Cattleya-eyes online sex chats for YOU!

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42 thoughts on “Cattleya-eyes online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Are we all gonna breeze over the fact that she went through his phone without asking?

    Your gf has trust issues that won't go away by cutting off this coworker. She's 28, acting like a highschooler. That's the real problem.

    Tell her you won't cut off the coworker because there's nothing inappropriate about your relationship with her and she needs to learn how to handle her insecurities without making unreasonable demands. Also tell her that for her sake you'll be wary about the coworker and if she shows any real signs of being interested in you then you'll distance yourself from her.

  2. You can have him charged for assault where I live in Canada. This one lady got this daycare worker charged with a hate crime and filed a human rights complaint as well bc a child’s hair was cut bc the provider thought short hair is better for boys in a native boys hair ?. Anyway OP. Drop this sociopath

  3. She was looking to rent, not buy. You’re better off without this drama.

    Her actions are a direct indication on why she is still single with a kid

  4. Goodness, you've given your opinion. Move on and let others give theirs. You're really all over this thread and seem super invested in OP breaking up with his girl and because of that I have to wonder why and what issues you may have concerning women. Otherwise I have no idea why you can't just leave your advice and move on like everyone else.

  5. This person with trauma in their past opened up to the one person on this planet that they trust…and you laughed in his face

    You didn't stop for a second to look at his body language to see if it was a joke.

    You just started laughing

    If you want to salvage this friendship, the first thing you need to do is delete this post.

    You just shared something very private with the entire world…and it was not a secret for you to share

  6. Lol that's one of the biggest things for me, aside from the creepy factor, is what does anyone in college or older possibly have in common with someone in high school? It just doesn't make sense to me

  7. Yes it will be considered weird & even suspect to ur gf.

    That's like if ur gf had ur brother on snapchat but didn't tell u a thing.

    Some thoughts would go thru ur mind too I'm sure.

  8. My thought was he probably did send it to sister on accident but it was meant for someone other than OP

  9. Project all you want bud. The guy’s an asshole. He doesn’t have to give up his relationship with his brother, but his girlfriend HAS to know, or else he’s just as bad.

  10. Therapy takes a lot of naked work and a lot of time.

    Stick with it. You're better off with therapy and without her.

  11. Go enjoy your career.

    If he is mad, he can get happy in the pants he got mad in. Is your child very young? I’m assuming no? I just saw you say he is teenaged!

    If he wants a divorce, oh well.

    Has he ever been this ridiculous about anything else?

  12. I'll be fine, trust me. I don't let my work relationships turn into crushes in the first place. And I certainly could handle those intrusive thoughts if they did and not needlessly burden my wife with them.

    But thanks for the concern.

    SMH ??‍♂️

  13. You’re not going back on your word. Your feelings changed and you have every right to change your mind.

    If you’re not comfortable with him having sex with other women, make your feelings known. If he commits to you and only you, then that should solve everything. If he says he wants to keep sleeping with other women while keeping you around, then you two just aren’t compatible and should go your separate ways.

    You can’t force him to stop, but you can remove yourself from the relationship and find someone you’re more compatible with.

  14. Funny how the goalposts move. First she was cheating. Now you’re admitting he just assume so and she went along with him deciding it was inappropriate.

    He didn’t say “I want a paternity test” he said “the kid isn’t mine”. So he got his wish.

    Dumping someone is unrelated to finding out you impregnated someone and just saying “they’re not mine “. He had no obligation to re-enter the relationship, in fact, it’s good he didn’t because she clearly deserved better than him and was capable of finding it. But to immediately deny the kids instead of asking for paternity test and showing that he would be there if they were his? That’s bullshit.

    You’re big mad that this dude got exactly what he said, huh? He said they weren’t his. So she went with what he said. What the hell did he expect?

  15. You did the right thing. This guy doesn’t respect any boundaries & would have found an excuse for continued bad behavior if you had confronted him.

  16. Its his kink.

    Explain you do not like it and don't wish to explore it further. If he says no, find a new bf.

    He should find someone who is into is kink, t You will both be happier

  17. Just that the guys she likes have qualities that I dont possess, tall, good face, nicer hair etc

  18. You weren’t just talking to her, you gave the woman your phone number. If you can’t handle yourself drunk to the point where you forget to tell someone you gave your number to in a setting where people hook up that you are in a relationship, then maybe you shouldn’t be drinking and giving out your phone number to random women.

  19. Idk if this would actually work but try to romance her maybe?? WITHOUT making it sexual. When my bf does something cute/romantic for me i get sooooo into him. Not that I’m ever not into him (i could do it everyday if he could lol) but it makes me want him right there lol

    Just try it out! Maybe get her some flowers and actually plan a whole day out for her.

  20. This still hurts every time I read it or hear it. But I get it. I’m just thinking with my heart not my head 🙁

  21. There is zero reason to be angry over your question. Zero.

    Stomping off to shut down snot conversation is controlling and jerky behavior.

    Calling you crazy? Very bad behavior

    DO NOT get a place with him

    From where I sit, it’s the strikes he’s out.

    My money is he’s on tinder and lying to you

    None of his behavior can be defended

  22. Holy gaslighting, Batman!

    But in all seriousness, this behavior from him is a HUGE red flag ?. I would cut and run if I were you OP. This sounds like it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

  23. You don't deserve that man if we're being honest. He should have left you and stayed gone. Count your blessings.


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