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Ashley | 19 years old | Private show is open for you <3, 19 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Ashley | 19 years old | Private show is open for you <3

Ashley | 19 years old | Private show is open for you <3 on-line sex chat

42 thoughts on “Ashley | 19 years old | Private show is open for you <3 the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. This is definitely cheating and no, it's not normal. I would kick him to the curb. He's already gone there once, he is likely to do this again and again. You deserve a better partner in life that is exclusive to you.

  2. Her coworker come over all the time. They are basically like family to her. They are like her family to her.

    Then they should support her standing up for herself and seeking the justice she deserves.

  3. it's ok, I begged them to put me in public school again cause I had no friends and never had help with homework but I was just brushed off and told no. school has always been very important to me cause I was good at most of it

  4. Fair enough. You could always block and move on though. Also, rather than them going out their way to contact OP, it could just be that they never blocked OPs number but did on social media. Just hypotheticals obviously and it could be anything, we don't know.

  5. Yeah, it sucks for her, but she probably would understand. I feel for her having to be stuck with that narcissistic ex.

  6. Because in the real world human emotions, insecurities and thoughts are highly complex and taking a moment to clear the air after a weird unexpected occurrence like this that is obviously upsetting your partner is generally what grown up people do even though they could argue in a court of law that they didn’t do anything wrong. Not only is it thoughtful to your partner, it’s just easier.

  7. Yeah, but they aren't old! I'm 66 and still working. Old is 80's. They aren't even close. I hope your SO doesn't get too frustrated and start noping out of your relationship!

  8. If this is real, she probably saw your lavish home and the booming business, knows there's money, and now wishes she said “yes.” I don't know what I would do, but maybe he did crush on her but ended up only wanting you.

  9. Tell her everything you said in this post. Call her out on this manipulative behaviour and then refuse to entertain it if she tries it again.

  10. I don;t think what she has done is serious. People do stupid things when drunk. I have jumped from window once to resolve debate how high it is to the ground since it was completely dark. Obviously I don't think it was the right thing to do and I would never do it sober.

    Please understand her drunk actions are to a degree thoughtless. However, even that drunk she didn't entertain him too much. In fact I imagine the impulse to contact him was to tell him off for trying to groom her in the past. I guess in her mind at the time it was brilliant idea. Perhaps it's something she sometimes feels like doing in general, telling all people who mistreated her that it wasn't fair of them.

    Next day and sober, she did the obvious thing and rejected him.

    I believe you have good thing going on and there is no reason to stop. If anything you can ask her to please be reserved with alcohol. Under influence all grudges, traumas and complexes come to surface and sometimes effects are unpredictable and disastrous.

  11. You should never have to feel like (any of) that. Never not speak your mind because you don't want to hurt a boy's feelings. Always be 100% yourself.

    He's not mature enough for a relationship.

  12. You should definitely break up. If you have feelings for somebody else in a MONTH AND A HALF then it will definitely not work out.

    Whether you go for his friend later or not is another question. Imo wait it out a bit and see if you still have feelings for him+it allows your ex bf to cool down, rather than breaking his heart twice

  13. I think you just need to figure out what you want and don't want in a partner. I was with someone who couldn't be sober basically ever and to be honest it did cause problems that led to a breakup. Mostly because it went from weed, to weed+alcohol then eventually eventually sprinkled in cocaine use also. I can tell it's bothering you obviously but the question is is it a deal breaker for you? Explore yourself and find out.

  14. Dude, I’m sorry but that’s such a fucked up response. “Better with that” and in therapy. I’m all for therapy, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not a HER issue: it’s a both of you issue that should have been discussed by adults before marriage. Not by children after the wedding.

  15. Hate to break it to you, but over half of marriages end in divorce. Marriage =/= “Ill never leave you.” It is at best, a nice little celebration of your love- but it certainly isn't some indicator of commitment. 13k a month or not- paying for you is expensive, as it is to pay for any human being, it isn't “nothing.” And perhaps if you had to work 40 hrs a week to pay for yourself, you'd treat the utter favor that this man is doing for you less flippantly.

