Why does my (40/f) boyfriend (50/m) act funny in stores and shops and how do I get him to knock it off?

Every time we go shopping he acts so weird! Here are some examples:

He will whisper in stores, but whenever I talk to him in a normal voice, he keeps saying “What?” and I keep having to repeat myself and raise my voice in order for him to hear me.

He will stand there and watch me shop. He won’t browse for or pick out anything for himself. He just follows me around and watches me while I browse and shop. If I attempt to follow him, he won’t move, he’ll just stand there and say “I’m following you.”

He acts annoyed whenever I pick something out. Even if I’m spending my own money. Once I put a three dollar hair clip on the checkout stand and he made a face and said “really?” And I was like what is the problem? It’s a three dollar hair clip, I need a clip and it’s my money. And he was like “I’m just surprised you would get that.” And I was like why? I have lots of hair. I need a clip. What is the problem? And he said nothing there’s no problem. But the vibe said otherwise.

He will be very nice to the checkout person if they are young and attractive, otherwise he won’t make conversation with them and will ignore their questions and will claim it’s because he has trouble hearing them. But he never has this problem when the cashier looks like Jennifer Aniston.

He has no opinions in the store. If I ask him if he wants the regular or spicy bbq sauce, he won’t answer. First he’ll act like he can’t hear me, then after we do the me raising my voice and him recoiling dance, he’ll shrug his shoulders and whisper “Whichever you like..,” very meekly. It’s bizarre. If I ask him at home he’ll say clearly in a normal voice “I prefer the non-spicy,” but in the store he acts like Mr. Meek with zero opinions or preferences. It’s only in the store that he acts this way.

He wears a resting bitch face the whole time in the store.

He acts like he’s doing me a favor by going shopping with me.

He won’t carry on a conversation with me in the store either. If I try to tell him about my day he’ll just act annoyed like he’s not really listening and like I’m stressing him out by talking.

I often get compliments from other women on my outfits and he makes a grimace face when this happens.

He acts completely nice, normal and speaks normally at home and in the car.

What is going on? He denies that he acts any differently in stores. Why is he doing this and how do I get him to stop? Would there be a way for me to convince him to talk and act like a normal adult while he’s in stores? Or do I just refuse to go shopping with him anymore?


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