AnaStalin on-line webcams for YOU!

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pull my hair, spit on my tits and fuck me nude , ♥ Fingering ♥ IG: @anastalin_ [88 tokens remaining]

20 thoughts on “AnaStalin on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Ouch.

    I think for his sake, this should be a huge red flag. If she doesn’t have a dangerous job that was arrested for pregnancy.

  2. No because y’all are overly semantical and picky. Like it’s obnoxious. Anyway. Deleted. I’ll go find some legal advice sub Reddit to ask other people. Maybe they’ll send me to a math sub Reddit, or a specific cash only work place Reddit lol. Annoying.

  3. u/Mental_Letter6800, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Flushable wipes will just make the problem of clogging much worse. Ask any plumber. You should never flush them.

  5. I'm a bit worried a cease and desist could escalate her behavior in itself. Many abusers are searching for a reaction and won't stop if you continue giving them one.

  6. Ya like it can’t be the first time he’s disrespected his wife to make himself feel good and to please people. That’s not an excuse to hurt others.

  7. So you have one perspective on a situation, and you assume it’s a “baseless accusation”. There are a million different situations and scenarios that could give a partner reason to pause, or reason to look for certainty. In my past, my ex was insisting on not using condoms all the while she was sleeping with someone else. Before I found that second part out I didn’t doubt her loyalty, and thought we had a great relationship. Going forward I want reassurance before i raise a child.

    Why is it that in this situation that only the woman’s perspective matters? where there are a hundred or more redditors saying to leave and get child support while acting innocent because one person wants to be sure before he commits his life to raising a child is okay but getting a simple test is the ultimate betrayal?

  8. I would have broken up with you, I’d you had looked secretly through my phone.

    You say “serious dirt”, but do you know when he last accessed the file of pictures? I’m pretty sure I have some old nudes of exes poking around somewhere in my old files too. I just haven’t looked at them for ages. You even went through his search history, where he was clearly trying naked to get over his ex, who he labelled as narcissistic. I’m sorry, but that isn’t serious dirt to me. That is a guy who hasn’t moved on as much as he thought he had and battling with it. It also doesn’t negate you breaking his trust 1-2 months in.

    You also knew from that point on, that he was still not completely over his ex and still stayed with him. If you were only happy to do so on the condition that you could monitor his phone from then on, maybe you should have mentioned that.

    How are you trusting him, if you still feel you need to be checking his private space? What do you imagine him doing that you aren’t seeing and want to gather evidence for or are only ready to disbelieve, if you can’t regularly check it isn’t there?

  9. Wow… Honey, as EVERYONE is saying HE RAPED YOU!

    You said NO many many times. He physically assaulted you first, by rubbing himself on you, second when he choked you, third when he entered you. Then continued to do it until he was pleasured KNOWING you were in pain.

    He is a sick sick pervert that should be locked up. Tell any adult that can help you.

    If you stay with this animal and tell no one what happened… I GUARANTEE you will die at his hand.

  10. I tried asking if something happened but he just left for the couch. I took the day off as I'm not in the right state of mind rn. This morning he entered the room, I was awake but pretended to be asleep. He just kissed my forehead and when he left I could hear him sobbing.

    This sounds like a trauma response to me.

    Did something bad happen to him at school as a child ?

  11. Please don't let this idiot make you feel insecure. You look great and tons of people prefer smaller boobs. Im lesbian and I can attest that giant racks are not that practical on a partner. I personally dont have some but i know my exes would complain. My current partners are very medium sized and waaaaay better and more fun than the double G's Ive dealt with. It's also fucking weird as shit he's showing pics of your sister. Please get out of there.

  12. Honestly, I've left town with lingerie before so I could send my husband pictures. However, I've never packed multiple fucking lingerie and never took that stuff back to my parents house with my kids.

    Sorry, OP. I wouldn't be able to sit back and wait til she returned to confront her. That's wild. When she walked back into that room, I'd be holding that lingerie in my hand demanding some answers.

  13. Is any of that worth the disrespect. Realize she will push your boundaries even more as time goes on. No woman who had the least bit of respect for you would pull this shit. Do you really want to be know as that guy

  14. that's how I and my bf got together, we stream the same game on Twitch,

    but girl, if he would ever-ever put me before the game I would have left. ASAP we've met last year, and we moved in together earlier this spring cause it's easier than flying. he ALWAYS asks me before gaming if I need anything, we spend a lot of time together, and even if he streams sometimes 10-12 hours, I am there with him and as said, he always asks if it's ok with me. if it's not we chill on Netlfix that evening or something and he's fine with it. he's also very supportive of me streaming/gaming 10 hours a day if I want to.

    and I would advise you to find someone that cares for you more than the game he is playing.


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