Aliice-Grayy online sex chats for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Aliice-Grayy online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Damn.

    I guess I needed this. Everyone close to me has always told me to not be such a sucker, but…

    Should I at least try reaching out again, to get confirmation? Or should I just… stop talking to them?

  2. We haven't been work colleagues for a while, I quit that job when I realized I wanted to go to University, she's accepted to be friends with me outside of the workplace and we still keep in touch.

  3. she's in an abusive relationship. she's in abusive situations.

    but by her returning and leaving over and over again, you're being emotionally abused too.

    this has got to be a draining situation. if you care about her, try writing a letter NOT with the intentions of getting back with her. reach out to a family member or friend of hers or something and ask them to check on her.

    she needs a non-romantic relationship with someone to ground her. and you need to distance yourself a bit.

  4. Yup. That also meant she had someone specific in mind. Who would ask for something so obviously fraught purely on spec?

    The idea that there wasn’t anyone and she just wanted to try it out with some rando is if anything more horrifying.

  5. He’s starting to talk to a remote therapist and she’s giving him some alternatives and distractions as a temporary solution. He promised he’d book a physical session with someone but didn’t till now.

  6. I’m old and fat, and my husband of 30+ years makes me feel like a goddess regularly.

    There are plenty of people who would love to be with you, and who will appreciate your body and what you look like in lingerie.

    You do not have to settle for someone who just doesn’t have a good libido, or who isn’t into you.

  7. EXCELLENT point! I hope you are listening, u/Hot-Throat-5638. If you want a monogamous relationship, which is most likely the case here, then you can't have a person who is obsessed with two people at the same time. The fact that he calls another woman his best friend while simultaneously trying that label on for size with you is concerning to say the least; definitely a???.

  8. He’s telling you over and over exactly who he is. He doesn’t love you, or like you, and definitely won’t marry you. I’m sorry if that’s hard to hear but you need to know and accept that before you can move forward. Don’t waste your youth on this asshole. You have a long time to figure out a new path for yourself and your son.


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