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69 thoughts on “Amy the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You can't simultaneously be together and apart. The proliferation of internet based relationships is based on a lie.

  2. I think considering how little she sees them you are being unreasonable. What is the difference between 3 month or 6 months really.

    Her parents are getting older and none of us is promised tomorrow. Speaking as someone who thought they had 30 years or more left of their only tonfind out they have cancer and 5 years or less to live! , you don't know what tomorrow brings. 6 months in the span of life is nothing. Let her have her time. You win hero points and her parents and your wife will appreciate your sacrifice so that they can spend time together. It's something they will never get back if lost.

  3. My husband and I are separated. Have been for about 2,5 months. He wanted some time to work on himself and heal. I'm doing the same. We have two young children. He's a fantastic co-parent and friend to me. He's over a few times a week and the kids spend a good amount of time with him on the weekends.

    As for us, although he's said he can't be in a romantic or emotional relationship with me at the moment, his approach in how he talks with me, comforts me, and interacts with me has gotten significantly kinder and more patient. I am also responding differently, less reactively, as I'm feeling better, too (taking better care of myself).

    I think it's couple dependant. Initially, I didn't want a break/separation. Seeing it was important to him and knowing I want to grow old with him makes me look at it like this: what's 3-4 months (our initially discussed time frame, though it'll likely be closer to 6 months by the time he's moved back in) in the grand scheme of things?

    We're not seeing anyone else, although he gave me the option, and in having more alone time, I'm more invested in myself and my wellness. I'm rediscovering myself and my passions and there have been personal benefits as I'm looking for work and pitching more (I'm a freelance writer).

    Perhaps it can work for you, but I think it's dependant on the couple and their expectations.

  4. if it were rape, why would she still be talking to OP in person? It's not something you typically see in rape cases.

    Rape cases /= rapes

  5. You're mistaken in believing closure is something that only he can give you. Make a decision, stick with it and give yourself closure.

  6. I really don’t want to involve his kid as he’s only 4 and I don’t think it’s like the best thing to do, and he hasn’t actively cheated and I don’t want to be a home wrecker unnecessarily

  7. At best it's disloyal and shows he doesn't seem to understand or support you. I think you need to have it out with him.

  8. He is trying to guilt trip you into having sex with him. Like a reverse psychology kind of thing. “I dont want to have sex as soon as you get home” “well then i dont want to see you at all then! My fragile feelings/ego are so hurt and wounded..” and basically~ he is manipulating you because obviously you care and just want to be around him. Which in turn will have you thinking about the comments he is making about not wanting to see you just because he cant have sex with you-to make you have sex with him so you can get what you want, to be near him. He sounds like a jerk. You are more than a sex doll for his own enjoyment and pleasure everytime he gets to come home from school. He needs to grow up because hes acting like a toddler who isnt getting his way~ send him on back to his mama so she can deal with her youngin, cause he sure isnt acting like a grown man- not a good one anyway.

  9. u/AdBrilliant5802, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. Listen to your gut, always. Something is definitely not right about this situation and it would be best to remove yourself from it before your invested even deeper.

  11. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it. Though I'm hoping for the best. You two barely know each other as 2 months isn't very long in any relationship. At that stage, you're still getting to know each other and you're rushing into something that takes time to build. You two are young, so there's no need to rush or be in a hurry.

  12. Fiancé's friend is part of the problem, he allowed his GF to determine her worth to you.

    A person you knew for 3 months was way over entitled to ask to be in your wedding. She sounds exhausting, immature and an attention seeker!

    I hope she isn't even invited to the wedding. Fiancé needs to have your back 100% on this! The drama queen doesn't get to be a b*tch and still be invited!!

  13. Hello /u/throw_away_72627,

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  14. Your edit makes me feel less sympathetic to you and comes off every bit of childish that you're trying to convince us that you're not.

    Regardless, he clearly has some issues, and if everyone here is telling you that his behavior is a problem, perhaps you should listen to everyone giving you the advice you came to an advice subreddit for. If you don't want to do that, why did you come here. Give the advice a solid chance, even if you don't like the harsh reality

    A life with him doesn't sound fun AT ALL. Does he try to upstage you in other facets of like? Like achievements or anything?

  15. People are allowed to have their preferences and personally I think they should be up front and honest like your boyfriend is, he has said if you gain weight I wont be attracted to you and our relationship wont work. Now the ball is in your court you can continue the relationship knowing his love is conditionally based on a weight limit or you can dump him and find someone who will love you regardless.

  16. Hello /u/ThrowRA45375674568,

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  17. Basically you know it's a shitty thing to do, you know he doesn't deserve any jail time and you know it reflects so badly on you that you'd lie to keep it from your gf.

