Anthonella10 online sex chats for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “Anthonella10 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You were unhappy and you weren't compatible. If your family gives you a hot time about the break up then that's all your response need be. Don't be afraid to set personal boundaries with your family.

    Ultimately it's up to you but I think in this case the right thing to do is allow her to have her closure even if you have to take a little heat from it.

  2. Yeah, I failed to mention he had trust issues with his ex. Obviously I know that has affected his judgement on this. I want to help him and be supportive but I agree boundaries are in order.

  3. Me and the guy I’ve been dating for the last few months cooked two meals together last Sunday. There were long stretches of time that we didn’t speak where he was chopping vegetables or washing dishes and I was seasoning chicken and starting pots. In my mind I wondered if it was weird that we weren’t speaking. Shouldn’t we be unable to stop gabbing? And then I realized it was kind of nice that we could do something simple together that both of us would normally be doing alone and still be comfortable coexisting quietly in that space. I think I even laughed and mentioned how nice it was to cook with someone and not have it be a bunch of bumping into each other and fussing, the way my mom used to do if anyone was in the kitchen while she was cooking.

    Sometimes we just lie in bed together in silence. Or in the car heading somewhere. Again, at first it made me nervous… maybe I’m boring? But then I realized-it was a relief to be cuddled up with someone or going somewhere together, not doing anything but simply enjoying the peace of the moment

  4. I don't think you need to tell him why he needs to give you another chance.

    You need to think about if YOU should give HIM another chance.

    Spoiler alert: you shouldn't.

  5. I know you have an addiction. Things that fuel addiction is using your trauma to excuse yourself.

    You are allergic to alcohol, your parents were allergic to alcohol, stop drinking and your life will be better.

    My best friend just broke up with his girlfriend because she did the same exact things as you.

  6. It's possible he wasn't really bisexual and found that once he fell in love with you, he didn't feel the same bisexual feelings he had before.

  7. I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I'm really glad you're in a better place now. This gives me a lot to think about; thank you.

  8. So you discussed it, both decided monogamous, and now she is changing her mind.

    So either she’s lied to you your entire relationship, to try to get you ‘hooked’ so she could introduce it later and basically have her cake (you) and eat it too (sex with anyone who walks past)

    Or she has realised that what she wanted at the beginning is no longer what she needs.

    Unfortunately unless you are wanting to open the relationship, and have a non monogamous relationship with her both options end the same way – the end of the relationship.

  9. Exactly! My bullshit detector when off the charts on this one! This (ex) friend is clearly trying to be the sacrificial lamb for the wife, her hero so to speak. It’s not hot to feign being shocked and appalled. The dead give away is that this likely hood that she did not send them is unlikely, and with her remaining attitude about it. Most women who are sincerely innocent would have had the same initial reactions, as well as continued discomfort about that level of privacy violation from a so called friend, be freaking out at them to delete the pics, and want to put as much distance as possible with that guy. This woman just wants it all dropped and life carrying on which is highly unrealistic and shows a disrespectful lack of regard for how her and is feeling about all this.

  10. I absolutely kept tabs on the guy who molested me as a kid because I felt safer knowing where he was. Once he killed himself I dropped our mutuals.

  11. If oral is important to you then find someone else whose willing to do that. Better to know your incompatible now than later down the line

  12. So let’s get this straight: She cheated on you, didn’t tell you about it, made excuses for it when you found out, cheated again, didn’t tell you about that one, made more excuses for that cheating, and after all that, you still let her move in with you. Her thanks for that was to step out on you again.

    You deserve someone who will be faithful. You’re too young to tie yourself to someone who acts like this. You need to just break up with her and move on.

  13. Regardless of when it happened. Clearly I don’t think you’ll see her the same and I don’t blame you. You won’t trust her and doubt her. She even telling you the truth was it only for those times or more? Anyone else? Too many variables especially since she hid it for so long. I understand you wouldn’t want to lose the time invested into the relationship and her. But do what’s best for you and your peace of mind. Good luck OP

  14. I’ve been in this exact situation except he made clear that if I made him choose, he would choose the friendship out of principle regardless of his feelings for me. It took a lot of work and talking it through (and mostly it’s just because of how great his friend is), but we worked through it and now she’s a really close friend of mine as well.

  15. Think about the difference of you as a person from age 13 to right now… It’s going to be the same thing from right now to 25. If not more.

    There’s nothing you can do. You are fundamentally changing as people. And that’s a good thing! This is all part of growing up.

  16. He asked you a question, didn’t like your answer, skipped any actual self reflection and went straight to defensive.

    Your bf is an asshole. I’ve worked in male dominated industries and been subjected to these kinds of comments. It’s never okay, and always uncomfortable. If not for the woman/coworkers directly involved, then for the bystanders. Hence your bf being told he has a dirty mind. That was professional talk for “stop making those comments, they make me uncomfortable.”

    If he’s not careful he’s going to get reported for sexual harassment. And he would deserve it.

  17. You claim to be well-versed and then prove the opposite. Ignorant is the best way to describe you.

  18. Things like bragging, making mildly insensitive comments, general childishness. Nothing major but enough to make me doubt our compatibility.

  19. That's a tough realization, but the first step to fixing a proven is acceptance.

    I've never been in your position so I can't offer any real advice,but I will say this, you can be a good supportive father without being someone's door mat.

    That's a tough position to be in, I really wish you the best.

  20. Look.

    Harder discussion WILL come, if this is how it goes down on a minor conversation then y’all gone struggle

  21. Just say no. Block him if you have too.

    As an FYI just not feeling it anymore is a perfectly good reason to end a relationship.

    You should just move on.

  22. That's not what you said though. You communicated to her that you're fine with breaking up. If you don't want that, then that's what you should've said.


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