Alicia live sex chats for YOU!

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57 thoughts on “Alicia live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm going to be honest here.

    He probably wanted to break up because, well, while he probably does have strong feeling for you, he wanted to 'branch out' aka see other people : read sleep with other people.

    Not surprising, y'all got together very young. So you waited for him, which is fine and all that.

    Right now, I don't think y'all have gone past the whole 'communication' issue. Your bf is trickle truthing you. Insist that he gets an STI test at the very least. You don't know what his ex-gf or ex-fwb has, tbf.

    It bothers me that he decided to lie and hide this from you. Makes me concerned for your safety (health-wise). You don't want to contract any permanent situation, i.e. herpes, HPV from him and his ex-fwb/gf, seriously.

    I would suggest working on your communication even more, if not, I foresee another one of that break-up coming up in a couple of years or so. I hope not, but it won't be a surprise, unfortunately.

  2. You need to tell him especially if you stay with him. Don’t leave that shit untreated or think it won’t come right back! It’s not your fault you got it but now that you know you need to be responsible. You don’t want long term damage to your reproductive system, you’re very young and if he’s still hooking up with other people he’s going to be spreading it.. the person he got it from is too. You’re basically having sex with everyone he and the other people ever have and it’s really disgusting of him to do that to you or anyone. I’m sorry he’s such a loser, if he loved you he wouldn’t have done any of this. He probably already knows but either way you need to tell him or someone you know will tell him. There’s so many good people in this world that would never do that to you

  3. Get your escape plan ready – make sure all your important documents and sentimental items are safe (maybe take them to a friend's house). Decide what you're going to do about finances if you have a joint account. Gather any evidence you have (eg texts, photos) and go back to the police and say you'd like to press charges now. Do you have somewhere safe to stay?

    When I left my abusive ex husband I didn't have things in place yet and it was more stressful than it needed to be. I was working my way up to it, but then one day I just couldn't face another night under the same roof. “Luckily” the things he'd done to me were so bad that the police took him away and ordered him to stay out of our city.

    Are you part of a support group? Talking openly with other people who have been through the same thing is the best therapy imo. If you can't find a men's group advertised, you can try contacting the people who run groups for women and ask them to signpost you. My group was run by Women's Aid but the group leaders often talked about work they did with men's groups and they knew about all the resources available.

    Feel free to pm me if you'd like any more info

  4. She is using you buddy. Female here, it’s time for you to move on and find someone who deserves you. Once her debt is paid – you know it – she is outta there.

  5. Sounds like you can't ? so might be that you have to buy it when you need it, and things that don't need the fridge must be hidden in your room or something

  6. I mean… not everyone wants to be in a relationship with someone they can barely talk to. It’s not your fault. It’s not hers either. Just not compatible.

  7. You said he randomly gets angry and explodes at you. That’s a big red flag. People who have been in abusive relationships are unfortunately much more likely to end up in more abusive situations. He might not be as bad as the last guy, but his behavior is still an issue if he can’t control his anger.

    Are you in individual counseling?

  8. This is extremely gross and a huge violation. He's using your sexuality as a prop for his enjoyment, not something that is actually yours.

    You would be completely justified in dumping him immediately. If you want to make it work… Change your password and DO NOT let him have it. Have a more in-depth conversation about your boundaries around other women, and make sure you're comfortable with them. If he can't respect your boundaries, close the relationship again.

  9. She eventually just started calling me randomly to tell me things she got more comfortable. So really I wouldn't stress it too much yet. But I know how you felt for real.

  10. Unless their behaviour towards you has changed in any way since your confession, just carry on working in a professional manner. Treat them as you would any other member of your team. Keep all communication on a work-related basis only. Avoid any temptation to enter into more personal conversations. It will settle in time.

  11. Move on, after you told him, to ask you for sex was inconsiderate. He should have responded with “Will take it slow and you can guide me”. Sex is an important part of a relationship, and he should let it work itself out. If it doesn't then he should move on. The fact that you are telling him what you like and don't and he doesn't get it means he isn't interested in what you want. He's not for you.

  12. She is wasting years of her life with him — her most fertile years possibly. Tell her before she marries him and gets pregnant and he does it again or she finds out and her life becomes so much more difficult.

  13. I dunno, given Angel’s concern they’d go after you both for money, I’d be worried they’ll try to manipulate Rose to get her to give them her inheritance. Money makes people so crazy stuff. You also don’t have enough context on what happened to know of you can trust a word they say.

  14. Did he explain where he is getting them from? Any theories? Is there a pet that also needs treating? Is he planning to step up his hygeine?