    Solid step to rebuild the trust in your relationship, really smart move. /s

  18. BF needs to drop the rope! If he doesn't see his mom is a problem, then you need to decide if he is worth the stress.

  19. I forgot to write that she was with him for the last 2 years. But nevertheless thank you for a very sober and advice!

  20. Yeah a lot of people above didn't grasp that even though its pretty clear, i didnt even bother responding to the ones that give vegan based advice. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  21. Some will say you are, more importantly have you asked your GF how she would feel about it? Honestly as long as you aren't using marriage as a bandaid, she is up for it, then sure propose… Maybe have a long engagement at least till After your first year of college.

  22. We've had numerous conversations about the future, our kids' names, how to raise them, how our jobs would line up in taking care of the kids, everythings been discussed, its just a matter of when? She really wants me to propose, but we're afraid about whatll happen since we're both in college. Also shes thinking of either texas or florida to settle down.

  23. You both have different views , he’s racist and you’re against that , you can spend the rest of your life with a shitty person like your bf .. move on .

  24. From one divorcee to another, let me offer a few suggestions:

    Don't spend any mental energy hoping that she realizes what she gave up or that she gets her comeuppance eventually. Whether she does or does not, she likely won't share it with you and all of that angst is wasted energy in the long run.

    Do spend all of your energy trying to maintain a happy routine for your children and then slowly begin rebuilding your own life. It's okay to be a little selfish; I found I was a better father when I was in a better personal headspace post-divorce.

    Given your ages, your kids may be a bit older than mine were when I divorced, but expect some behavioral changes/possible problems once the reality sets in that their routine is disrupted and they don't get to see Mom and Dad at the same time anymore. It may hit you naked that your life choices are affecting your kids, but kids adapt and will form a new routine soon enough, so give yourself a break and just be there to comfort them if this happens.

    Let all of the emotions sink in, even the irrational ones (you may feel like a failure because your marriage could not survive this). Be introspective about what was good and what was bad about your marriage so that down the road you know what to look for in a prospective partner.

    When all else fails, remember that if you had made any different decisions, such as marrying your wife, you would not have the wonderful kids that you do. It will help you get through the dark times when you're searching for meaning or hating the “wasted” time with your unfaithful ex.

  25. You’re saying a lot without knowing the full story. BF clearly talking to someone before the breakup. No one goes on dates with someone within hojrs of talking to someone. This was planned. BF is “effed” up like your comment. Who cares if she broke up with him, he clearly was sneaky and she has a right to feel this way.

  26. I’m sorry to hear about your struggles, can I please ask how it’s going for you?

    Because I want to do a couple therapy, but he hates (and doesn’t believe in) therapy. His sister’s anger issues from her trauma didn’t work and he blames both sister and therapist hugely.

  27. Why didn’t you leave him in December when you caught him cheating? And you decided to give him another chance, he did it again (multiple times) so why haven’t you left him now? Are you just waiting until the cheating turn physical?….

  28. There is no way I would have accepted her tactic more than once. This should be a naked rule in every relationship. No silent treatment and no playing chicken. This has too much of a “first one to speak loses” vibe.

    I’m all about taking space when needed. But there is a difference between saying “I need to take some time to think about this, let’s discuss it tomorrow” and simply kicking someone out and withdrawing.

    I would reach out, ask for a meeting and set this as a ground rule for the future.

  29. Honestly, I would have said if this were more recent, say something. But it’s been well over a year. You have no idea what has gone on in their relationship. Maybe they were both shitty to each other at the time and have since matured with the baby, maybe they are both still shitty, maybe she said something to him about cheating and he has forgiven her. You still have the messages from over a year ago? This is coming across as a little creepy from and ex imo and not sure it’s going to be well received. Stay out of it.

  30. She should give him all the space he needs. He can have his computer and his hand (it’s not his libido) and she can find a partner who desires her as much as she him. Win win.

  31. This ongoing consensus that we can’t possibly be partners just because we’re not currently living together is crazy to me, I expected more intelligent discussion from this sub for some reason

  32. Except you DO only want him for his body, because now it's up to your standards. Shallow Hal vibes.

  33. He says he isn’t as bothered by mess as I am, so why should my standards apply to him?

    My ex said this same thing to me, almost word for word. It’s like they have a script they all agreed on. I’m not gonna say whether you should leave him or not, I don’t have enough info just from this one story. But him not working full time and also not doing more at home to make your life easier aren’t great qualities. Especially as his apartment was always clean before he moved in with you. So basically he has come to expect you to be the housecleaning bang maid. Does he have misogynistic mindset, or is he just dumb and lazy?

