My (26M) girlfriend (33F) is angry at me for only taking one of her daughters shopping. How do I fix things?

I've been with my girlfriend for just over a year but we've known each other for about three years (we have mutual friends). She has three daughters – 10,13 and 14. The oldest daughter has a different dad than the younger two. While the younger daughters dad has contact with them and takes them every other weekend the oldest daughter's dad hasn't been in her life since she was born.

She and her daughters moved in with me after 3 months together. Which I know might seem like it was too soon but her housing situation wasn't great (she was living with a friend from work). I don't have any kids of my own so I don't really know how to be a parent but I've always tried my best to support my girlfriend in her parenting decisions.

Two days ago I finished work early so I picked the girls up from school, they usually take the bus but I called my girlfriend after I finished work and she asked me to pick them up. When we got home I heated up dinner for them and afterwards I asked them if they wanted to go shopping with me and grab some pizza afterwards. The youngest two didn't want to go, their friend was coming over so they decided to stay but the oldest daughter wanted to come with me. So I took her to the mall, bought her some clothes, a new phone case and some other small things. Afterwards we went to grab a pizza.

After the pizza I wanted to drop her off at home (my girlfriend was already back from work by then) as I needed to go to a rental property of mine to fix a few things but she said she wanted to go with me. So we did. She spent most of the time on her phone and she tried on some of the clothes she bought and showed me. We came home around 9pm and that's when the fight broke out.

My girlfriend was really angry at me for only taking the oldest daughter and not her other two. So I explained the situation about their friend coming over and that they didn't want to go with me. But she claimed I was favouring the oldest daughter which isn't true as I wanted to take all three of them. We had a huge fight about it, it was our first serious fight. The oldest daughter stepped in my defence but that didn't help. Since then my girlfriend has been cold to me. I offered to take all the girls together another time but she said she doesn't want my pity. And I don't really know how to fix things between us.

TLDR: My girlfriend is angry at me because I only took one of her daughters shopping as the other ones wanted to stay in with their friend

I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors, English isn't my first language.


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