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Airi_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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Room for live! sex video chat Airi_

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46 thoughts on “Airi_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. He knows, he choosing to not “understand” so he doesn’t have to take responsibility, I’m betting if you turned around today and said something like “ you are a disappointing lover, and I wish you could fuck me like my ex “ waited for him to realise words hurt, then told him you only said it to prove your point and it’s not true, he would be butt hurt for ages and you would e a big meanie- while still not apologising for whatever hurtful words he has said to you

  2. Personality and beauty attracted me. No nefarious intent. She tried more than me. I was aware of the gap and was avoiding a serious relationship. But she insisted and I asked her multiple times if she was sure about this. And she said multiple times she was. ?

  3. There is nothing to be confused about. He said move on, so move on. He doesn’t want a serious relationship, only a casual hookup. If you don’t want that, find another guy.

  4. Part of her issue is she’s probably exhausted and doesn’t feel sexy or like she can make the time that will also changes they get older and she will start wanting it more again if she wanted in the first place

  5. 3 months in and I think you've got this spot on. It's too early for the expensive jewellery stage but your gift is very personal, shows that you listen to her and have thought about what she likes. Nicely done.

  6. The best thing to do is get a divorce. A cheater can't break the habit if they're in the same environment. He won't stop cheating; he’ll just get better at hiding it. You’ll want to do this now rather than years later with kids in the mix.

  7. Because at some point, you can still move in together and rent one place out? If he threatens breakup instead of trying to find workable solutions, I'd take him at his word and leave.

  8. Your first sentence resonates a lot with me. I'm just certain that without her i'll be much less happy. But also with her i'm not entirely happy. I'm realy torn right now. Maybe we are not compatible. But maybe i'm just overexaggerating and destroying a very very good relationship…

  9. My friend, please read back what you wrote here.

    He broke up with YOU. You had know way of knowing that he would come back.

    You slept with someone else. Not cheating, as you’ve been broken up with.

    You think that simultaneously 1) he “really does love you” but also 2) he would break up with you if he knew you slept with someone else after HE ended your relationship.

    You have done nothing wrong here. I would tell him, and if he wants to break up that is proof that he is not in fact a really great guy

  10. There also seems to be a comparison isdue. First of all, healthy couples don't compete against each other. Secondly, you're comparing yourself with someone almost twice your age. Do you think that that has no effect? These comparisons are not doing you any good, you'd likely do well if your reference group were people at their 20's. Someone here said that him dating someone your age is bc no-one their age would take their BS is correct.

  11. You are looking for laws to support your choice to pay her alimony (though you haven't been married to her and aren't divorced from her) and child maintenance (for a child that is not yours biologically or adopted) but you aren't in favour of a prenup that would spell out your legal obligations to support her and her child financially in the future if you split up?

  12. Anyone who resorts to lying to avoid conflict will do it in a myriad of situations. I doubt this is the only time he’s lied to you. Maybe that’s why he seems so “great”

  13. You need to negotiate and come to a better compromise or you need to get divorced. You’re asexual, he needs sex. You guys either need to work with a sex therapist to see if there’s anything that might help. If it’s just your sexuality you need to consider an open marriage or just let him free.

  14. I do have a therapist, I was more interested in seeing if others had a similar experience to mine and could share their stores. But thanks for your resources!

  15. I don't really… care about being a good person? I specifically asked for insight on dating a sibling of someone you dated before, not weird pearl clutchy loserish moral judgement.

  16. The only thing I would add is if possible tell his mother that you were never his girlfriend, you didnt know that's what he had been telling her, and that he's started voicing some very concerning things about women that she should be concerned about. And that youve blocked him from your life because he's actually frightened you.

  17. Well… Honestly, you messed up. You cheated on her and as if that wasn't bad enough, while taking some space from each other because you cheated on her, you went and slept with someone else. That's not the action of a person that regrets cheating on their partner and is seeking forgiveness and to earn back trust.

    Idk, maybe you do love her – but nothing you did here indicated it. Instead of taking actions to save the relationship by telling her how you felt and taking steps to fix things, you went and did something that would cause your relationship with her to explode. It's like if someone was to say they really love their…idk.. Phone… and then proceed to throw it against the wall to see what happens. When you care about something, you take care of it – so that wouldn't make any sense to most people. And I find it very hard to believe that the consequences of your choices didn't cross your mind before setting up little wine dates with another woman and ending up in bed with a waitress.

    You can tell her what you've said here, but I can't tell you how that will go. You've fallen into the problem that a lot of cheaters end up with – you realized what was most important a little bit too late. If you do try, though, my suggestions would be to not try to lay any blame on her when you try to “explain”. No matter what she did or how you were feeling excuses the actions you decided to take about it. And if you decide to try to fix this and if she gives you a chance, make sure that you actually work on the aspects of yourself that lead you down this road to begin with. Don't take her willingness to give you another chance for granted. You've already hurt and humiliated her as it is, don't do it again. If you aren't 100% sure you can do that, then leave her alone.

  18. Question from an European here. What do people do during the dating phase ? Do they display affection in public ? Do they have sex? It’s so mysterious for me (we don’t have that kind of culture I guess)

  19. yea its not allowed at all. I was thinking about doing that too, but have my reservations about how it would affect me as a writer.

  20. Then you can only accept that this will be your life and trying for children will be especially miserable

  21. I never said he blames you for that or you blamed him for that.

    Please actually read my reply and then call and get therapists.

  22. Sounds like he made a pass at her and she rejected him. Now he’s worried that she’s avoiding him or might tell you what happened. You need to talk to her and find out what happened.

    Also, nobody accidentally sends that many texts then unsends them. He’s lying to cover his tracks

  23. You have to figure out what is more important to you, pursuing a relationship with A or maintaining a friendship with M. Ultimately, you all are grown adults that can make decisions on who you want to date. However, be prepared to lose your friendships if you haven’t lost them yet.

  24. Your boyfriend did a lot wrong here. Interrupting your therapy session would be my hill to die on.

    Interrupted your session when there were 2 other bathrooms in the house. That seems intentional.

    Discredited your therapist and blamed his wrongdoing on someone else.

    Threw in your face that it’s his house

    Giving you the Ilene treatment, which is manipulative and a common abuse tactic

    You said your mental health isn’t in a good place. Could he be the reason why?

  25. A great father doesn’t cheat on his children’s mother. A great husband doesn’t cheat on his wife. You know who does these things? A dishonest cheater with no morals. Please stop trying to excuse him. What he’s done – repeatedly – is unforgivable.

    You are not the one who has ruined your marriage, and you’re not the one who has placed your children’s happiness at issue.

    He has no respect for you and he’s not showing much concern for his. The happiness of his penis is more important to him than his family. I don’t see how your home can be happy in this situation.

  26. I still date my girlfriend and that’s not the issue and I did know the other girl pretty well actually we were close for a few years prior to dating. Yes it’s true that I don’t know who she is now that’s a valid point. I guess my problem is that I feel like my relationship and subsequently my life is lacking something no matter what I try. I feel like my gf is objectively an amazing person but that alone doesn’t mean I love her the way I should love her.

  27. I love that everyone in the comments are like “Damn she gonna get trafficked” and OP legit is just jealous that he thinks she gets to go on a trip without him and thinks he's missing a good time lmfao.


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