    If you are prepared to leave him for this and other reasons I would have a serious discussion with him when things are calm and tell him how big of a problem this is for you and why you feel that way. Let him know it’s a naked dealbreaker for you and tell him what you need from him in order to be able to continue the relationship. Maybe if it’s not “in the moment” he won’t see it as nagging. Hopefully he hears you.

  34. I'm in a similar situation with my wife. She works part time on site while my job is flexible, remote/onsite. When she works, I work remote from home because we have a kid that I have to take to/from school.

    I think we work well as a team. When she's not working, she deals with the chores, kid and cooking while I go into the office. When she's working on site and I am working from home , I deal with the chores, kid and cooking after I'm finished work. I'm not as good at cooking, but I can make something decent so we can eat when she comes home and she can rest. Team work.

    Why can't your husband pitch a bit in after work, maybe a few times a week rather than every day. Learn to cook a few meals or help with some of the food prep.

    I'm tired too after my working day, but gotta keep on trucking in order to keep the household running. That way we get some time together as a family after before the whole cycle repeats again.

  35. So your hookup is friends with people you know? And what? You want to dictate who they can talk to? I'm confused. You're with them for sex and nothing more. If they want to hang out with other people they can.

  36. We have our child in nursery, and both work etc however we split most of the housework, she usually does the shopping however. I used to do all of the cooking because I’m a pretty good cook but she’s incredibly picky, no beef, no fish, no lamb, few vegetables. It’s incredibly limiting so we now cook separately.

  37. That’s his manipulative way of justifying him cheating. He is cruel and emotionally abusive. His toxic friends will encourage him on the abuse and to seek encounters. Speak with your nurse and doctor early on the help you with your delivery plan. They are willing to take the blame and come up with an excuse to have just the providers in the room with you for your safety and health.

  38. I also graduated from an ivy league school. Want me to remind you one of the biggest issue with boys on campus? Many of the boys (including myself embarrassingly enough) had yet to deprogram years of stupid misogynistic beliefs that were taught to us by society and our parents. It took patient female friends (bless them, I cringe whenever I think back), a good education, and a lot of growing up for many of us to figure out just how stupid all of this shit was. How dumb it would be to expect our girlfriends to sacrifice their careers.

    Difference is… most of us figured it out before we graduated college or at latest mid way though our 20s. Your husband is 44 and still hasnt figured it out. Wtf? Why did you marry him then?

  39. And OP's says partner of 3 years, so they started dating when OP was 19 and her gf was 29. That's just no.

  40. Anyone can make time for a five minute phonecall. He can too, he is choosing not to.

    You're not compatible (anymore). You want more than he is willing to give. If you've told him what you want several times and nothing changed, what makes you think it will in the future?

    You either except the situation as is and change your expectations, or you conclude that he can't give you what you need and stop wasting your energy.

    Only you can control the outcome of this situation, stop waiting for him to

  41. Fair point. I should’ve phrased it as the history isn’t as big a deal as the lying, but you are correct in that history can be a big deal to some people.

  42. He’s only going to get worse. If he didn’t learn empathy and compassion in his 33 years of life what makes you think a convo or some couples therapy can rewire this man? No one who truly loves you would be so callous. Bruh, best blow job a week after a miscarriage, days after surgery? Lucky you didn’t just bite it off and hand it to him for suggesting it. Let him sulk. You’re in the right and don’t let him play victim. His request isn’t just unreasonable and unfathomable, it’s actually full on disgusting.

  43. I think manipulation/ the thought of what could be, for example she can be so kind to me, and loving, but it turns on a dime/ without warning every time.

  44. I ve worked that and more , my normal day is out the door at 645 am home at 6pm , all I said is in my 20s I wasn't so exhausted after an 11 /12 hr day that I wouldn t have given attention to someone that spent the time like that , thats me an obviously a few didn t agree, all good we can have a different opinion on it. Enjoy your night, I have pretend work tomorrow.

  45. Sure, they can. Even prenups can be thrown out by judges in divorces, however. So can other contracts between two unmarried individuals. I'm studying contract law in school currently actually. Things are just easier as a married couple.

  46. Why doesn't your boyfriend expect higher from his sister? He should expect at least the bare minimum of civility from her. She's going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person some day and it won't be pretty.

  47. I'm really sorry to hear that, and thanks for replying.

    I knew you could be sectioned against your will in the UK. I still think you have to do it quite deliberately, fill out forms, and get a doctor to okay it (even in emergencies).

    I just don't think it can happen “accidentally” with one phonecall — as OP is describing — at least not in the UK.

  48. The age difference isn't the problem, her age is. Her clock is ticking which is why she wants to settle.

    Either do it or don't buy for her sake don't drag it out.


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