DebbieBush on-line sex cams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “DebbieBush on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Give him a big box of condoms and tell him he gave you some serious STDs so if he wants to have sex he should prevent spreading the infection and probably get tested and treated. Oh and if you don't want to leave him insist he wear that “Love Glove” until he tests clean AND can prove he is no longer cheating.

  2. He sounds like he’s basically a psychopath and he’s slowly revealing himself to you. Run the hell away before he repeats the same cycle of having a ‘villain arc’, except with you at the target.

  3. She hit you. She's abusive and for that reason alone, you should be done. Take care of yourself and get out of a relationship with an abusive liar.

  4. As someone else linked to the study, it showed there is a 21.4% chance of transmission per partnership (not per sex act, the research is very specific about that) so the odds are not as high as you’d think.

  5. My degrees are actually in biology and physical anthropology, but okay.

    I'm really just looking for things to say to my girlfriend to convince her she is wrong about this

  6. This is hilarious….surely satire/ a troll?! If not you owe your friend a huge apology. Why on earth would you offer $20, that’s so insulting. you should have just apologised profusely and explained you will save.

    Also ‘unfair to DEPRIVE people of YOUR company’…..memoir at 26….I cringed so hot at the self-importance.

    -this friend gave you $500 for your wedding. -other friends have now loaned you $100 to offer the bride and you have decided…. To keep $80 of that?! Good grief.

  7. Theres not much to do there, theres 2 outcomes:

    1 – She doesnt sleep with another woman and resent you for that, and that ressentment you eventually end your marriage.

    2 – She does sleep with another woman and you start resenting her for that, and your ressentment eventually end your marriage.

    She will not magically stop being bissexual, much less stop wanting to experience a part of her sexuality whose she never experienced, só either you come to terms with it, or the end is near.

  8. He has already broken pretty much every vow he made to you. The marriage is done. The man is done. You might not like it, but this is all already over. Get out while you still know who you are, what you are worth and value both your daughter and yourself.

  9. What I find odd, is that it’s her gift to him. Based on his comments, sounds like they haven’t had a threesome discussion. I think it’s really for her

  10. Can he use a nick name? My names Katie and I would be fine going be kate, k, my middle name…ect.

    You would have to come clean with why you are asking this.

  11. Realize that cheaters cheat because they’re the ones with insecurities which is why they go out seeking validation from others.

    It has nothing to do with you. Think about it. Traditionally beautiful celebrities get cheated on all the time. Not because they’re lacking! It’s because they were the ones dating a cheater.

  12. Lmao, did someone basically comment “how American” of me to mention drinking and smoking, even tho I added how science proves we are not at the same mental development when it comes to age ? Cus, that's just sad. Idk if they deleted or blocked me, but that was so quick is was kinda second-hand embarrassing. U/throwaway_jacksback , the people you comment at still see the email notifications, just FYI. Good luck with that.

  13. I'd want more details on why everyone in your group started calling you a racist. Why would all of them turn on you?

  14. You haven't been together for that long so try to remember how you occupied your time before you started dating her. Then go back to doing some of those things. But if this persists and if you can really say this is a “need” rather than just a want, you may have to accept that you're too different in your relationship expectations to be together.

  15. I think he had said that she had a history of infidelity. My feeling was that it was a cheater getting the jump on the spouse by accusing “them” of being a cheater.

  16. Had you guys ever talked about that? Was that a boundary you’d ever expressed? It’s not wrong to have, but you can’t see his side at all?

  17. Definitely choose the job! You are at the stage when developing your career is a priority. Whatever you achieve now will be your safety cushion for whatever comes ahead in terms of relationships. Partners come and go, your professional development and achievements stay with you.

  18. So her colleague went on a date with her, and only told you after the fact, and he gave her a romantic novel? I would personally not be okay with that.

  19. I'll echo what some others have said and encourage you to date your wife, make an effort to engage with her on an intellectual and romantic level . That can only help your relationship. I'm also going to suggest that you help around the house more. Women who are partners and mothers tend to have what amounts to a 90+ hour work week. It's EXHAUSTING. Pick up some of that work and try to meet her halfway and she'll likely have more time and energy for sex.


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