into it

    Good luck!

  13. It’s time to be single. No point in prolonging a relationship you are no longer interested in. It’s not fair to your bf either.

    The other guy isn’t interested, and that’s ok.

    It’s probably better if you take some time for yourself and learn who you are. You’ve been you + bf for 7 years. In that time you’ve changed and grown. Get to know yourself again.

  14. This has to be fake. I refuse to believe that people are unable to see the writing on the wall right next to their eyes.

  15. If she never gave you any reasons, chances are you're not going to get any either now or in the long run until she's ready to talk about it. That's an unforseeable future right there. Best to move on. Break ups happen and you're still young.

  16. She's seeing other people.

    Take that queue to stop investing time into her and go date others yourself. Whether she lies or not should not be your problem anymore. Let it be someone elses problem. Shes not worth anything.

  17. You'll need to provide more information about this “lifestyle”. We can't give you any real advice without knowing why you are feeling concerned about opening up.

  18. Whether you tolerate it or not is up to you. But do not pretend this is only an attraction thing, and couldn't evolve into something more. You don't know what your girlfriend is truly thinking; maybe she is legitimately curious, and this will be a one time thing. But maybe she is secretly bisexual, and is interested in having a partner in the far off town when she is away from you. Or maybe she is a closeted lesbian, and her friend has awakened her.

    Whether you view her having sex with other women as different from her having sex with men is up to you. But don't be so naive as to think that it can't evolve into more.

  19. So, you think the only thing of value a partner brings to a relationship is money? Those situations that misogynists cry about being unfair are usually because the woman has taken career hits to raise children and/or do household labor that women are overwhelmingly more likely to do far more than 60% of.

    Speaking as one of the exceptions where I did the majority of the work, the household maintenance and the child raising, I came out just fine in my divorce.

  20. You overthink everything. If I had a gf who always would attribute a hidden malicious agenda ( because what if it leads to him saying we are basically married already so why does a paper and ceremony matter? ) to a nickname I would run.

    And what do you mean about my ex?

    You connect your ex who called you his wife to your current boyfriend. As you stated you think he could use it to avoid getting married. But you left your ex so I don't see the connection.

    The important point is :

    We online together and I do a lot for him. Sometimes I worry I treat him too well, I can’t figure out if I’m being taken advantage of.


    Maybe this is foolish of me but he always compliments me and thanks me and gets me gifts and flowers frequently. I feel like I’m treated well.

    It would be probably good to get a opinion on this from someone who knows you. Nobody on reddit can tell you what is true. If he treats you well and you are happy it's not expedient to think about years in the future, based on one characteristic your ex and current bf share. If your feeling of being taken advantage of is supported by someone else you have other problems in the relationship than being called a wife.

  21. Quick question, this physical therapy appointment? Count it have been easily moved or was it something that took months in advance to get into?

  22. OP This is a preview of your future, looks like you have serious conversations pending what is going to happen with children? How they will be raised? They will be forced to be catholics because his family told him so?

    Your values are not so aligned as you think they were and you need to seriously rethink this, begin a marriage with a my way or the highway ultimatum is a huge red flag OP.

  23. I never thought of it as stringing him along… I talk to a third school in Texas tomorrow to see what my graduation ETA is

  24. People don’t understand me here. I was drunk and I was scared and my bf could have gotten jumped by people who can’t mind their business. I support my bf, so I like everything he does no? But I had to act swiftly and step in.


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