Adhara Isabella live webcams for YOU!

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?, We are queen? PVT-show is open ? #couple #teen #squirt #18 #smoke SHOW WITH #iam-sofiia

10 thoughts on “Adhara Isabella live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yea, but why? Lol. I would never stalk an ex's partner on social media, and why would you want to try to be/act like them? Makes no sense

  2. You really shouldn’t bring up the past especially since you and he addressed it 10 months ago. It seems to me that you want to end the relationship and are bringing this old issue up to make it his fault. Just say you’re having second thoughts about the relationship and keep it in the present. Hammering someone over the head with a historical issue is emotionally abusive.

  3. Thank you… that sounds super logical and you explained that perfectly.

    I am getting too far ahead myself and you’re right, I will sit my ass down and enjoy my next date with this hard ass chick!!

  4. In the group chat:

    “Hi all, I am updating everyone that family visits will be limited to the weekends. During the week the kids and I will be doing our own thing, effective immediately. See you next weekend.”

    And then turn off Notifications.

    Get a chain lock and bolt the door during the day. If someone shows up, don't answer the door and don't pickup calls.

    They'll start taking YOU seriously when YOU tell them what your Boundaries are.

    Stop buying food or making snacks for guests that you didn't invite over.

    If they won't leave then bundle up the kids and go to a friend's/family members house until bedtime. If you arrive home and they are still there… “I'm sorry, but it is the twins bedtime and you all need to go home now thanks.” (And head to the bedrooms to put down the kids)

    If you come back later and they are still there.

    “Hey I asked you all to please leave 45min ago. Time's up. Please pack up and go home.”

    If you have the balls to leave for a couple of months then you have the balls to set Boundaries at home.

    You are the Momma Bear now. Act like the Momma Bear.

    I found the first year or so hard. I decided that I didn't care if they thought I was difficult as long as I got MY SPACE.

    At the 4yr old mark I had the grandparenta basically trained to back off.

    If they were nice, they saw the kids. If they were rude or dismissive I booked playdates and hangouts with other friends and family so that when husband wanted to see his parents “Sorry, we're seeing So-and-So. Life with kids is so busy!”

    Oh, I also started getting up and out of the house every morning with kiddo to community centres or libraries where they have Mom & Tot times where I could chat with adults and the babies play or nap.

    So whenever my MIL tried to stop by without ok'ing it first I wasn't even home.

    Make mom friends so you can escape to other houses and have coffee.

  5. WALK AWAY, that is it. She is not over the ex he will inevitably hurt her again and she is going to try and come back over and over the cycle won't end.

  6. I can understand what you’re saying and I agree there are some weird mofos out there but there are also so many people that having kids already is a deal breaker. Bf was an absolute ass about it from the jump.

  7. Fair enough. However, she isn't you, and she has her own reasons for not being on board. I think that this could be a great point of discussion to learn more about one another, but don't open up any discussions with the intent of changing her mind on anything.

  8. Info: does she know your fantasy is her and your friend? It sounds like you've had this for a while and already chosen the other person. I don't think I'd be comfortable in her shoes with you suggesting a friend, especially if I had to see this friend often.


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