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30 thoughts on “Callmemommy the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I'm truly not sure how he justifies his actions with me but I'd be very interested to know considering he made a big deal out of it. Typical Christian bible cherry picking.

  2. Do you make a lot of saliva? To a drier-mouthed person, it can be a turn-off to notice yourself swallowing someone else's spit (sorry, bit graphic).

  3. It’s very concerning that he’s making a good attribute of yours into something negative. And talking about your need for validation… is he trying to give you a complex??

    It’s giving emotional/ mental abuse vibes.

  4. Don’t let your dick confuse you between work friendship and romance. Your coworker is seeing a work friendship, your dick is making it into wanting more than that at the expense of your real relationship. The grass is always greener. As soon as you got with the coworker (assuming she would reciprocate) you’ll want something else. This is the nature of desire. It always wanes. You need to find inside of you what you feel you lack.

  5. Then your issues are the problem here. You are insecure and mistrusting which probably means either you have unresolved issues or this relationship isn't healthy…either way get therapy and be single until you figure things out.

  6. Tell your boss what happened if you are able to. If he is a good chef, he will try to assist you. If not, well, you at least know that then.

  7. I feel like you did the right thing by not wanting to hang with someone who's gonna start a fight with you and bring down your day, but at the same time you don't wanna hurt her feelings. My advice would be to talk to her about it and see where she's coming from. Maybe she's had a rough day and was just taking it out on you, or maybe she's feeling insecure about something and that's why she's acting up. Whatever it is, communication is key bro. And if she can't handle a mature conversation without starting a fight, then maybe it's best to just leave it be and move on.

  8. Hun you are a little bit nuts for still putting up with him. You can do soooo much better. If you’ve been together 7 years then he’s probably one of your first/your first relationship so you might have a skewed view of what a good relationship looks like. This isn’t it! Dump him. In ten years you will look back on this and roll your eyes at yourself for putting up with his shit for so long.

  9. Bruh, the last time I worked at a restaurant there was a line cook that was always super up for bringing out the trash. He was able to smoke crack by the dumpster easier.

  10. Yea. You need divorce. She’s abusive. She’s freaking spitting on you. How can you be with someone who treats you like this. On the other hand you think threatening physical violence is a mature way to solve issues. You both need individual help. You’re not ready for a relationship.

  11. My kids have my last name. I'm not with their dad and it has absolutely no bearing in whether or not a court would see him as an active parent, because he is in fact an active parent

  12. He obviously knew about this. The way shed react I mean. He deffo should have told her or yanno, not left you alone in his house that he shares with a bunch of people.

  13. This thread is nuts. OP is not insecure and it is completely normal in the real world to reserve this level of closeness for a significant other when in a relationship. Showing appropriate levels of affection is acceptable regardless of gender and orientation, but it is very different than crossing into unacceptably intimate territory which also has nothing to do with gender and orientation.

  14. He is cheating. Please go speak to the best divorce lawyer you can afford. Find out your rights and divorce him. He is a lying cheat. You deserve better.

  15. Your daughter is 100% correct.

    Also, as long as you are talking to her every night then you aren't really seeing who else is out there that is actually available and actually interested in dating you.

    I'd go so far as to guess you might be in love with her because she's not available & it is a convenient way for you to feel like you have somebody while not risking a real relationship.

    Go really date some women who want to be dating and are officially single.

  16. Ask him to explain how his trips without you are okay, but yours would be “sneaky.”

    And then give him two options- either you both take trips on your own, or neither of you do.

    And then, go on your trips and just start saying no to him.

  17. It doesn't sound so much like your issue with him is that he is a virgin, but rather that his views on sex in a relationship are putting a lot of pressure on you.

    If you like him as much as you say, talk to him about this. Tell him that you like him, and that you want to have a sexual relationship with him, but that his views on sex only being for the “perfect relationship” is too much pressure and you aren't comfortable with it.

    It may help if he's able to talk through things with you and hear your side. And ultimately, it may lead to a breakup if he needs some kind of guarantee that you'll be together forever if you sleep together.

  18. You’ve been with your gf for SIX years, this is her bff and she’s in the wedding and you two would’ve known about this for MONTHS in advance. This is extremely important to your gf which should mean it is important to you! If you have her the idea you would be there with her, than you shouldn’t let her down. She is your gf and she should be able to rely on your word, no? I’d be mega pissed if you were my bf and i wouldn’t personally get over this. The invite for your friends wedding came with only one months notice – weird. If you live! in the same city, why did you book a room? I’m confused. In any case- yoy two are not single. You should be able to go to weddings as a COUPLE, especially important ones like you know a best friend of one of you?! All these people saying to do your own thing- I can’t believe it. While it may make logical sense , it means this relarionship is pure dog shit. And yes OP you messed up

  19. Girl, when I was your age I did the same mental gymnastics to excuse this sort of creepy behavior. They ALWAYS fucking know.

    And also – it frankly does NOT matter if they are “innocent” – if their behavior makes you uncomfortable your emotions are valid. Period. Don’t ever let a man make you feel like you’re being overly sensitive over this kind of shit.

  20. I’ll try to learn it as much as I can. I haven’t been able to do stuff for myself for a while now. Depression has been kicking me in the butt

  21. I think a lot of people got together for the wrong reason like many people get married because they love the idea of marriage. People are complex and to be sure they will not hurt other person they must be honest to each other and with others persons concerned in the situation.

  22. Wow, people on Reddit have very different views to the people in my real life. I completely disagree with you

  23. Sorry, but someone with abandonment issues and insecurities will never prosper in an open relationship.

    Face reality, he isn't happy with you and is looking for fulfillment elsewhere. Save yourself the heartache and get out, don't give him permission to fuck anything that moves.


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