Emily-gonzales on-line webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Emily-gonzales on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. This sounds like she's trying to start a fight. Unless I'm missing something this is a huge red flag. If I was you I wouldn't stay because this can only sour more. Sounds like she wanted conflict or a fight for some reason.

  2. It looks like you lost yourself, let me elaborate You are not whole as yourself, when shit hits the fan you are broken. Get your shit together. She did that, now what? Is is the end of life? No. Are you going to die? No. I went through divorce – it was naked and it took me 1 year to fix myself emotionally. All because I was not whole by myself. When you are 100% you. It does not hurry as much. But it still hurts regardless. You can do it.

  3. So she met strangers and wanted to immediately have sex with them so much she tried to talk you into to a poly? Nope, she has already had sex with strangers. We always want to believe the best the best in the one we love even if it’s not the truth.

  4. Your therapist believes you’re beyond help and would rather spend her time helping someone who wants it. So I would suggest you stop wasting her time.

  5. And that’s your insecurities having a mental image of them. Let’s challenge that statement of them doing the same thing…how do you know he fucks like you? You don’t . You don’t know what it was like. The different people you were with they were all different right? This is your thing. Start be your own person. Not worry about what someone else was like.

    Taken for a fool is strong also. Challenge that statement. At the end of the day you either want to move past it or don’t but it may require a shift in your mindset.

  6. She cheated on you, and it sounds like she's cheated before. That's why you feel emasculated.

    If my wife was hours late getting home from work, I'd have been panicked. Did you know she was staying late? The fact that she didn't get home until the following morning without telling you is also pretty sketchy.

  7. Ma’am…you’re more worried about a clump of cells than OP’s life. How fucked is that? Her bf strangled her – this is one of the number one indicators of her being murdered. Homicide is the number one killer of pregnant women.

    I’m pro choice so glad it worked out for you, but looking at this from a quality of life perspective, both OP and her future child are set up for angst and strife. Why would we advocate for that?

    It’s pretty selfish for someone to bring a life into an abusive and unstable relationship.

  8. I honestly think reddit would be kinder to someone that was an accessory to murder than “the other woman”.

    I've also been cheated on, I genuinely hold no animosity towards the other woman and don't recall ever doing so (it took a few years for me to get over my anger at him, but they got married 3 months after our break-up and stayed married and that weirdly helped) because even if she knew about me she didn't know me, she didn't betray me. Even if she did know about me I imagine I was an abstract in her mind. I think most people do things that hurt people that are abstract to them, to get some joy themselves. I'm not saying it's right but I think there's a lot of hypocrisy in this thread.

    I feel bad for OP that she had to self-flagellate so much in her post and is still getting piled on.

  9. Time will tell. If she can't eventually tell the difference between an instinct to live! and protect yourself while guarding your home and an abusive boyfriend, then you might be better off without her.

  10. That’s the whole thing, isn’t it? She can’t figure out what she wants out of life, so she just listens to everyone around her. OP dumping her is going to be the best thing that ever happened to her, in the long run.

  11. I would ditch him just because of his attitude about money. Why should he have to pay for anything when you’re making more money? What about the whole saving for the future idea? Where did his money even go?

    Who knows if he cheated, but a deleted conversation is highly suspicious. Why don’t you contact the sister yourself to see what he was up to? Worst case, she won’t tell you. More likely, though, she’ll talk & what she has to say will be eye-opening.

  12. She sounds like she’s the only main character in her life and everyone else are just supporting characters.

    You will never be an equal in her eyes. And I get she has very specific taste but the fact she sucks the joy out of things you like is just such negativity.

    The fact she can’t support you or your interests and acts coldly towards you.

    What do you two even have in common?

  13. You have no obligation to say yes to him. I think its sweet and would appreciate it. Its like knowing someone's there for you if you can't get home. It may be a form of his love language though? He has no problem with you going out on your own he just wants to know you end your night safely. I wouldn't read into it more than he wants to know you're safe and alone which he can do if he drives you.

  14. So you both dated other people after seperation. This will reduce chances of getting back together to almost zero.

  15. Thank you for your comment, I believe you and I’m sure I can become a stronger person once I’ve battled these thoughts and flashbacks. I’m sorry you went through shit too, we don’t deserve it man

  16. I wasn't having bridesmaids so I asked that the nieces, daughters of family friends or anyone else would wear white. Reason for this is that I didn't want to give people the wrong impression and create tension. I didn 't want people to feel left out or think they were.

    I asked SIL to keep this in mind when choosing the dresses for her daughters… she didn't. I had to make a fuss before a different dress was brought.

    Note: I already made a number of consessions towards the wedding for my husband and his family. This was the only thing I didn't want.

  17. You're not in the wrong. Like I said, if you tell him he will spiral and treat you horribly and possibly resent you. And possibly coerce you into sending him even more nudes than you did before.

    People like this have super deep rooted insecurities that they should work on probably with professionals before getting into an adult relationship. Its not healthy.

  18. You probably don’t have the strength to move on at this stage.

    Unfortunately, I think when she finds some one else she will pull the plug, so at some point you will be forced to move on. You are both young and maybe unlike you , she is discovering other people and wondering what that would be like.

    I am sorry for your pain, in the meantime work on your self esteem, keep up with other friends and try to get some career happening.

  19. Replace the whole man.

    This wasn't some elaborate trip that required a lot of planning or a time-sensitive appointment, it was something like going out for coffee. Your soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend's reaction is completely out of proportion to the minor inconvenience of seeing his girlfriend slightly later than planned.

    For comparison, because I actually like my girlfriend, if she oversleeps a casual date like this, I'm happy for her that she's getting the sleep she needs and happy that I get to see her a little later than planned anyway.

    If you're leaving out important context like you not respecting his time or being late for things being a chronic pattern that you're not taking steps to address, his reaction is a bit more understandable, though I still think extreme; having a conversation or several to figure out how to adjust expectations and planning so that he's not relying on you being punctual and to mitigate the degree to which it's a problem if you're not is the ideal response, not angry outbursts. It's just than in this case, you might be able to address the problem by finally having those conversations and getting on the same page – it seems that it's at least possible in that case that the problem is less fundamental relationship incompatibility or toxic tendencies on Boyfriend's part and more a lack of communication.

    But it could still be a more fundamental problem, especially if this outburst has no rationalizing context. Does he behave like this a lot, picking fights over minor things you've done “wrong” (and maybe not even things that actually impact him at all)? Does he default to blaming and punishing you when there's any disagreement or conflict between you two instead of approaching you with affection and in good faith to try to figure out a mutually agreeable resolution? If either of those – or both – sounds familiar, I'd say he's not capable of healthy relationships at this point, and you should break up – you don't need to stick around allowing him to mistreat you while he sorts his shit out, and that's assuming he even recognizes the problem and starts working on it (a professional counselor might be helpful).

    At the very least, you need to have conversations about expectations both for time management/planning and for conflict response. Best wishes, OP.

  20. Have you tried genuinely complimenting him in every day situations? Light joking insults can start to grate when you never get compliments. Guys who generally have their shit together and are awesome, almost never get complimented in society. On the rare occasions you get feedback, if it’s kind of negative, it can hit way harder than it should.


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