Sonia-sander live sex chats for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Sonia-sander live sex chats for YOU!

  1. This reads like your boyfriend is “contra”. Basically anything the “media” says is counter to reality. Tell him that Kanye is banned by Elon Musk on Twitter and his boy Alex Jones basically dismissed his nazi claims on his show. See what he says.

    There are some people out there who will just go against convention just because certain people say don't do it. Some people are just like that.

  2. What do you mean you were “supposed to marry”?

    I wish you all the best. But you're still very young. I hope you have managed to make choices that will work for you for the rest of your lives.

    If you think the alternative to getting married so soon after high school is wasting time, you are completely mistaken. OP is in college. I don't know what his major is and how career oriented he wants to be. But a situation may arise in which his and his gf's goals will be in conflict. Since he would have caved in after his gf's ultimatum under that scenario, it would be likely for him to stay under her thumb in this sort of matters as well.

  3. Thank you for your response… I doubted for a long time before sending that text…

    Certainly agree with the response being disproportionate. He claims he needs to appease her since he fears she might take the kid away from him (not allow him to see her and alike…).

    We had been having some issues over time and started seeing a couple therapist… I constantly feel disrespected and gaslighted… somehow the therapist claims I am the one that needs to make a bigger effort for the relationship…

  4. Glad that you broke your cycle and started feeling better ☺️but I agree that once he push aside his ego and think that vulnerability is normal then maybe I will start seeking help hopefully…

  5. well he can’t be a parent to the kid without talking to her. so dump her cuz clearly you can’t handle that dynamic. however there is something to note that while the baby daddy might now wanna be with your gf anymore, he does wanna drive a wedge between y’all so she’s always in his back pocket. but because of the child, she may not see that the baby daddy is being manipulative. if you wanna stick it out, i hope y’alls communication and trust can improve

  6. How long do you think i would have to be off porn/masturbating until it starts “working”? I have no problem with how long i have to be without it, i just dont want her to be dissapointed time after time

  7. You know what? Do it. Tell her what you want to do. Hopefully this will be the final nail in the coffin and she’ll leave your ass

  8. He’s too old and Cleary he’s not mature if he is so frustrated with a 19 yo being age appropriate. It’s just a way to get you to depend on him 100% with no view point of your own. I bet the “problems” with your immaturity is that you don’t see things how he does? You don’t realise some of your friends are bad influences?? Etc

  9. This is dicey. Years ago, a buddy with whom me and a handful of guys were pretty close was cheating on his gf. We all knew, but we were tight with him and sworn to secrecy. So one day the gf calls me and flat out asks, referencing a bunch of red flags for her, and I—being a loyal buddy—lied my ass off. A short time later, my buddy caved and admitted everything to his gf. I was pissed and apologized to the gf for my misplaced loyalty. She said she understood, but to this day, I don't believe that she did. My point is I felt like and idiot and guilty as hell. Never again. The most I would say is something to the effect of, “I don't feel right about getting involved in this situation, and won't. I'm sorry.”

  10. I strongly suggest you do not 'ambush' this person. I get that you are concerned but catching him unawares and demanding he talk and explain himself to you two is beyond the pale.

    All of this drama on his part, and how poorly he treated you, the slurs he used… just don't. If he does have something he is not ready to tell you, ambushing him to satisfy your curiosity is not the solution.

    If he wants to talk to either of you, he knows how to find you.

    Let all of this go. Let it go.

  11. I can understand that it is a big deal and probably made him anxious/upset for you but his reaction says a lot, it was an overreaction on your behalf. His reaction to a problem that isn’t necessarily a “us” problem is to belittle you, make jokes at your expense, harass you, try to take your belongings and then forcibly help. I don’t think you should ignore a red flag like that. Hopefully that behavior was a one time thing, won’t be an issue in future for other inevitable problems.

  12. And he’d be the type who when caught cheating would try to convince you he tripped and fell and landed penis first in the vagina….

  13. You ok dating someone this irresponsible? He's irresponsible with financial decisions and irresponsible with his pet and is fine with expecting you to pick up his slack – he sounds like someone to have in your past.

  14. Uhm you could have died…. duct taping a balled up sock could cause your gag reflex to react and that in turn could more or less have you choke on your own vomit…. so your friend directly endangered you and that is in noooooo way a normal “trust exercise”. I hope you seriously reflect on this and consider talking to someone professional about it because it isn't normal what he did.

  15. You'll have to address it to him. The answers won't fall out of the sky. Be more direct and ask him how he really feels about you.

  16. Do you want to continue this relationship?

    From the outside, it looks like you choose masturbation over sex with your partner. That's a hell of a kick in the psyche especially since he's unsatisfied with your shared sex life.

    Being too tired for sex is understandable. It's something that happens to most people at some point or another. Choosing masturbation when you knew he might walk in was insensitive.

  17. What you need to do is focus on reality. As it relates to your ex, it's not even about the fact that he's in a relationship or whether or not he thinks about you (not that that's not important); it's about putting things into perspective.

    I have a lot, but let's just start with your ex. Why did you break up?


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