AmeliaWan on-line sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “AmeliaWan on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Food and drinks are good gifts for people you don't have a full relationship with. I agree – ask your partner for some advice on that front as well.

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  3. Uh. As somebody who has lost people who I was VERY close to, friends and family, I would have loved if a friend had made me a week's worth of delicious food. When you're grieving, it's very hot to make yourself eat, much less cook. Not having to think about it makes it that much easier.

    Also? Just because you did something you're good at that helped somebody doesn't mean you were doing it for attention. And it's normal to be proud of your skills. It's normal for people to thank and compliment food favors.

    Your boyfriend is the weird one. You used your skills to help a friend in need. It was out of love, and it's an excellent way to show support. Your boyfriend is jealous of the positive attention you get or something. The fact that he thinks you have an ulterior motives is gross. Is that how he feels when you do something nice for him? For anybody? It shows a lack of trust and respect IMO.

  4. Ahh I see. I do gotta ask though, what about the illusion corresponds with bad decisions and feelings? I have never researched this stuff before, sorry if I'm asking alot

  5. He's dating someone 11 years younger than him. If he wants someone mature then he should date a woman in her 30s. But women his age are smart enough to see through his BS. Why would you even consider his childish behaviour as valid? He's preying on you.

  6. It's not like I can't find another man either.

    Good luck trying to find a man who will willingly enter a sexless relationship. Spoiler alert: virtually impossible

  7. You usually have your first OB appointment around 8 weeks and then every month until 8 months unless you're high risk. She would have had at least two OB appointments and taking prenatal vitamins.

    Not sure if when you get an ultrasound changed, but it use to be at 20 weeks. A miscarriage would have resulted in her seeing her Dr. to confirm. My OB had me get blood work done to make sure my progesterone levels were going down or I would have needed an D&C. So if none of this happened, she wasn't pregnant.

    You were black out drunk and have no idea if sex happened. Even if it had it would've been rape. You were too drunk to consent. Also never marry someone just because she got pregnant, especially when you don't love her.

  8. I think you gave this advice without even reading my post. If I wanted that, I would have not asked for advice.

  9. Two things there; first, I realize this was your original question, and now that you've brought it back up, I'll answer it; absolutely do not just never say no to avoid conflict. You are in this relationship. You matter. You think a solution is to be unhappy just to (maybe) guarantee that he won't be? That's no way to on-line.

    Now, unfortunately, the second thing is what I assumed was the underlying problem here, in that this is bigger than an isolated miscommunication around cuddling. I think you both have been in an unhealthy relationship for so long with built up resentment that one or both of you find a way to turn non-issues into huge blowups.

    In this case, it's him. “You push me away from touching you down there, but then want me to hold you? You're really fucking making it difficult for me to know if you want intimacy or not.” In a normal situation, that's a clear stretch. With added context, that's now what I'm assuming but you'll have to confirm.

    What are your issues? What do you fight about?

  10. Recommend couple’s counseling to help sort it out. Nothing wrong with fantasies, but it sounds like both of you are playing with fire.

  11. Get a better bf. This dude is disgusting. And to make u feel crazy is gross. No one in a committed relationship would ever do this shit or accept it as perfectly normal behavior.

    Hes a whole adult! He knows what he's doing.

    You can do better girl!

  12. The fact that he fought to keep them and didn't immediately feel embarrassed and try to delete them WITHOUT you having to bed says everything.

    And then he tries to gaslight and manipulate you ontop of it all..

    Dudes a psychopath.


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