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24 thoughts on “Ariana the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Ask yourself this question. Would you stay if he choked one of your current children the way he has to you? Because staying is risking this -if not with them, with future children.

    If the answer is no – ask yourself why it’s ok then to choke you.

    Best of luck in finding the power to leave him.

  2. You’re biggest issue would be the fact it’s a ravens game ?? but honestly man I’ll tell you in my experience with this try and talk to her about and see what she says I’d want to meet him before she went anywhere with him and if she said no ask why

  3. Well I assume you told her you would take a break while you were gone and you didn't. That's what is wrong, not the masturbating itself.

  4. Absolutely nothing. It’s just a heart she chose. Personally, I never use a red heart, because to me, it seems too basic, as silly as that sounds. Sometimes I use black hearts, sometimes I use other colors. It really comes down to what’s in my most recently used.

  5. Where should the line be drawn on that?

    The line should be drawn when he moved. That's the line in the sand for me. LDRs are hard… this jerk is a drink away from cheating on you.

    Stop paying his bills and wish him good luck.

  6. I totally get what you don’t believe him anymore. This is such a awful situation, that “friend” is disgusting and only told you when it was to hurt you. She never had your best interest.

    Your husband has screwed up big time but you need to try separation (even a few days trip for yourself to be alone) or therapy asap.

    This has gone in long enough and is only making things worse for yourself and your children. Do what makes you comfortable as long as it helps your mental health. You’ll only be able to help your children if you are well.

  7. Ans if the guy isn't trying to smash, then I don't see any other reason he wouldn't wanna hang out as a group

  8. Because with exchange of money there's an understanding of “this isn't a relationship to be taken advantage of but a service paid for”.

    Instead of manipulation, its direct compensation.

    In dating, the younger person would be manipulated into staying or feeling like things are their own fault. In SB/SD situation, she can walk away from the business arrangement at any time.

    Less emotional manipulation. It's a business deal.

  9. But now shes married and only being sexually intimate woth you so whats the issue? The lying ? Ok… Yes she lied but you got married for better or worse . Lying is part of the worse portion And if you divorce you become a liar too

  10. Dudes taking sentences like “I’d never name my kid that” to mean yes I want babies! so no, he has been living in delusion land

  11. Right. Your answer is sort of concerning. It’s fine that you’re in no rush to get married. The concerning thing is when you say “it would be nice.”

    That logically means you want to get married, but you haven’t discussed it with him, or you have and either were told he doesn’t want it or he was vague about it.

    If you want marriage, you need to be honest about it. You say he’s afraid of commitment but you bought a house together. So again, this isn’t about a dog. But you do need to talk about reality.

  12. Sounds like that is a boundary for you , you need to share that with your partner and be on the same page. But I would feel like trust was broken and I'd have a hard time moving forward.

  13. My parents have been married for 40 years, after knowing each other for only 5 months on their wedding day. Since I can remember (I’m 30) they’ve threatened each other with divorce basically every 6 months. It’s become an easy threat to throw around. They’ve separated and reconciled and separated and reconciled, to the point that now I just wish they would get it over with.

    My husband and I have been together for 12 years, dating 9, married 3. A hard line in the sand for us is: don’t threaten each other with divorce, our marriage is not a tool to use in an argument.

    Don’t have my parent’s kind of marriage. It’s not fun for anyone.

  14. Ok so y’all just let the cat attack durning sex multiple times? Y’all ain’t got doors.

    Troll post

  15. If that's the case why didn't he have issues with earlier partners? You're just making things up. OP has already been asked about him having a porn addiction or masturbating too much, neither of those are the case here.

  16. I have not thought of trying this! Most of the time I'm somewhat task oriented. So when things have to be done, I just want to get them done. The drama really messes with me at those times.


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