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28 thoughts on “AmeliaLean live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah I agree with you, it won't be fair to the other person. But it doesn't have to be a romantic partner either. Find friends, family, don't be afraid to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation, for example talking to a complete stranger in a safe situation. The worse thing to do would be to isolate yourself. It won't go overnight, but being surrounded by people you're comfortable with will surely as hell help you move forward quickly.

  2. I don’t understand why you haven’t just told him never to call you again and blocked him everywhere. He’s a cheater who is trying to manipulate you.

  3. People commenting how this is due to a trauma but I don’t see evidence of OP stating that’s what it is – so I’m going to say yeah, men don’t care how much they gawk or stare and then there are tons of them that do it, so assuming your gf is good looking, or at least considered so by majority of men, it gets very overwhelming to not be able to go anywhere without some f*cking creep staring at you.

    Sometimes it happens so damn much to women that it’s easier to go out in scrubs, not put together, no make up, etc bc then you just blend in with the public instead of looking so good you stand out and don’t get left alone.

    Call it what you want but it’s like paparazzi without the constant photo taking and replaced by whistles/shouting/comments/winks/staring/etc

    Stop f*cking making women feel objectified society

  4. I didn’t bring up your drinking at all. And you misspelled “pity.”

    My husband rather likes that I’m so passionate about taking care of people who are vulnerable. He says it’s a turn on when I go all crusade-y over an obvious miscarriage of justice that needs to be corrected. He also likes the fact that I’m literate.

    Did a woman dump you for cheating or something? You lose a girl because she wouldn’t tolerate your shitty friends? There’s got to be something behind why you’re so zealously defending leaving a pregnant patient in the dark about her own sexual history and health risks.

  5. You can't “deescalate” her and you shouldn't HAVE to! You're not a hostage negotiator, you're her family.

    Stop trying to make these people care about you, they don't. They don't want therapy, they don't want to calmly communicate, they want to abuse and hurt you. You cannot make it make sense or change them.

    It's time to walk away.

  6. Thank you. I have had a conversation with him and he has changed nothing so I doubt he will ever be the person I fell in love with!

  7. On one hand you definitely need to distance yourself from her. On the other hand, I have been so drunk that I did not recognize my husband in front of me before. If he wasn’t twice my size I probably would’ve tried to throw something at him in that moment. I sat on my floor holding onto my Rottweiler for dear life screaming like I was being murdered, because there was a strange man standing over me. He left me in my kitchen until I settled down and then he dragged me into bed. Never tried to wrestle my wet and dirty clothes off of me or tried to move me somewhere more comfortable, just let me settle down in my own time.

  8. Drop them. You don’t need friends checking out your girl thinking “oh I’d fuck that” then do it. My best guess they prob had sex when y’all were dating too. That my dude is not a friend.

  9. Why ask for advice if the only thing you actually want is to get what you want without compromising?

    Because he's not here for advice, he's here to argue and prove to himself that everyone, including his gf, are biased against him because he's a man.

    He's trying to make this a gender issue in most of his comments. He doesn't want solutions, he wants validation.

  10. Your boyfriend is a gentleman and trying to make sure you’re safe. That's what a good man is supposed to do. Just because your parents didn't give a fuck doesn't mean you have to be with someone who acts like they don't either.

  11. Consult a divorce lawyer and make sure the evidence you have is sufficient in your jurisdiction for the prenup. Some places won't accept less than photographic proof of vaginal penetration as evidence of infidelity so he'll have to compare the evidence with the prenup wording and consider whether the local judges will accept it or not. If you're good and you go ahead have your wife served by surprise and have a copy of the evidence delivered to the “friends” wife as soon as your wife gets served so your wife doesn't have a chance to warn him.

  12. Can anybody give me advice for dealing with this situation? Guys is it normal to feel guilty after your woman asks you to roleplay maid stuff and she says yes and afterwards you feel like you cheated on her with a maid even though that was literally the same person only pretending to be a maid? I feel kind of disgusted with myself. Even though I know it was her. Even though it was her idea to roleplay the clumsy maid who accidentally does sex. She literally had the maid costume for years. I feel like if I talked to her about this she might respect me less as a man and as a person. So I'm asking reddit for advice. Hopefully this will specify for your automod that I am not looking for moral judgement or whatever it said but… advice? Can you give me advice?

  13. Your roommate sexually assaulted you in your sleep. You didn't cheat. If your gf doesn't believe you, you need a new one anyway. I'm sorry this happened to you. If you feel shock-y, lose sleep, have intrusive thoughts, find you can't stop replaying the event even when you don't want to, you may benefit from professional help. Don't downplay symptoms of sexual trauma to gaslight yourself into thinking you're ok if you aren't.

    Better she hear the truth from you than her roommate make something up to cover for herself.

  14. So I'm being downvoted for letting a woman know she should do what she wants with her body, instead of what her ex wants? Outstanding character, Reddit.

  15. We don't eat together because we're in a LDR

    It was not a wise choice. But deep down I know that she doesn't want fish or maybe something else. And I forgot about it and I thought it was fish.

    I do know her. I spent months trying to read her mind. Memorize all the hints that her body and words are giving when she's frustrated. And I was hurt that one simple mistake, she said that I don't even know her

    Do I need to improve? I know for myself that I make mistakes. But every mistake I make, I always remember it and make it a lesson.

  16. You know what’s more embarrassing than cancelling a wedding? Spending your life married to a clown who treats you badly.

  17. The only way this would be important is if she was a minor when you started dating. If not, how does being 19 or 18 make any difference?

    It's not like you are 37…

  18. I am just looking for some kind of advice/feedback or interaction. I’m having a very hot time functioning. I feel like I’m in shock as I can’t take this pain anymore.

  19. I split up with someone I’d been with for 7-8 years at the age of 34 (thankfully not under such sad circumstances). It felt like so much time. It was so scary to move on.

    But trust me, it isn’t that long. You can move on. You deserve better.

  20. I agree with therapy/marriage counseling but honestly I don't think it will be able to solve this. If a woman was married to a man from a Muslim/African community and the man took his daughter to a surgeon and had her clitoral hood removed without consulting the wife because it's “what my community does” and “more hygienic” and it “looks unusual* without cutting anything off, I doubt this would fly. I doubt that OP would be making excuses to try and justify it.


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