Vanessasunhine live sex chats for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Vanessasunhine live sex chats for YOU!

  1. It sounds like it is a fairly new relationship. I would start moving slower with her. Start having her do things for you. Also in a healthy relationship it is normal to hang out with friends and have space away from each other. Relationships are a compromise and so far it seems very one sided. Before I met my husband he had an ex who did this too him. She never would come see him At college it was always about her having him come. He went to all her activities, but she would never go to his. He finally couldn’t do it anymore and broke up with her. Is that the kind of relationship you want?

  2. To be honest i don’t really know you or your relationship but i don’t think it’s weird. If you enjoy doing those things for him then that’s okay

  3. Yes.

    I've been married to a man who had significant insecurities when we met. We've been married for 17 years and are still going strong.

    We both have flaws that we help each other work on. I don't know if we would have been as successful in our marriage if we married any younger (we were about 30 when we met, we're close in age).

    Don't give up hope, but also don't wait for someone to help 'fix' you. Confidence is an inside job!

  4. Yeah, that’s why I am trying to let him know in the best possible way, but he’s so stuck on the incident that he simply repeats himself over and over… It’s exhausting. I’m trying to stand my ground, tho.

    Thank you!

  5. We met at work… I was his manager and he thought I was older than I was. I thought he was younger than he was. When we did find out the connection was already there and everything was legal so why not see where is takes us? 3 years later we are here. I’m happy & he’s happy.??‍♀️

  6. So his money was yours too when you were a SAHM but now that you make some money it's a problem that your money is his too. What a surprise.

  7. I think that you're lying to yourself (and ourselves) with adoption being a fantasy because you can't cope with the desire of your gf. While I respect the normal desire of being a father thru the “common process”, I think you should ask yourself if adoption really changes anything about that desire. You can still be a father, you can still have a kid while respecting your gf wish, and the most important part is that you're going to change someone's life in a really positive way (that's parenting too). After asking to yourself that question, if you're still really attached to the idea of being a father after 9 months, you should leave her and respect her wish.

  8. I dealt with a similar situation. Consult a doctor!

    Mine explained the risks and basically assured me with a condom I had a low risk of catching it and the biggest risk was oral sex. But anyways. Consult a doctor, not us

  9. You know the point of the dating scene for the vast majority of people is to find what you have. Do some more research and see how much older, insecure guys with no real dating game/history tend to make out in the dating game. Once you make your decision, you’re slamming the door naked on your gf forever….

  10. Post a graduation update on your graduation day to this subreddit and we'll celebrate it with you

  11. Situations like OP is describing can be so complex naked to navigate irl. People seem to love comments where someone simplifies it, and states specifically what needs to be done, as if the conversation has reached a perfect conclusion. It seems unrealistic and unnuanced to me, and I personally like when someone points it out like you do. The downvotes you get seem unfair, but to each their own.

  12. If you don't find her, don't bin it, OP. It's only a little thing, just put it safe somewhere just in case she ever does return for it.

    When I got divorced, I kept my wedding ring which had my mother-in-law's thin wedding ring embedded inside it. I kept thinking about returning it to my ex, but I didn't want to open any channels of communication.

    He died a year or so ago, I only found out live well after the event. I feel kind of bad that I hadn't sent it back to him, his mother's wedding ring meant a lot to him. There's no-one else to send it to, so here I am with it still tucked into a corner of my jewellery box.

  13. What if he agrees. I might throw it in there as a hypothetic but it does not really change the situation.

    OP this is a dealbreaker and I do think you are right on the money. He values his desire to have sex with others over your relationship. The fact he says it would keep him from looking elsewhere is a threath. This is not healthy and you should let him walk.

  14. OP has done literally none of those things though.

    When my husband and I got together, I went on two solo trips I had already booked. Due to visa regulations in our country of residence, he's been on trips without me.

    A lot of people here, including you, are accusing OP of having some kind of nefarious purpose. For many British people, it's as easy to get to Paris as it is to London. And did you all miss the part where she says she's home alone all day? Seems like if she wanted to cheat she could be doing so already.

    OP, live your life for you. Go to Paris, and then find somewhere to online where you're not isolated from others all day long. Plenty of people enjoy solo travel. I hope you go to the catacombs. I haven't been to Paris since childhood, and that's where I would go.

  15. Yoooooooooooo, you absolutely need to be gone from him asap. He has already cheated, is currently cheating, or is planning on cheating. He is 100% projecting onto you

  16. “he’s not responsible for his actions while drunk”

    “maybe I don’t remember what actually happened”

    “he said it doesn’t sound like him”

    Q: How do I process this?

    A: You leave him.


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