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Becca, 41 y.o.


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Becca on-line sex chat

28 thoughts on “Becca the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. So I thought our problems were over after she “claimed” he’s blocked. Well, he’s been texting her on Instagram, text messages, and Snap. We had an argument over it and she said, “I’m sorry. I can’t block him. He was there at my lowest and I need to be there for him when he is at his lowest. It’s only right.” The argument kept going and she told me she just wouldn’t respond to him anymore. Last night, she was being super weird with her phone after another guy friend of hers was telling her how much he liked her and he knows she likes him. I told her that this other guy friend needs to be blocked because I’m not going to deal with it. She was lowkey upset, but decided to do it. She kept ducking her phone until she fell asleep. I decided (I own up to how toxic it is) to check her phone to see if she did block him. She did, but I wanted to make sure he wasn’t on snap, but I didn’t find this other guy friend, I found Don and her still messaging each other while he isn’t friended on Snap. I even told her that if she wants to keep the friendship going with him over texting to just let me know so I’m not blind sided by it and she told me she would if she decided to text him back, but won’t since it makes me uncomfortable. I’m at a lost on what to do now. ??

  2. That would be the wealth gap. Either poverty, or rich enough to not care. A million could solidly secure you middle class if you're smart about it.

  3. I’ll be honest with you; I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a similar post where I felt a need to call out the OP until this. To be fair though, I fully agree you owe him absolutely nothing. You can obviously feel free to ignore the rest.

    But for the sake of providing legitimate advice, in the nicest way possible, you sound like a nightmare. And that word might be an exaggeration so I honestly apologize.

    Let’s just start with the “keep in mind.” The statement was completely irrelevant. It adds nothing to the story nor does it support your argument. It in fact hurts it in the sense that you clearly knew you were wasting your time off the bat.

    To back up, I’m a guy and I’m happily married. I tell you this for two reasons; first, that I actually agree with you that generally speaking the person who asks should be the one who pays. Second, that I’m not here being negative for the sake of being negative. I certainly don’t hate women and I wish you nothing but the best.

    To the date itself, he’s an asshole for not knowing the cost of the restaurant he picked, but also for openly complaining about it. I don’t care who you are. That’s always going be a turn off and it should be.

    I feel like information was left out here, but whatever it was, he said he’d pay. I don’t know if the date was mediocre entirely because of that or not, but it’s honestly crazy to me it was discussed early into the date. That again has me in full support of you.

    To back up, I’m a New Yorker, so I understand your statement on price. As a blanket statement though, that was just fucking shitty (to anyone else reading this).

    He didn’t leave a tip? Yeah, he’s an asshole. I’ll even address this statement to non-Americans; no matter how you feel about tipping culture, that’s the reality, and the guy’s move was shitty in a bigger manner than OP’s feelings (which are reasonable).

    I wouldn’t say it was “polite” to let him walk you home as much as both silly in the sense that you could and should have cut it off then and there, but also that it might have suggested a good date. But whatever. That was a non-issue in the big picture.

    What’s next is absurd. “Unfortunately” he asked you out again? Yeah, no shit. It’s certainly unfortunate, but his view of the date is different than your’s. That’s not your fault at all until this moment. Why was his lack of planning your breaking point? Should have been a no off the bat.

    Either way, his response was completely unacceptable. He obviously further confirmed that you’re dodging a bullet.

    Money wise, like I said, you owe him nothing. Also, it wouldn’t be 120; it’d be 60. But again, you don’t owe him anything. If you went out again, would he be asking? Of course not. Block and ignore across the board. If you ever legitimately fear for your safety, report it to the authorities. Good luck.

  4. Yeah, seems that she is being cheated on every time she is pregnant… Even if it’s not fake you are right that she needs therapy.

  5. Thanks for answering 🙂

    I didn’t add every detail in the original post because then it would have been a lot longer than it currently is. But we did some communication workshops, a premarital workshop and just finished with pre-marital counselling (our therapist went on mat leave, but gave us a great workbook to work through). We also did the PREPARE / ENRICH questionnaire with the therapist and had amazing results (basically saying that we have a great relationship and are on the same page). Every Saturday for like 20 minutes or so we just sit down and tell each other everything the other person did that week that we really appreciate, and anything they did that made us unhappy. This helped us get really comfortable with communicating everything. She also gave us a conflict technique that we tried out and LOVE. It worked really well for us.

