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39 thoughts on “BBC&PAWG111 the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I would say make small challanges to her to see if she is willing to match your energy. Dont ask her to 360 her entire life. If you love her but feel you need her to come further. Tell her first, and then use some gentle nudging.

  2. This so all very valid. I’m just wondering what I’m doing wrong cus this has happened two other times before. I mean we met on a dating app, so there was some form of physical attraction. And it’s been like 2 years of off again on again flirting/action, so I’m wondering what trait is holding me back. I know the internet can’t pin point my personality traits, most of I needed to vent type of thing.

  3. What are you supposed to do? Tell him to keep his hands off your girlfriend's butt! If she doesn't want him to do that he must not do it, otherwise it is assault. He is objectifying her, and everyone else he does it to. You actually caused this situation OP, by not listening to your girlfriend and then lying about the reason she left the gathering. Grow a pair and tell your dad he either keeps his hands to himself or he won't be seeing you or your gf any more.

  4. Got it. It still seems like you have a lot of reservations about this relationship. Less than a year with someone and feeling this way are usually a good sign that this may not be a good fit. You can care for someone a lot, and not be a good partner match. Wishing you the best.

  5. Sometimes. It’s not a guarantee. A lot of people are getting vasectomies in the US right now because of abortion laws under the assumption they can get it undone at a later date. They might be able to – but it doesn’t work for everyone, and people need to know that before advocating for them / getting them.

  6. I’m a 65 year old gay man, trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of dick’s. But as a young man in the late ‘70s in the Midwest, we didn’t see many uncut ones. One good friend had moved to the city from a rural area and was truly embarrassed by his uncircumcised member. Reading your post brought back memories of our conversations about his insecurities over it.

    At 23 he finally got the circumcision he had been so desperately wanting. The regret was almost immediate. Back home from the hospital the pain was excruciating, something the infant brain must block out. Healing took months, and it still didn’t look…normal? Worst of all, he said the loss of sensation was terrible, and when fully erect he felt the head was stretched uncomfortably tight.

    There are a lot of negatives that come along with adult circumcision, you really shouldn’t consider physically altering your body over what you perceive to be other’s views of you. Raise your head with pride and work with what you’ve got. As someone who’s worked with plenty of both, you’ve got so much more going for you! ☺️

  7. OP forgot to add that his mother has sextist views and has negative opinions of his wife, judges her because he helps with some chores and they both cook. She isnt outwardly mean, but in a passive aggressive way to make it seem like she is concerned. His wife feels judged by her so I totally get why she was pissed. I'm sure he doesn't defend his wife or tell his mother to respect her. He has been with his wife longer than he has ever spoken to his mother so my guess he is afraid he will lose his mom for defending his wife.

  8. I saw that when I re-read it (someone linked it in another comment). It still sends shivers down my spine….

  9. It sounds like she was disappointed/unhappy with your relationship to begin with. Basically, she already had a foot out the door and now she’s reconsidering the relationship after feeling the excitement of kissing someone else.

    My dude, the relationship is already over. Both of you need to let go.

  10. Due to our industry and the likelihood we will work together again, we do have reason to see each other. I'm not looking for life advice, I'm asking for an interpretation of his statement.

  11. Quite common, like when he got home earlier he asked me what was wrong cause he could tell I was still upset and I just said nothing hoping I’d get over it but he kept pushing and asking what was wrong so I finally said ‘I’m just still upset about what you said last night’ and he just passively went ‘ah ok’ so I left it cause I could tell if I pushed it then it would be an argument, I left it for 10 minutes and it was awkward so I just said ‘you know that just an apology for being insensitive could go a long way’ and he just started shouting back that he wasn’t insensitive and that I’m twisting what he says into something it’s not and that he just asked something anyone else would ask. I’ve been out all day because when I left it was a huge fight with me saying his mind set was creepy and him telling me I should just move out cause he’s had enough.

  12. More than half of marriages end in divorce. Most divorces are filed by women, because they generally check out a year before the husband is informed there is a problem. From a statistical perspective, it makes good sense to make sure that the assets are protected. There are common law instances of precedent that can create an unexpected outcome in the event of divorce.

    Most of all, I don't trust family members. They are happy to sacrifice family relationships for the most bizarre reasons and are seldom happy for other family member's success. I think the SiL is trying to manipulate you for reasons that wouldn't occur to a sane person as the motivation.

  13. Hide her tea. Tell her it's unhealthy to have caffeine so late at night. Especially at her advanced age.

    This is probably why I'm divorced. All the people saying be diplomatic? Fuck that. This would not happen.

    This woman is a god damn psycho.

  14. Finding a third in general would be very hot, but that might actually make it easier? Just specify that’s what you’re looking for.

