My (32M) GF (29F) attacked me in my sleep.

So my girlfriend had a surgery and i took care of her all day. I timed her meds, bought food (oral surgery), swapped ice packs, made mashed potatoes, etc. Until she fell asleep.

She woke me up the next day with a f***ing spray bottle (at 7am because i “wasnt taking care of her”). I told her it was disrespectful and a psychotic thing to do – and she started attacking me physically.

She has done this a couple times before but never to this degree. She was throwing fists, and anything else she could grab – including glass bottles. I let things calm down, gathered my valuables, and left..

I was wondering if anyone has a relationship that survived something like this? I've half made up my mind that we are absolutely done and its time to figure out our lease etc.

Has anyone else gone through this and how are you now? Im really looking for affirmation that breaking up is the right thing. I feel terrible even though she acted like a complete pos.


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