My 22F girlfriend of 3 years made me 26M chose between her and my dying dog, she broke up over text. Did i communicate and choose right?
Long story short: My girlfriend had to get her tonsils removed because of tonsil stones and tonsil pain.My dog (8 years old) got diagnosed with a really bad case of cushing and diabetes, a few days before her surgery. The vet didn't know how long my pup will on-line, and had already severe cataracts in a matter of days.
Politely asked her to reschedule her surgery for just a week so we can see if my dog will make it (she had rescheduled before, when the surgeon had too many ER operations that day), she refused and said: “My life is worth more than a dog” and “my life schedule is different than your dog”. I told her that i cannot be at her surgery and that i have to monitor my dog. Guess what? She also wasn't at the vet's when Milo was diagnosed.
Few hours before the surgery she calls me crying that she is sitting in the bathroom scared and keeps asking why i'm choosing my dying dog over her and that i'm a bad person, which i reply with that i'd be there for her if she would reschedule the operation so that we are sure about Milo's condition (Milo is my dog). She still screams while crying and blames me for choosing my dog over her and that her parents are very angry at me for choosing my dog over their daughter and not coming to her surgery.
Her operation is successful and her parents won't even call me after the surgery to let me know if everything is alright. She messages me that night (after shes home) that shes ok (after i called 9000 times) and that i should leave her alone.
Meanwhile Milo's condition got worse, he lost 50% of his hair, went fully blind in both eyes and whatever i do, his insulin injections won't work cause of the Cushing treatment. The vet said that i should be prepared to put him down if things go worse than this.
New years eve comes around, she sends me a ultimatum message that i should leave my sick dog at home at my mothers, and be with her at her parents house so that her parents 'forgive' me for choosing my dog over her surgery. If i don't she will break up and block me (over text).
I refused, and here i am having no regrets. She has blocked me (4 days now) on all social media. I do feel awful, being put in such position after giving her the world. Did i communicate right by asking her to reschedule her surgery?
UPDATE: for the assholes that keep saying that i should put my dog down: after new years his blood sugar is now under control with the right dosis, and feels like his old self even though being blind. As i said earlier, i have no regrets; because if i didn't check his blood every 4-6 hours and get the right dosis it would have been fatal. This is a relationship post, not you giving me advice what to do with my pup.