My (27M) girlfriend (24F) brought home a puppy when I told her not to.

My girlfriend brought a puppy hope today after telling me only two days ago she was going to. I genuinely thought she was joking, as our dog just turned 1 that we raised as a puppy last year. We both work a lot and certainly don’t have enough time for two dogs. Fortunately my parents are both retired and watch our dog whenever we need them to. They will not watch a second dog, nor would I ask them to take on the responsibility of watching two dogs, let alone a puppy. I specifically told her do not bring another dog into our home and she did anyways. I am seething angry. We’ve been together for 5 years and have been living together for 1 years. I am trying to not overreact so I’m gonna sit on this for a day or two but is this break up worthy? I feel disrespected and overwhelmed.

Edit. Used betrayed instead of disrespected


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