  16. People who use social media for professional networking purposes almost never have spouses and kids on their pages. But the problem here seems to be that you don't trust your wife. So maybe work on that issue first.

  17. Well i understand your pounts. I asked her to marry me becouse she is in fact kind, smart, funny, really good with kids and pets, she is naked working, motivating me every day, she always tell me how clever and handy i am, we are great team outside bed really.

    I mean everything u said is relevant but on the other hand i dont want to throw everything away bcouse of sex. I dont need pornstart who is lazy etc. I am just trying to coupe with my insecurities.

  18. If she calls don’t answer! At that moment she found out how much money you had she fell naked for your money! Thank your lucky stars you dodged that bullet. As a side note if you are that rich and are living conservatively like that you are obviously quite intelligent as far as finances and setting up your life ahead. But you must be terribly green about women and who you should have in your life for even asking a question about this! You may want to somehow get wise really quick about people especially women you date! Because before you know it one will swindle your little nest egg right before your eyes if you are not very careful in the future!

  19. I had this, and the scar tissue built up until I couldn't retract my foreskin. After a circumcision my sex life got 1000% better.

    I did not loose any more than maybe 5% of the feeling, not a big deal.

  20. This is a lose lose situation, if your past doesn’t come up to resurface later and ruin your relationship anyway, once he finally has sex with you he will see you as devalued now. He’s making a lot of promises to you right now bc he’s infatuated, but once you let him hit and all that wears off, he’s gonna go through “post nut” clarity and realize he doesn’t actually want you. What he wanted from you is done and achieved. He might even ghost you/treat you different. In hindsight I’m glad you didn’t lose your real virginity to someone like that, someone who treats it like a trophy, and with time you will be glad too.

    Keep in mind, you’re supposed to think that it is WEIRD that he wants to take your “virginity”, he’s looking at your supposed virginity as a conquest.

    Also not saying that is gonna happen, just saying it could. Also just saying he should like you for you, but it sounds like he just likes the idea of you. If that is shattered what else is there to hold onto?

  21. My only critique with your message (while it’s still good), is that if things were to go well on the date and you want him to be reaching out/messaging you after, he may not because you told him early on you don’t enjoy texting. Does that make sense? You could still say that and if things go well, tell him you just wanted to hold off until meeting in person. But if it were me, I’d be more likely to say you have a lot going on right now, are attracted to him, and want to minimize texting so that you all can catch up in person.

    Also YES it is so annoying. Totally different if it’s a person you already have rapport with, but when it’s a guy you’re interested in and they appear to bring nothing to the convo but wanna text all day…I’m like why? There’s no way you are enjoying this conversation LOL

  22. Depending on what you eat…if you eat more protein than carbs and exercise a lot or walking like you do is great exercise your body will change even though your scale stays the same.

  23. It's got nothing to do with you. Some people thrive on getting attention outside the relationship. You just happen to be dating one of those people.

  24. Idk I think she's being kinda irrational here. I don't like to see my husband masturbate either but the one time I walked in on him doing it, I was the embarrassed one. I felt bad for interrupting his time if anything lol and frankly I'd appreciate that he didn't wake me up and took care of it on his own.

  25. Your husband treats you like a live! in maid. Who the fuck gets their spouse fucking KITCHEN APPLIANCES for Christmas.

    Who the fuck allows their husband to not get them a ring for their actual WEDDING?

    And btw, Stirling silver does not oxidise (turn green). Cheap metals like copper or nickel that, so he’s lying about the ring big time.

    Sounds like he doesn’t care enough about you to even get you a decent ring. Sounds like he doesn’t care enough about you to be bothered if he’s caught out in a lie.

  26. Cut the bullshit, you hypocrite. You were pulling some shitty behavior yourself, according to your post history, but of course, you're gonna conveniently leave that out

  27. Come on dude you don't need to verify that with us. Time for you to face the reality about what's going on.

  28. I would be careful with apologizing. You don’t have anything to apologize for. You did nothing wrong.

  29. Hi. Your boyfriend sounds like he may have borderline personality disorder. His emotions are not yours to manage. If he does have bpd just know that this is your life if you stay. It doesn't get better. It escalates more as the relationship goes on


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