CathyRay on-line sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “CathyRay on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. that chapter is absolutely concluded. I cant think of a single reason how revisiting things with that ex would end well. in addition to him having broken my trust in a very severe way, there were a lot of other issues that wouldn't be resolved even if it wasn't for the disloyalty. some very prominent incompatibilities, issues getting along with my family and friends, lack of ambition, etc. He has tried to get back with me since i broke up with him multiple times and apologized and told me he still loves me and always will. I dont think he's a bad person and actually feel bad so i have turned him down in the kindest way possible and let him know, although i care about him and dont harbor resentment, that chapter is closed. I see him somewhat regularly because we are in similar circles so Im happy being cordial. i really do wish him the best always

  2. Ask him to go down on you daily and you'll see how it's not normal at all because there's no way he will do the same for you.

  3. Like others said, sounds like he was a 2x one night stand she had during a down period with the terrible dude number 1. He probably is just forgotten.. especially if he was a rebound, or a test to see if she could do causal. Like I forget people I dated in my 20s in as little as a year, especially if we never got to the “steady” stage of going on dates.. and some are truly just remembered by the “No” moment. Like I really only remember one person as the I think using hand towels are disgusting, and Blue moon is too expensive for my beer tastes, dude.

  4. Looking at your post history you need therapy not surgeries… Maybe consider pushing those a bit into the future and talk to a professional, you sound extremely insecure and like you might have body dysmorphia

  5. I also accept that maybe it’s just me taking things too personally.

    I am leaning towards this.

    Its completely reasonable for a couple to establish the rule of +1 being significant others only… A lot of people don't want strangers at their wedding. That is completely valid.

    Not sure what other accommodations you're looking for.

    Obviously them tagging you as the loose cannon alcoholic, that shit sucks and is insulting. Should be discussed… but hey, if that is her perception of you, why not take advantage of that and prove her wrong?

    Beyond that… what special treatment do you want?

    How conflicted I am about the bachelor party being in Nashville, with all the transphobic activity going on

    Are you actually expecting for them to change the location of the bachelor party to suit you?

  6. Hmm, well you can’t make him more motivated. That comes from within. However you can be a good influence and say “I’m going to study every day from x time to x time you’re welcome to join” but other than that I’d just focus on your grades.

  7. Well would you date an 18 year old given that you are younger than 30, aka the age he was when dating her? Mentally picture what that would be like. He did that for three years.

  8. So if you don’t want to tell him you have to come up with a way to get him to prove what he’s saying. When he said the room was $800 why didn’t you show him the website saying it was $250? If you’re planning on moving into together ask him to show you his direct deposit so you can figure out how to split bills. I don’t know what you make if he’s saying he makes $150k and you hypothetically make $60k he’s going to have to pay more because he makes more (if you’re basing it on income) He MUST show you, not tell you or you aren’t moving forward. If he brings up trust tell him it’s not about trust, you want to run the numbers to ensure it’s fair.

  9. IMO you're going to have to be adamant about talking to her, maybe get her in a car ride or in a public place so that she will HAVE to listen and then proceed to tell her that you want her there but not her bf, if she gets pissed and says then she wont be there either than so be it, this is YOUR day and YOU get to choose who can come and who cannot and no one else, period.

  10. You do need to get over that. It's not personal. If he couldn't eat the spicy food you like to make because he had X disease, would that have anything to do with you? No, it wouldn't. None of this is about you.

    This is a medical/health issue, and you BOTH need to see it that way.

  11. In my experience (29F), it is nearly impossible to sleep with someone and not catch feelings. It's natural that when you give someone your sexual energy, you get drawn more and more to them. You're young. I would break things off and take it as a lesson. Never sleep with a girl who has a boyfriend. It is rare that they will ever break up with the boyfriend for you, and even if they do, they may cheat on you with their next one. It's not anything against her, but she clearly does not have strong morals to have sex with you and then say, oh I still want to marry this other guy. To her, you are just someone concenient while she is away from her man.

  12. So by your logic…

    If you have a spouse, you have children, you have a mortgage, and you don't have the financial resources to easily absorb a catastrophe like divorce… but if you have suspicions, you should just walk away rather than investigate?



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