    Is her being interested in dating a woman work for you? Or is that a dealbreaker?

  15. What is best for the kids?

    I get that it feels good to deny him participation now. But how will it look to your children when he is telling them he wanted to be in their lives but you wouldn’t let him?

    My ex-wife sucked big time and dealing with her wasn’t easy. But my kid grew up and saw she was a bad parent, and she often tells me I’m a good dad who she appreciates. It makes me cry sometimes.

    Your kids will be smart one day and you’ll have to explain why you did things. Make decisions based on that, even if it fucking sucks right now. I promise it’ll pay off.

  16. She's not ready to try. Leave her be. It may have been an awful experience with her last boyfriend and maybe at some point she'll try again or she may decide to be asexual.

  17. Because when I finally found her with her friends I went over to her and them and questioned her where she’s been and why she left me and our group for so long. She didn’t like that I was upset and questioning her about what was going on. One of her friends told me to “leave her alone and she didn’t want to be around me” and me and her friend started arguing. I know I could have just left her and walked away again but I was hurt she did all this to begin with.

  18. So you told him if he is going on holiday he will be single. Sounds like he now can do what he wants with who he wants. Dont give ultimatums unless you are going to enforce them.

  19. If it makes you feel better, it wasn’t you who self-sabotaged your marriage. It’s pretty clear that something was very wrong in your marriage long before you ever said that. As a happily married and monogamous man doesn’t voraciously message everyone he knows looking for a hookup the second his wife indicates she might be okay with it. A respectful husband doesn’t ignore his wife communicating she ISNT okay with it. There were issues in your marriage that perhaps you were aware of or more likely weren’t prepared to actually face, but the marriage was over a LONG time before you ever brought up another woman.

  20. Honestly sounds like homeboy is trying to scam you. No one asks someone they’ve only known for a month for money, certainly not in that amount.

    If you give it, you’ll never get it back and it’s likely he’ll ghost you.

  21. Maybe I am contradicting myself, I'm sorry. And no, especially right now– it isn't okay at all. There still needs to be time for the both of us.

    I just felt as if maybe if she saw that I've changed, maybe she'd have a sense of relief. But from what you say, and the fact it's very hot to really describe, maybe it is wrong. I was hoping to be more selfless and have more wishful thinking, but thinking of this the wrong way is very selfish.

  22. I'm going to be blunt here.

    Your dad is an adult. You are not his parent. You are not his spouse. You are not his owner. You are not his god. You are his daughter. You need to woman up and support your father. It has been 5 years.

    The man has every right to move on with HIS life.

    Oh, and your husband did nothing wrong (at least in hindsight). I suggest you get therapy for yourself.

    (To be honest, I'm hoping to god that this post is fake)

  23. I'm trying to imagine how I would feel if one of my friends slept with my brother, and my reaction would likely be close to M's parents. This is one of those problems that I legitimately need explained to me. Is the step-brother being frozen out too? Why is this any of M's business?

  24. I don't think you overreacted – I would not even have let him get his foot in the door. He'll tell you anything, he'll be nice for a while, but I don't believe for a second that he will never be abusive to you again. It's the cycle of abuse – make nice, love bomb, once you feel secure he starts abusing again.

  25. It's gonna sting for a long time and your brain will keep replaying things. Just takes time. And that time is going to pass whether you work on yourself or not. Might as well come out of all that time with a better body from working out or running (running helps my mind better than anything else, especially with a podcast or audio book), rather than coming out of that 6 months having your mind feel less pain from her but now feeling depressed because of the things you turned to to numb yourself. Be real careful with addictions (games or porn or alcohol or nicotine or whatever), addictions will take down a man worse than any person could. She hurt you and failed you, no reason for you to fail yourself and hurt yourself worse.

    It'll be terrible, it'll be awful, it'll be absolute shit from morning to night…but one day it won't be. And slowly it'll get better, and then it'll explode and get a ton better. If you can work on yourself now when it's very hot, you won't just get rid of the heartbreak faster, but you'll find it so much easier in the future when things are going well. And that's when you'll realize I was telling you the truth.

    Or the other way is you wake up a year from now and realize your addictions to numb heartbreak made you worse and now she isn't even the issue and never hurt you worse than you hurt yourself. I'm not judging, we've all been in one camp or the other at different times in life. I can tell you the first scenario is way better than the second one though.

    Keeping a journal isn't a bad idea. Gives you a place to sound off and write and listen to yourself. It's a habit that will give back to you the rest of your life.

  26. It could be your husband is simply selfish and has lost feelings for you. You are unhappy with him. You are young and can start you life over making better life choices than you have. He doesn't want to show you any love and that's a sign he doesn't really feel any. Take care.


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