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21 thoughts on “ALEXASWEET live webcams for YOU!

  1. It's all up to you man…

    6 or 7 years ago. I was rather heavily drunk coming out of a bar with a female friend at the time… We kissed, I told her to come to. My house, but we sensed up, nothing happened. We never talked about it… Jajaja

    4 years ago, my BEST friend, my rock my ground, and I started living in the same room. (long story)

    One time, I just kissed her.

    We started a romance for some months, sadly, we were both coming out of deep depression and it did not went well… We went our séparate ways…

    To this days, I sometimes dream about her, and miss her every day…

    But it is my fault, I did commit to her for life, and I told her so…

    Even tho, I have moved out with my life, I still uphold those words. At least to me they still have value.

  2. It’s a situationship. You want a relationship, she’ll lead you on to maintain the status quo. It’s a waste of your time and is preventing you from seeking out a real relationship

  3. I think you need to use that email. Your story is heartbreaking, as are all cases of child abuse. I have no idea if this is possible but if you could self-refer to the CPS, children's social care services or whatever the relevant authorities where you online are, I think it might be helpful. This is not because I think your parents are monsters, but because their problems are even bigger than yours and they need help too. All the very best to you.

  4. BPD or a mental illness (PTSD even) would not be considered a chronic illness. The things I’m speaking of are like lupus (or diseases like it), hemophilia, diabetes, etc.

  5. Sadly getting caught the way he did would insure he will never do it again. Just take time and see if you find this act forgivable. What is bothersome is he won't do it again because you aren't ok with it, he knew you wouldn't be or he would have told you about it.

  6. I'm so sorry, but I feel that there's more to the story (on his side) that you don't know about and no one will tell you either. Good luck to you

  7. Your wife is afraid of losing her mother. That cancer gave her a scare of how mortal her dear mother is. So she's trying to spend as much time with her as possible and unfortunately that's becoming a burden on you and your children. You are no longer “safe” in the privacy of your own home, feel suffocated by her constant presence and her grandchildren have reached the point of hating to be near her.

    I am 100% certain that if her health would deteriorate to the point she needs constant care, she'd move your MIL into your home without discussing it with you. And I can attest to have seen marriages get ruined by that.

    Your wife needs to accept that this isn't healthy. This is no longer about love, but obsession. The people I know that obsessed so hot about their elderly parents have lashed out nude to the people closest to them. Some even picking up addictions or abusive habits.

    It's true that I may be thinking too negatively due to my past experiences, because you seem to have a good and stable relationship.

    So best of luck to you!

  8. This is just the experience you have the further along you get into a relationship imo. I've been with ny current partner for over a year and a half now and we went from having sex almost every day to having it once or twice a week, 3 if were lucky just because of how our schedules work and our moods. This seems to be the same thing. You're not doing anything wrong, the constant hornyness just wears off

  9. “Please, any advice is helpful” Um…, Leave? I haven't seen so many ? in a reddit post in months, which says a lot.

  10. This right here ⬆️ There are other, more reliable, methods of birth control. Pull out method = Russian roulette.

  11. 1) Don’t listen to the haters and people making assumptions about your life and situation. Your instinct won’t lead you astray.

    2) Congrats on the baby. It’s one of the greatest journeys in life, if you want it.

    3) Sending you lots of good health and love. Please keep us posted! I’m invested in your story!

  12. She sounds like she has an eating disorder, and a serious one at that. 5’1 and 77lbs is waaay underweight. She may not be ready to hear this but I would strongly recommend to her that she seek treatment. Does she see a PCP? Maybe they could help convince her that she has a problem. Some telltale signs: does she cut her food up into small pieces? Does she separate food out on her plate? Obviously she takes a long time to eat (another symptom). Is her hair thinning/falling out? Does she have irregular periods? Do you know if she purges (does she go to the bathroom immediately after eating)? Some things to consider. But she needs serious help.

  13. It sounds like your husband spouts right wing talking points and your son is trying to reach your husband rationally with facts. That hasn't worked either and now your son is done.

    Your husband and you chose adherence to confusing, lie filled ideology. It's incoherent and hateful. The fact he still supports Putin says so much, Russian state policy includes kidnapping Ukraine children, how can you support such a thing? To your son you both support incomprehensible, remorseless, hatred. He's lost you.

    He wants to be left alone now and thats his right, adult children don't owe you a relationship, not unless you treat the well. You haven't figured that out. Either you change your actions or you stay lonely .

  14. I havnt. This is probably the move. I just didn’t want to ask too soon. But I think the time is right

  15. Sounds like he wants you to stick around for easy sex without putting in the effort. That's probably why he went after a 17-year-old at 23.

  16. Some people don’t know how to support someone who is going through a loss. They never learned how and so they don’t want to mess up and make it worse. Which usually ends up making it worse anyways. Some people aren’t animal people and don’t really understand how devastating it is to lose a pet. Maybe that is what is happening here. These people understand the devastation of losing a loved one (human), they just don’t equate loved pet with loved human. Where as, us animal people don’t see a difference.

  17. That doesn't really answer my question. If you DID have something where you said an absolute no, would that be okay within your relationship with no negative reaction?


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