Leslistone online sex cams for YOU!

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My pussy is so wet i want to feel ur cock deep inside!! Control lush 99tks, ♥ [166 tokens remaining]

12 thoughts on “Leslistone online sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/RefrigeratorCold5155, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. She can buy a beater car for like $500. Is it crappy? Yes. Does it look like shit? Yes. Will it break down in 3 months? Probably. But in the meantime it will get her to and from work. She doesn’t need to rely on you and the $500 investment is going to pay off within a week. Unless her degree is in social work, in which case it will pay off within a month. So the car thing is just misdirection.

    If she doesn’t want to live with your family and you do, then stop living together. You don’t have to break up just because you’re not living in the same space

  3. As long as a fake tan sits in line with her naturally achievable skin colours then it's fine. Going over the top with the fake tan isn't racist, it just looks god awful. Using a tanning salon is no different from sun tanning, it's the same process the source of the light is just artifical.

    Whenever we have views like this it's always from Americans, my African friends would find it insane to call someone racist for getting a tan.

  4. Lmao I didn’t mean to. Just if she mentions everything you did bad, and wants you to put your life on hold while she made it clear there is no future with you, you are her emotional whipping post. She can hurt you and stay in control while you just kinda take it

  5. Can't believe the downvotes in here, all these people acting like they know for certain what the situation is based off a few paragraphs. Ridiculous.

  6. I can relate with your situation. As a current 22M, my father has always been a pessimist and constantly worries and voices his concerns when no matter where I go or what I do. It’s important to understand though, that he’s voicing these concerns out of his love and concern for you, as he only wants you to be safe at the end of the day. It doesn’t seem like he’s forcing you to not attend the concert, but to instead be aware of possible dangers.

    At the same time, life is too short to be worried about every little thing, and you shouldn’t stop that from letting you have fun. I would talk to him again and let him know that you are aware of the dangers, and what precautions you will take to be safe if you do go.

  7. So I guess you're not supposed to compliment someone that you like, listen to them, or tell them they are pretty?

  8. This is possibly his play. Which brings up the question on who he keeps hanging out with the friend that doesn't like his gf and makes her uncomfortable.

  9. “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.


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