    To be clear, although this is mental exhausting for me, I learned that it’s absolutely unfair to burden him with my anxiety. So I tend to now keep my irrational thoughts to myself. Occasionally I will ask him a reassurance, but it’s few and far between now. This is mainly an internal struggle now

  6. I think putting it aside for a month might actually be a good idea. Give her time to clarify her feelings and see if she still feels as strongly about this one couch.

    A suggestion: After a couple weeks, ask her to spend some time looking for the best couch option she can find for, say, $2000 or less. If it weren't possible to spend more than that, what would she get? And after she's found what that would be, ask her to seriously consider whether she thinks the extra happiness she'd get from owning the $4000 couch is truly worth an additional $2000.

    If she can say that yes, it would be worth it to her, consider buying the $4000 couch.

  7. Someone less innocent wouldn’t give a damn what a bartender/men thought.

    You’re not dumb, you’re naive. What you’re looking for is only gained through experience. You’ll pick it up over the years.

  8. 30 and 22 is a bit of a gap, but I’m not entirely ready to draw the line in the sand on this one, so what I will say is tread with caution. It’s good that he’s not pressuring you to do anything you’re not ready for, make sure it stays that way. I think you will put your mom more at ease if you acknowledge her concern and let her know that going forward, you will keep you eyes peeled for any and all red flags and will be honest with your mom about how your relationship is progressive and if he ever does ANYTHING that makes you feel unsure and/or uncomfortable. I’m not saying you’re not an adult and have to tell your mom every single detail about your relationship, but let her be you backup red-flag checker and don’t hide significant things from her. I think that is the best compromise. I know many successful relationships have come from age gaps bigger than this one, but it does put you in a more vulnerable position being younger and less experienced, so take the necessary precautions.

  9. This is a brilliant response thank you for taking the time to write it all out and I agree. A good conversation where he apologizes and understands why o reacted the way I did to his actions is important.

  10. Yeah same, honestly.

    I think if Anne had said “I need a week to process and get my shit together” that would be one thing but this is a lot.

  11. You can’t make some care about you or treat you well.

    You get that in your life by not accepting people that don’t treat you well. So you have the space for the ones that do when you meet them.

    OP. Can I ask you? Would you ever treat him the way he treats you? Why or why not?

  12. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So my girlfriend and I recently got into a fight which tbh, was mostly instigated by her. We have been having these fights for a while now, ever since I have been spending this month away from her, in a different city. Now, she says she is done with me disrespecting her and wants to break up. It was only after I pleaded that she has given me a month to work on myself and show her I have changed. She says that if she notices that I have changed when I meet her a month later, she will take me back. However, until then we will only be talking once weekly and she will be seeing other people and would let me know if she finds feelings for anyone. She has however told me that it would definitely take some time to get over me. However, I think my question is that is this the end of our relationship and I am just making it easier for her to move on and out of my love or is there really some hope. She did mention that getting back with me now would mean that she would let her friends and herself down, which means that her friends would anyway be encouraging her to move on from me.

  13. Value yourself!

    Being alone is better than being with him. It sounds like he brings absolutely nothing to the relationship. You’re better off without him

  14. Ok. This is how I would handle it. This guy is very disrespectful to you and your relationship. I would sit my GF down and explain to her that under no circumstances you will allow her to hang with them. It's done. It's not about control it's about respect. If your GF won't cut them off then that means she's interested right back. You should start telling the husband that he should divorce and get a real wife. See how he likes it.

  15. Is this family… normal?

    Obviously not, but what other things stand out to you? Are they lower income? Can they not afford to live! separately?

    If not, who would you want to date/marry into financial strife?

  16. Yeah. We’ve talked about this in counseling…Me wanting quality time and shared experiences, particularly as my full time career winds down…but her lack of availability, emotionally or otherwise due to her overnight shifts as a nurse…then finding out she’s spending time with other people. I honestly don’t think she’s having a physical affair, but she’s crushing me emotionally with her naivety and disinterest in what matters to me. This could have different with a simple conversation


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