Amelia-swat live! sex cams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Amelia-swat live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. seconding this- he could be using the identity of the person you found as a base for how he is presenting himself… this is all so fishy

  2. Of course boys are smarter than women, otherwise how would he know that? /s.

    Look up dunning krueger effect, your Bf sounds like he might be a good candidate.

    Also could you really date someone who literally views you as inferior/less intelligent bc of your gender? Have some self respect, tell him off and go find someone who deserves you.

  3. Hello /u/Wight_Cat22,

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  4. That’s called having a child not a BF.

    Fuck if I ever dated a woman who actually would pay half of rent I’d cry. Last relationship I had to work 3 jobs to pay rent my car payment and pay for her food and alcohol all the time.

    Your bf is a loser sorry to say- 27 yr old man getting high playing video games and not even paying for his own food is just the epitome of sad sack of shit.

  5. Which itself is not their fault. Its 100% porn's fault, and society's fault (which is mostly men shaming other men).

    The problem is they don't want to accept that it's a problem that needs to be fixed. And they compare it with things like fat shaming. But we're not penis shaming. We're penis praising. We're saying smaller pensises are better for sex and are much more enjoyable. They say we're shaming them when it's really the opposite. Ugh.

  6. when I do this my boyfriend feels guilty and bad and I’m aware that lack of communication is really unhealthy and hurts the other person a lot.

    I wouldn’t say it’s a big issue in our relationship at all since it happens maybe once a month

    I hate to break it to you, but doing something that causes emotional harm to your partner once a month is A LOT! We're not talking about forgetting to take the trash out once a month…we're talking about an unhealthy behavior that is hurting the other person.

    The best way to fix this is to find a therapist. You need to learn how to express yourself emotionally in a healthy way. It can be learned, it just takes time and work. In the meantime, I would have this conversation with your bf if you haven't already so that he knows you're not shutting him down because you're stonewalling him. You're not being manipulative, you just shut down.

    Even better, if you can just script something to say in those moments, like “I know we need to talk about this, but I'm upset an need some space before I can continue. Let's resume this conversation at [insert mutually agreeable time here]”. Then come back and talk about it with a clear mind.

  7. First of all the risks are huge. Second it won't work. A knock out doesn't last long. Ex boxer here, did it for a living. If someone doesn't come around fast there's a huge chance of permanent damage. I've never been knocked out myself but if the opponent didn't wake up in seconds it was a serious worry and a trip to the hospital. Something that lasts a bit longer let alone a night… Now that's insane to intentionally do to someone you hate let alone someone you love. Not likely waking up ever at least not the same.

  8. Are the others couples? How are the rooms going to be divided. Honestly, tell him that it’s not him your afraid of it’s the girls trying to get them together. I would take back the ultimatum.

  9. My (30f) old college friends told my husband (31m) I’d slept with over 100 men

    telling stories about how I’d slept with some of them and over 100 guys.

  10. Don’t send them at all. Your relationship is likely temporary. You’re going to have worry, who will he show? Will he try to sell them? Just stop doing it. I’m

  11. Do not date anyone. You are going to ruin the fun and love of life for other people. Get therapy and do not waste this woman’s time.

  12. There are two simple truths here. He is allowed to talk about you to his friends, all options, good and bad. You are allowed to have feelings about this, no matter what. Personally I wouldn't want to be with someone who puts me down, that's what the rest of the world is for


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