Celeste Lincon live! webcams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Celeste Lincon live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Seriously you think you can solve this? How many more signs to you need to see that your dating a selfish inconsiderate sexiest pig only concerned about getting himself off and what he wants. You can talk till your blue but the pig is not going to change what he doesn't see as wrong.

  2. There's of course a chance she's had it for years…but if it was me I don't think I could ever not wonder, let alone risk looking past it and end up catching a life-long disease.

    It boils down if you can move past it and never let it effect your relationship if you end up together long term.

    At 5months though, dont think anyone would blame you to just bail and not risk it

  3. If your “no” is followed by him pushing himself on you, that is rape.

    If your “no” is a soft no and you proceed with sex out of a sense of obligation, seek out therapy and work on boundaries. Giving into things you don't want to do out of a sense of obligation or guilt is a weakness that has major consequences.

    Both scenarios are bad, one is worse. Either way, is this guy really husband material? Someone who at best doesn't respect your wellbeing or care about your pleasure?

  4. Dude. Duuuuuude.

    Let's try to summarize, shall we? So, this person consistently lied to your face and hid things from you, fully misrepresented themselves and their intentions, planned and nearly executed a scenario in which she not only cheats on you, but does so on video and for profit, and you want to know if it's salvageable.

    I'm sorry but…. Are you for real right now?

    I mean, I guess you could sacrifice whatever remaining self respect you have to play back burner bf to a porn star, if that's your jam. But really bro? REALLY?!

    Come on my dude. Is that really what you want?

  5. 1) you really need to move out 2) put yourself in his shoes. Are you ever going to want to know about your ex’s sex life? Would you want to know about it now, two months after y’all ended a 5 year relationship that sounded mostly sexless and romanceless? Maybe he’s sad because he couldn’t give you what you wanted, or the two of you couldn’t give each other what you wanted. Maybe he regrets the breakup bc he was reminded of the better times in y’all’s relationship. Maybe he’s just jealous. There could be a whole bunch of reasons he’s upset—he’s an ex and you don’t need to know—but it’s why 99% of people don’t call up an ex to talk about their planned ONS. It’s obviously going to bring up some feelings for at least one if not both of you 3) if you move out, you won’t have to think about whether or not your ex cares that you’ve moved on—and you shouldn’t. You don’t need his permission to live! your own life, but your living situation makes it so the two of you are still super entwined. It’s really unhealthy and I hope you’re planning on moving out soon

  6. I'm not sure yet. I feel like that's a very nude thing to call. I know I can't be lenient about it though.

  7. Ok so I used to be like this, sex made me feel attractive and as sad as it is, I felt sexy and wanted. I was a hoe (I am now but I know better now lol) and confused that high from from being 'wanted' for actual feelings on both sides. (Probably also because I had undiagnosed BPD at the time too)

    I'm now 32 and as I said I'm a hoe now but I know my worth and attractiveness isn't based on how many men want to sleep with me and that I'm enough on my own and the right person will see it.

    It took therapy and a nude life lesson to get to the point where I can now hoe about and not get hurt everytime. Unfortunately it took me loosing everyone in my life for me to get the help I needed

  8. Maybe she's joking, maybe she's not, it's best you clear the air and let your fiance know that it bothers you, maybe talk to your MIL directly. This kind of toxic behaviour from MILs is not unheard of where I'm from so I understand your dilemma.

  9. Regardless of relationship, the mother of his child is someone he should have a picture or two of. If for no other reason than for his children. Whether he likes it or not he has a relationship with her of some type for life. What she does is on her. Life isn't tit for tat. You do what's right for your kids, not yourself, and not based on what others do, if you're a decent person. You don't live! your life waiting to see what others do so you can match them. She could be a total piece but it doesn't matter, she's still their mom.

  10. Oof. Given you're working nude at losing weight, and making good progress in a healthy way, that's a kick in the guts.

  11. There is no money involved, and the only thing to fix her mental health is to get her cat back quickly and get rid of her husband

  12. This is completely crazy. First of all, entitlement much?! Rejecting people's offerings of love to your wife is completely out of line. If I were your fiance, I would definitely be reconsidering whether this was going to work for me or not. It is completely appropriate to put on the announcement that a person's presence is truly the gift, and gifts are not needed. It is, however, not just about you. If you go the charity route, which I think is still presumptuous, then your fiance needs to pick the charity. And you have to accept that some people are going to love your fiance in a way that you don't particularly like, and it is not all about you. She is allowed to accept the love of her family however she wishes to do so.

  13. oh gosh! he sound like a miser but clueless too!

    I think you both need to sit down & talk about what can & cannot do & especially spoken of. He runs his mouth without thinking.

    (I really wanted you to do revenge by telling him the same thing – cannot do this, that's unnecessary gift etc but refrained as he seems to be a bit socially inept ? – like a gift for a friends its a great gestures but he think otherwise ? etc)

    besides therapy (gosh! you guys are too newly married to even do it) maybe have a households account for house bills groceries etc & you put aside your own fun money say $250 for starbucks, gifts etc. tell him to do the same & none of you can comment on it.

    maybe that will makes everyone happy & not hurting by running mouths commenting.

  14. Stop comparing your fiance to you ex, for anything. Us women tend to be very different from each other sexually. What works for me doesn't work for so many other women, and your fiance is the same way.

    It sounds like she's willing to meet you halfway to satisfy your sexual cravings. You need to do the same for her without all these questions.

    The only thing I really find odd is the casual conversation. That can definitely kill the mood and is worth bringing up in an open and honest conversation. Obviously, this should happen at a time when you're not having sex or even involved in foreplay or aftercare. Also, make sure you don't use an accusatory tone. I would also suggest you encourage her to play on her own more to learn what she likes. For alit of us, our sex drive increases the more we use it.

  15. They aren't really partnered yet though. At 1 year they are still 'dating', so it would be awkward and almost inappropriate to divide based on income as a % (as opposed to a more rough but reasonable number that means they don't have to exchange salary contract information).

    OP, I think your offer of $1500 sounds reasonable and fair. Maybe further down the line if your relationship becomes more serious you could re-evaluate.

  16. A death from the air is a royal pain in the butt. Getting your dragon back, finding your gear.. UFFFF!

    Look, she has got to understand, gaming is a hobby. All hobbies are okay. Maybe next time you talk to her about this topic, propose a scenario of you being just as disrespectful toward her hobby (if she has one). See how she feels about it. If she has empathy and respect for you, she will back off and leave you to it. If she lacks those qualities, then she will scoff it off and disregard it. If she does the later, I’d seriously reconsider that relationship. Because if she manages to get you to drop your hobby to make her happy, you will resent her for it. I’ve had a lot of gaming buddies give up gaming as their hobby to make their girlfriends get off their backs, and it just steamrolled into other issues nonstop. Everyone needs a hobby, their special me-time, and people should respect that. It’s a recipe for disaster otherwise.

    Source: lady gamer of three decades & I’ve seen some shit.

  17. Just curious what could the police do? Is it immoral and gross? Of course, but given it’s not mentioned she’s underage it’s not technically illegal. Not defending the guy just pointing that out.


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