Alanagellano on-line sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Alanagellano on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think your sister needs to grow up, and your husband sounds cold and controlling. She’s your sister, you love her, you want to help her. You also want your marriage. Your husband isn’t being fair, and neither is your sister with her behaviour. Going on benders and refusing help when she’s bipolar is terrifying. The thing is, the drugs make you feel awful. The side effects start to wear off about an hour before you’re due to take the next one. You try and stretch it out, because you’re going to feel like death again once you take it, so you leave it an extra hour, feel even better, then another hour…bipolar mania is a high that is better than any coke, any drug, and it’s addictive, but it’s always followed by the crash. Is there anywhere else you can go with your sister? You need to have a serious talk with her about her choices, about how it’s affecting your mental health, how you are scared for her all the time, how you can’t sleep for worrying, about the toll it’s taking on you all together. With your husband- only you can decide. He sounds cold, unfeeling, but only you can decide that. Alit of people are scared and uncomfortable around mental illness. If he restricts you in any way from having friends, seeing people, then that’s worrying. If it’s just your sister, then I would take it that she makes him very uncomfortable. Look for other ways to help your sister, ie going to an appointment with her and meet her therapist, asking her to keep a mood diary, finding online support groups, just being interested. It’s horrible being so sick that you can’t trust yourself and not having support. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. You sound like a lovely person.

  2. Unpopular opinion, but It's just a stupid contract. Most things get fucked up as soon as the government is involved anyway.

  3. Nah. Break ups can feel like a death, especially if it was serious. Do what you need to do to get through it because checking in on their social media/thinking about them just reinforces the pathways in your brain that keep them on your mind.

  4. I didn’t say he didn’t cheat. It isn’t black and white though and I would argue this doesn’t make him a bad person.

  5. Look – if she honestly felt bad about her reaction when she embarrassed you in Front of everyone, she would have immediately apologized and cleared the air in front of all of your friends. She would have (and should have) made a big show about her error in reaction. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it was you. Sorry everyone!”

    But she didn’t do that. She physically hurt you, publicly humiliated you, and implied you violated her personal boundaries. Then said absolutely nothing to apologize for her overreaction or make sure you were okay. And she didn’t notice that you left.

    Regardless of the trigger and her reaction to being touched – it’s how she acted AFTER her reaction that tells you everything you need to know. She absolutely did not care how her reaction affected you. She didn’t even notice you left.

    How safe would you feel in public with her after this?

  6. Yeah, he's probably thinking about breaking up also. Sit down and have a talk. That'll probably be the outcome. Sorry! Good luck.

  7. Hello /u/hankqueensmustache,

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  8. It doesn't sound like you two are a match to me. Definitely ask her what her love language is. That's the only way to cater to her in the way she needs.

  9. Reverse the roles. What if hubby wanted to go with his brother and SIL and leave you at home. How would that make you feel?

  10. Now that you mention it, only last week me and several friends were trading stories about how well melting down and making it explicitly clear that I am in no way over my ex works in the texting stages of dating a woman.

  11. It's not phrasing, it's the fact that you're married. I've been in an open relationship for years. My wife and my girlfriend get along with each other.

    If I want to date someone new, the first step is going somewhere that ethical non-monogamy is normal behavior because we're not the majority and the margin is huge.

  12. All these unsent texts are very suspect. They could be talking about the kids but it seems like she could be trying to stay away from him to. I think you need to do more digging before you jump to any conclusions even though this sub will be 75% divorce from the get go lol so don’t make any rash judgments without getting more information first. You know your husband and the situation far better then anybody here could. Best of luck to you!!

  13. The thing is, he is very supportive. He has true hope, and lofty idealism. He truly believes I can make a good life for myself, whereas I expect myself not to progress much farther than minimum wage for life. He's a spark of hope for my pessimistic ass, I guess.

    I don't know where I want to be, though I get this creeping sensation that once I start university, I'll start to get a starker sense of whether or not this is where I want to be. And by this, I mean, in a relationship with him.

  14. Most everyone who got cheated on probably also thought that their partners are not capable of cheating but it still happened.

  15. Have you actually observed that he’s an insensitive jerk who’s acting like a toddler that doesn’t know any better.

  16. He's abusing you. He will NOT change. Download a free PDF of the book Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft. It could change your life and give you the perspective and courage to leave your abuser.

  17. I’m sorry for not being specific. It’s insecurities of my own body, because I know it’s not perfect and for example, I do not have big chest or nice big curves, and so on. I am worried that he likes to watch because of other women that look much better than me and I am worried I will never be enough for him in that case and he won’t be happy with me. We can’t meet really often because we are really far away from each other and we have different school schedules. I will work on changing my mindset, so I don’t have to be upset about it. And I will also work on ways we can have fun together. Thank you!

  18. Sit her down and tell her that she needs to actually open up and tell you what is the actual problem.

    If they don’t want to, or there isn’t actually anything else, then tell them they change their attitude or the relationship ends.

  19. Before anything else, I really want to extend my condolences. This all must be so terribly hard. To lose not one, but two spouses, and then to be denied empathy? What a cruel world we online in.

    The only thought I have is possibly to try to seek out widows, as morbid as that sounds. My stepmother got with a widower not four months after my father passed, but the loss of a spouse is what connected them, I am told.

    You are not the only person on this earth who has lost multiple spouses. My father in laws mother lost two husbands. Life can be awful like that. I also do think that maybe you should give therapists a little bit of leeway. I wasn't there, of course, so I'm missing context and tone, but I think I would be concerned that my client felt the same way. Not as a personal judgement, but wondering if that is the baseline hurdle that we need to overcome.

    I do wish you the very best. I'm so sorry life has been so rough, and that some people can be so terrible.

  20. If you are the type of person who cares about what others think when you want to get with someone you like then he deserves better

  21. How long were they apart b4 u got together? Doesnt sound like hes over her & he shouldnt be in a relationship with anyone.


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