  15. OP works 48 hours a week and does a lot of chores around the house. Wife doesnt want to work and insists of being a sahm:

    “OP should do more chores and romance his wife. she is probably depressed and needs to e pampered”

  16. Since when does someone's husband need to grant permission for them to receive something nice? That's such gross archaic thinking. She's a whole grown-ass woman. If she didn't want the car, or felt uncomfortable, she'd be well in her right to say as much. But per OP, she likes the car. Her husband is not entitled to decide the gifts she is able to receive.

  17. Still not seeing any mistakes on your end, if anything your boyfriends mom sounds just as insufferable as your boyfriend. Not sure why you want to impress assholes so bad

  18. Get a lawyer immediately. Spend lots of time with your son (do not say anything negative about his mother). Do not move out of the marital home (not even for a night).

  19. Your “mutual friend” isn't your friend. She's friends with a would-be homewrecker and wants to bring that into your life. Get new friends who actually support you and your relationships.

  20. You're not her boyfriend. I suspect she wasn't even thinking of you as a potential boyfriend, just a friend. I suggest you stop thinking of her as a potential girlfriend.

  21. Yes, if that’s the case, most likely because he’s attracted to someone there…which is how lying, emotional affairs, and cheating can start. Hopefully this isn’t the case for OP though.

  22. Waiting until the you are set up financially means no kids. Does having kids prevent you from advancing financially?

    I say, if she is the right one, let her know it. Ring the finger, bake that bun, live! your life. Finances will ALWAYS be an issue, with or without kids.

  23. Regardless if she cheated or not, you need to separate from her. Chances are, she did cheat. No makes up those many stories, if they’re innocent. Phycology 101. She’s lying.

    So, you’re next step. Ignore her. I mean it. Ignore her. Separate away from her and leave A note that you found out about her fling. That you understand that she needed to have her fun and that if she wants to talk about it, she can contact you. But to have a good life until then.

    Then ignore her. Wait it out until she comes clean. As clean as She can.

  24. So you came here expecting us to tell you you’re wonderful and that you’re not to blame when you’re at full blame.


    Well… you’re fully to blame. The ‘ice’ you feel is toward you. You can’t fix your relationship. Damage has been done and she probably will never speak to you again.

    Signed – someone who had you as a parent and has gone NC with them.

  25. Didn’t read it all but once you’re married she can still come after your shit even if she’s not “on it.” But honestly dude.. why tf you marrying this girl you his clearly can’t get along right? Good luck dude

  26. She said she didn't tell him because she was afraid he would break up with her. It's not an unforgivable crime or anything but if your partner withheld information from you for that reason wouldn't if give you pause at all? Even if it turns out the information is not something you'd break up over you now know your partner would not tell you things they feel might be important to you.

  27. Yeah of course I didn't list every other thing in the relationship this is only 10% of it the rest is literally us having an amazing time together

  28. it's not a bad thing to be a “people pleaser”, and the #1 person you need to be around and please is your child.

  29. When my dog was dying I was gutted but, I still was able to use a phone. It's one thing to have a bad day and be busy and just not be able to talk. It's another to ghost you and to cancel you staying with him. Like canceling alone is weird. His dog won't be worse off because you're there – to the contrary it'd probably help it if you were there to help out on occasion.

    I think your BF just wants to break up but is a coward, honestly.

  30. Congratulations on enabling your friend that clearly wants you to break up your relationship. Learn to read the signs so she doesn’t run off the next woman or just end your friendship if you aren’t doing to date her because she will do it again and you will be blind to her manipulation. If you want to salvage your relationship then you need to apologise and cut off your so called friend. Don’t call her insecure when she can clearly see that you are being played and are going along with it when she just doesn’t want to get involved in drama.

  31. Firstly, a 55-year-old man asking out a teenager is disturbing.

    Secondly, your post is extremely misleading. He didn't ask her out, he sexually harrassed her.


  32. But then men bully and mistreat “natural” women who don't look like the standard settled by the over done ones. It's a shitty situation for people who were just born ugly

  33. Also, why wouldn’t I like her posts? Well, because I just don’t care about the app, I actually pay attention more to the reality between us, instead of what’s on the internet.

  34. It’s over, and you can’t decide for him how to feel about you.

    So accept it, and give yourself some time to grieve and reflect, and then move on.

    Based on my understanding, it seems like you hooked up with someone when you went long distance and were maintaining a connection but weren’t in a relationship? If that’s the case, the only thing you both whiffed on was establishing boundaries from the outset.


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