Briannalorens on-line sex chats for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Briannalorens on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You have several options:

    1) Give in and get the abortion. Hate yourself. Resent your wife.

    2) Give up the baby after it is born; see if you can find a nice family for them through an agency. A lot of people want newborns. Downside: you'd probably end up resenting your wife still. Also, no baby.

    3) Keep your child, leave your wife. Find a job before leaving. Look for other sorts of help; in my state there is quite a lot of it for single/pregnant mothers (including medical bill help). You can also reach out to your church for help/have them point you to programs. According to your comments, you will get 15,000$ in the divorce. Budgeted well, that can last you some time or be used for a down payment on a small house. Your life style will take a downturn. But you will have your child.

    No matter what, you're going to be losing something that greatly matters to you. There is no perfect, you win completely situation.

    IMO, the ultimatum your wife is giving you (without willingness to discuss any alternatives/compromises) is disgusting. I wouldn't stay with someone who wasn't at least willing to discuss this in therapy/be open to a conversation about it.

    I don't do great with “my way or the highway mentality” though.

  2. u/Ill_Orange_9054, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. At a rave, where everyone is wearing similar stuff, it’s more of a costume for fun. Wearing stuff specifically for you has a lot more pressure attached to it, because it’s just her, standing there, trying to be sexy for you.

  4. Emotional reactions are automatic physical responses to stimuli. You’re right in that we don’t have control over those reactions. But, you’re confusing an emotional reaction with emotionally reactive behavior. We do have control in how we behave, and in fact, it’s the ONLY thing we have actual control over. If I am experiencing an emotional reaction (feeling sick to my stomach, shaking, turning red, etc), that reaction is informed by many variables- past experiences, trauma, mood, exhaustion, etc. and therefore, by nature, irrational. It is then our responsibility to interpret that reaction and identify the feelings/needs attached, and then apply logic/reason/compassion in our behavioral response. Having a strong negative emotional reaction to an event/stimulus is not an justification for behaving in a way that harms others. Any emotional reaction experienced by an individual is outside their control and valid, and also our behavior- as long as we aren’t detached from a shared reality- is fully within our control. When we perceive our emotional reactions as rational without consideration to the very individual experiences informing them, we run the risk of believing our emotionally reactive behavior is rational- when it demonstrably not. When someone’s actions are objectively harmful to another person they are making a choice, and suggesting we don’t have control over how we behave towards someone else in emotionally charged circumstances enables abuse.

  5. Hey sweetie. Okay. I don’t think your partner is controlling but he definitely has issues. Insecurities and jealousy. That’s not a terrible thing because you seem to have a relationship that you value. First, I would ask if you can bring him. If not, I talk to him. If you’re okay not going if it troubles him, then don’t go. This is really quite simple. I would probably tell him about the trip and that you’re seeing if it’s okay to bring SO. Otherwise you are making plans behind his back. Feels a bit dishonest. Hopefully he’ll come with and you’ll have a great time. I wouldn’t really blame him for not wanting you to go if he can’t. Why exclude SO’s? Hope it works out.

  6. Yes you did. You already said that “in your country” boys go to college (and look after their parents) and girls get married and pop out babies for another man’s bloodline. Ergo, she’s not really “yours” anymore, but her husband.

    Accept that even for an EOW (or whatever the abbreviation is), you were an extra crappy parent. Because you’re an extra crappy person.

  7. Have you thought about the fact that she could have been embarrassed by her reaction which led to her crying? I cry over everything. I don’t think this is a sign she still loves her ex

  8. I will admit my family has issues but we aren’t crazy. My dad was only trying to have fun with him, it wasn’t the first time he met him either what is crazier is him trying to fight my dad. Did you not read the text he sent? He literally said he and my sister might die together in flames, if I were my mom I would want to get my daughter out of that situation even if lying to her was the only way to get her out. As for me and my mom’s relationship, I was a had teenager attitudes towards my parents a long time ago, I have a much better relationship with her now and would never disrespect her. My family does have issues, but my family has never been abusive, or manipulative, or crazy.

    But Shawn is definitely pushed it over the edge, we had to walk on pins and needles every time we are around him. Not only that but has threatens violence towards me and my family.

  9. You can’t figure out who you are while working full time? You don’t have to go out and start your career tomorrow but it’s understandable that she doesn’t know if she sees a future with you if you can’t even work full time hours.

    Sure you’re figuring yourself out, but in what ways are you actually doing that? Time to stop with the excuses

  10. Force her to have the conversation, make changes, see a counselor, or force her out. Why do you need validation, quit being a poon and make a stand. She moping and needs to either learn to swim or be let go and drown.

  11. It’s one thing for them to make a suggestion, but entirely another to pressure you after the fact.

    Stay strong and do what is right for you!!

  12. Tell your boyfriend what you need from him in regards to how his sister treats you, and if he can't or won't provide it, then find someone who will.

    Then you have your answer. He's not the one.

    But stop stooping to people's level of shitty behaviour. Just refuse to do that shit in the future, it's not okay just because someone else did it first. You can't preach that you want to be treated better than how someone treats you, if you're willing to treat them the exact same way in return.

  13. You're 4 weeks in. You're not in love. Also self deprecated behavior on your part is a redflag. He's 18. 18 year old teens tend to be immature and self absorbed.


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