ArianaAndreea online sex chats for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “ArianaAndreea online sex chats for YOU!

  1. She needs to get re-tested in another place if possible the sooner the better. Just in case. As should OP.

  2. THANK YOU. I'm like your wife too. Not all Chinese kids want their parents to stay so long lol. I don't think my own parents want to online with me and my husband for that long (unless they have to lol).

    If OP's wife doesn't want to disappoint her parents (or save face for her), at the very least, come up with a good excuse to cut the stay to 3 months… :p

  3. Yeah! I hope the conversation goes well, and that it isn't just him not wanting to put in the effort. Hopefully it's just an insecurity that has kept him from talking about whatever it is, and that uou can gently ease him into openness.

  4. Yeah, let him get that PHD so all the 19yo can get in line. Report his ass. I am in academics, and he does not deserve to be, no matter how little more it takes, and how many years he spent towards that goal. His fault.

    We need an update.

  5. If he can't tell you where he is going or when he will be back then he doesn't need to be using your car.

    Your dad should stay out of your relationship!! Doesn't it make you creep-ed out that your dad is okay with someone treating you this way?? Because it sure creeps me out! Your dad should have YOUR back on this, not his.

  6. I think you should tell your wife. Secrets could be eventually dangerous. You don’t tell and Jane could tell if she gets drunk again or if they get into a disagreement and it could just come out. Jane could be embarrassed because you refused her sexual advances. not because she puts the move on you. As for the texting talk to your wife about it, don’t do it behind her back.

  7. Why are you in counseling together if you’re not married? This is just an attempt to control you. For God sake, leave!

  8. It sounds like her husband is an insecure man, based on her fear of telling him. Which is why, in another comment, I said that she shouldn't tell him because there's nothing to tell.

    But it's clear, here that you believe “considering” cheating is an offense almost as bad as cheating which is just a weird thought crime scenario. I've “considered” ramming my car into people who cut me off, or punching my boss in the face. Not following through on the bad things you've considered is the difference between being a good person and a bad person.

  9. True, but untill you say yes and sign the papers, it's really just like being boyfriend and girlfriend legally, so it's no issue as of yet.

  10. You asked. He answered honestly and now you’re hurt? Everyone finds other people attractive. There’s a lot of pretty people in the world. It’s completely natural. That wasn’t fair and it was immature.

  11. Dude this shit is gonna bite you in the ass in the future and you know it. Don't ignore obvious redflags because you're in love or you don't want to be lonely.

  12. Is there a specific reason you don’t want him smoking every day vs several times a week? Is there a reason you feel the need to control this? Like is he unable to be present for you and the kids when he smokes or….??

    Seems he needs to get some therapy and a new job if he is this stressed each day.

  13. Honestly tho! He straight up made a comment about how they would have to “wait weeks to get an appointment to remove it.” Like, does he think the uterus is an easy bake oven? If you can't handle waiting for a doctor's appointment to remove birth control, and can't handle multiple visits, you probably arent ready to have a child

  14. He told the bride he was going to message the guy to “iron things out”, instead he started shit.

  15. Give it time. She can't articulate her feelings yet. Maybe give her some space and spend a day apart.

  16. On one hand as an atheist im ok with someone learning about their heriatge.

    On the other hand im not ok with children being indoctrinated. I come from a atheist household but my parents sent me to school scripture on Fridays between the age of 7 and 11 instead of being basically unsupervised in the library.

    For those 4 years I believed in god. kind of whack tbh.

    I know many super moderate jews. Those kids I grew up with , grew up moderate and great. However having links in the jewish community has been super beneficial to them later in life. Jobs that dont get advertised sort of old boy network.

    I personally would never ever convert. I would also wait until the kids are a little older to send to to school. Like 8 or something. And once a week at most. Sport and music take priority over religion. And your kids should know that you are not a jew as you dont believe.

  17. It's your responsibility to not see her again and don't stay in contact, either.

    Your impulses got the better of you, but there's no reason to compound your error by continuing the connection. Block her everywhere.

    You're young, people make mistakes, do the honorable thing and move past this one and don't do it again with anyone else.

  18. How can you be a deadbeat if you dont know your kids were born? And if he is why would he bother harassing her now? Isnt that the opposite of what a deadbeat would do?

  19. I would never ask my partner to stop following someone on social media, and i wouldn't ask my partner to show me their private messages with another person. Honestly, I wouldn't even keep track of who he follows on social media. This isn't about respect for the relationship. It's about insecurity and lack of trust. If you don't trust him, don't date him.

  20. I would never ask my partner to stop following someone on social media, and i wouldn't ask my partner to show me their private messages with another person. Honestly, I wouldn't even keep track of who he follows on social media. This isn't about respect for the relationship. It's about insecurity and lack of trust. If you don't trust him, don't date him.

  21. What you do is, you tell her it is fine if she looks at your phone, as long as you are also looking at her phone at the same time. Find out the common “problem” aps now before you agree.

  22. Sure, my child isn't a random adult. I never said otherwise?

    I was talking more generally, about how some people prop themselves up as “go with the flow” when really they just find the nearest available planner and dump all their shit on them. My husband used to say I was a worrywart and should go with the flow like him, until we did it his way for a trip and it was a whole mess. Now he gets that I'm not randomly torturing myself or being controlling. And he'll organize and pack and plan with me.

    As for OP, she hasn't been dating this guy super long. There's no way of knowing just yet if he's genuinely laid back, or if he's lazy.

    I think OP should take a big step back and see how the trip plays out. If things aren't planned, and the trip is fine, great. If things don't go well, and Boyfriend and friends roll with it, and OP can roll with it too, that's good too.

    If the trip doesn't go well, and Boyfriend gives OP expectant looks like she's gonna swoop in and solve the problems, OP should run. That means Boyfriend isn't laid back, he's lazy.

    And OP could definitely consider bringing her own car, if she suspects it's going to be a mess.

    Traveling together can be a great test for compatibility.

    Plus, there could be any number of things going on. Like, sure, OP could be controlling. Or maybe she's excited and got carried away, or there's an inner voice telling her the trip is gonna be a shitshow and Boyfriend will expect her to fix it, because Boyfriend treats her as his personal fixer.

    I'm not sure it's helpful to villainize her, when she's been quite gracious in her replies.

  23. Everyone is telling you to stop giving bjs in the hope that he puts more effort into sex. I'm curious. Why would you want a partner who has zero interest in fulfilling your needs? If he has to be forced into it, how satisfying do you think sex with him will actually be?

  24. If you have a tongue and can use it all over her body, as well as fingers and creativity… that’s 80% for women. Penis size is not that important. Truly. And she was probably trying to talk dirty and failed big time. Shake it off ya stud!❤️❤️❤️

  25. And yet you still don’t seem to answer to my real question. I am not against gender based segregation. I can’t say it out more clear. I am simply asking for advice on how to approach this feeling of none of my friends really caring/the very thing you are doing, being judged for something I’m not even saying/demanding (and may I add if the genders were reversed everything would be different, I literally made a post here with the same question but the genders reversed a few month back and I only got like 5-6 comments that weren’t even useful but they still didn’t attack me, rather the other end: down with the patriarchy and these kinds of shit, thats what I mean by mens rights not being trendy right now, if you’re a man no one really seem to care)


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