Abbie-morgan live! sex cams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Abbie-morgan live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. What did the police say. What's the status of the investigation?

    How did she react when she found out about the accident?

  2. This is a you problem. You should respect your bf's privacy, especially since you've broken his trust several times without him doing anything.

    Be a grown up and talk to your boyfriend about how you feel.

  3. There is a big reason people date a “project”

    Control. They WANT someone “not perfect”

    They don’t ever want them to improve. They just want to be able to neg them “justifiably”

  4. Everyone attacking the husband needs to chill he obviously loves his wife he’s been with her for 10 years there’s nothing wrong with pushing your partner to be the best versions of themselves she didn’t express anything that sounds like abuse in fact she even said he still tells her that he loves her. I think he sees the potential you have and is upset when he sees you slacking. Women keep their husbands healthy and in shape all time why shouldn’t a man want and desire the best for his wife especially when he knows she’s capable.

  5. I would open a separate account and only add half of the bills to the joint account. He has to be responsible for his part in the family. The rest is his money to do with what he wants but he might just be depending of you and your inheritance for his future security. Not a great partnership

  6. How do you mistakenly…deliberately, consciously, and willing decide to fuck someone else behind your partners back?

  7. Firstly hieroglyphics are a superior way to convey the written word, but they don’t really do for day to day, and emojis are the dog ? of the picturesque wordsmiths toolbox.

    Onto your question.

    Yes bring it up, only through communication that works for each party can you actually understand what is trying to be conveyed. And also without communication a relationship will die a fast death. So it should be in his interests to communicate properly with you.

  8. New rules- Dua lipa

    You’re not telling your friends because you know it’s not in your best interest and you don’t want to hear it. You don’t want to put your friends through emotionally supporting you again. You recognise that they want you to be emotionally healthy and they would choose that for you, but you’re not able to choose that for yourself right now.

    Not saying stop or keep going that’s a decision you have to make.

    Yeah it would suck if you chose not to and it would be painful but I (and obviously your friends) think you are strong enough to get through it.

  9. It’s assumed unless there it’s contested by one or both partners. But like the commenter above said, no judge in there right mind would separate a parent and a child after 12 years (even if the dad wanted to).

  10. does nothing to help this situation

    Neither does giving advice to someone who isn't going to take it.

  11. Yes he‘s calling you names. My SO would fight anyone who called me a bitch and definitely never call me that.

  12. I think you should go and ask this question in one of the chronic illness subreddits. You need the input of people who know what its like for your gf.

  13. Do break up with him.

    He continuously disrespects you and your intelligence. Say you are over and if you want make sure to tell him why (he is a POS, and did yxz).

    UpdateMe! Please

  14. I’d say a bit before. This isn’t some ‘my wife my trapped me’ post. I want advice on how to support my wife and work through this with her


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